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About spittalbandit

  • Birthday October 20

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    spittal berwick
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    berwick bandits

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  1. great news we got speedway next year. hopefully we can field an entertaining team . if rules re reserves change to brit only get liam signed . would like to see tj kevin and probably claus if proves fitness. get lots of invites out for first meeting with leaflet drop. with section to fill in with email address. then send them updates and future invites even a survey to find out what the liked and disliked then try to act on it .
  2. heres suggestion. all teams in league have their very first home meeting for free . invite all schoolkids youth groups etc. as a parent and grandparent i know from experience if the kids like it the parents will end up having to take them. so you get new generation of fans plus paying adults accompanying them. during breaks for injuries or just normal break at heat 10 put some entertainment on. even a local band say.put different one each week and have a vote for best in season. with some cash prize. its surprising the following some of local bands have plus they tend to have good social media following.
  3. Think liam well capable of at least a podium place. Hopefully a good crowd not made it for last few weeks due to work but going saturday
  4. I can confirm this as i actually sent the email. If anyone has the time to organise and look into the idea i would be happy to pass on my idea. Unfortunatly i am not in this position. Just to point out if bandits do not run this could also have an adverse effect on berwick rangers. I am fairly sure the stadium rental paid to berwick rangers supporters trust would in some way find its way to the football team in some form. Maybe anyone interested in setting up bandits supporters trust could speak to the football equivlent for advice etc
  5. I had put forward an idea but was told that the amount of money raised would only last few weeks . My idea was a fans ownership scheme supplimenting the present owners but giving fams a vote on decisions. I said during closed season fans pay £10 per week by direct debit . If for example 100 fans took this up and 26 week closed season it would generate 26000. If this was extended to full year and any fan contributing got in for say £5 to meetings this would generate a guarenteed 52000.
  6. I am disapointed in how the season has went. Find the entertaient and racing poor but the last thing i want is no speedway at berwick . I live in hope that next season will improve and my grandkids love going too. Here is a controversial idea. During the closedd season fans put £10 per week into a fund . Not to give to promotion but to buy a share in club and a voice when making decisions. Or to become club sponsors but only if there is an input level agreed when decisions made. For example 26 weeks 100 fans =£ 26,000 Which should buy a considerable share or input. I know lots of people going to have their opinion . But to be clear i wouldnt want this to be seen as s way to line promotions pocket its meant as a way to have input and some control. .ok silly idea but someone come up with something better to help speedway survive in berwick
  7. Well looks like playoffs beyond us. Who knows about ko cup. Maybe its time for the promotion to look towards next year. We have the prospect of seb alden returning to uk racing if rumours are true. If so why not get him back in now to get average sorted . We have new assets like coty and mathias who will be on correct averages. Get deal done for tj now to avoid the kus senario. Speak to david bellego find out if riding berwick next year give liam run in team till end season . There we go team sorted 2016 lol Alden Vissing Tj Bellego Mathias Liam Coty Please note tongue in cheek suggestion re team. My only point is look towards getting a solid team organised and ready for next year by giving some riders time now if available liam and seb.
  8. I actually think at reserve tero will do good for newcastle. Wish him all the best
  9. He only rode one meeting for coventry so provided rides the required meetings becomes berwick asset. As i have posted on berwick topic . I have spoken to rider from swedish league and been told mathias decent rider good second string possibly better once settles
  10. Spoke to rider from swedish leagues yesterday. His opinion of mathias was decent rider good second string at least. So positive comments
  11. Pleased to see a positive move. Two new assets coty and mathias . Both need time to settle in . Coty has shown he is a capable rider and if gets chance at reserve could do really well. Dont know anything about mathias but wish him all the best.
  12. Think sarah gonna be the one with the big smile today at shadwell towers
  13. Couldnt makw it last night but speaking to a few who did it seems to have been a decent meeting. Shame about score but probably closer than many expected
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