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Everything posted by Noodles

  1. Agreed. Ulrich and Lambo get some stick but they are reliable & out the club first
  2. I'd have to get out my current contract first. I can't really see my employer being happy if I told them I wouldn't be in tomorrow as I'm going to work for someone else for a few days as they will pay more, but I'll be back next week. I doubt even more they will give me their blessing.
  3. Agree. I don't ever want to see Holder ride for Panthers again.
  4. Chris Holder got banned from all British leagues for missing 2 rides for Lynn. I think missing an entire BSPA event might attract a similar punishment. I merely asked who James was, it was Rob who responded with the unnecessary English lesson & subsequent tirade.
  5. I hope he's getting paid well because it's not just one match he'll miss - the resulting 28 day ban will mean a lot of missed matches for Poole & Peterborough
  6. Do you normally react like this when you make a mistake? It's a bit over the top.
  7. There are photos of him in Poland It would be for the injured Greg Hancock
  8. It's a BSPA event he is sticking two fingers up at so surely the BSPA would like to be compensated to - only fair as people like me now won't be going?
  9. Seems dangerous to me. The SWC used to have 5 rider races and it was scrapped.
  10. I don't think Ed Sheeran would be too pleased if it's that weekend
  11. We'll want him on a 3 next year though won't we?
  12. Why does he need a track & a microphone - surely if he has something important to say he could just announce it via the media?
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