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Star Fever

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Everything posted by Star Fever

  1. Yeah well done....hopefully he can continue the good form for Lynn next week!!
  2. Yes i'm sure he is!! point i was making was that I hope Rob doesnt pat his head and say 'dont worry, you'll be better soon' He needs to know that his team place is hanging by a thread!!
  3. Indeed...Lewis deserved another ride, and why wasn't Robert in ht 15 for that matter too? I know the meeting was won but Coventry could still have got a point (not that they didn't deserve one but surely the idea is to prevent the opposition gaining anything?) so Robert wouldve been a better bet than Rory for at least a third if Neils hadn't got the win imo. Hopefully Rob wont hold back in letting Kenny know that he's letting the rest of the team down atm!!!
  4. Bit disappointing from a Lynn point of view...only Lambert + Kerr impressing imo. Maybe the Polish trip took its toll on the rest of the top 5?, but most of them are used to riding abroad I'd have thought! Robert is riding like an extra heat leader at the moment tho - so its a shame our top 3 aren't exactly backing him up If the TR heat had worked we'd at least come away with a point Well done to BVue tho - ill be surprised if they're not POff contenders.
  5. yep good close racing and no delays...ironic though as it was actually pleasant weather this week!..... Well done Buster for turning up the heating Good to see Miklas in good form after his troubled start and also Kenny back to his gating best (well apart from ht15 ofc). Only slight worry were the reserves ..maybe riding too much now? Lewis didnt seem to have a lot of speed and although Ash made some good moves he lost positions too :/ Still a good overall performance, but if Zagar had been sharper could have been a closer end result!
  6. Well not much to shout about from this meeting unfortunately (it ws too bloody cold to enjoy it! , though there were several good races and good passes from Lambert, NKI and even Kenny Bjerre ( repassing Magic in ht 13).Plus It was at least good to win on the hight . Obviously POole missed Holder but that was partially offset by Stars loss of Niklas. Hopefully Nik isn't too bashed about after Ellis wiped him out as it was certainly a nasty one. Nik was harder to peplace than Holder with r/r anyway imo so that certainly didnt help the Stars. Best wishes to both anyway - not a good way to start the season for either As others have said this wasnt a terribly important fixture but of course would have been nice to win the ES, whatever. The season proper starts next week for Lynn but there were enough bright moments tonight from all the Stars to be optimistic about it, as long as we can keep away from the damn injuries!!
  7. OMG thst must be the first time ever that his lyrics have ever been quoted - hardly in the same league as Dylan Or Lennon (for example)was he!!
  8. definitely - lets hope we hear good news soon
  9. thx SL - andany others who've missed my ramblings
  10. surelytoo inexperienced?? it'd be good to have another Lynn asset yes, but he'd probably be stolen from us next year too... there must be someone else on the list??
  11. he should stick to the day job (commentating) next year - he's far better at that!
  12. Well done to Poole on a deserved win and good to see the League winners winning the play-offs too. I've nothing against Coventry but they didn't deserve to be 'league champions' as the stupid p-offs dictate. The league covers the whole season and Poole earnt that title.
  13. Well I feel almost the same but the difference to me is that 'winning the title' means winning the LEAGUE not some Sky instigated knock-out fiasco with 'our' team infested with guests. In the absence of a squad system atm guests are ofc necessary throughout a full season but when half the team is missing and you MUST have guests to complete the stupid play-offs that is when it loses all credibility imo. However hard our makeshift team tried last night NOTHING can replace seeing our proper 1-7 doing it!
  14. So the play-off farce is finally over for the Stars and I can't say I'm disappointed tbh. With 4 missing from the team who've done so well for us this season it'd all become meaningless for Lynn anyway, and even if we'd made the final it would've meant little imo due to the absence of Niels and team Lewis. Having said that, well done to the patched up Stars' team at Poole tonight who never gave up despite the awful conditions, and indeed all 14 riders who stuck it out till the end. Well done to Poole too on making the final.....may the farce be with you!
  15. Well if there was a squad system there'd be no guests - so yes, the powers that be can certainly be criticised.
  16. Meh who cares anymore....Lynn now without Porsing for the 4th attempt at this farce. As far as I'm concerned the season finished when the league was won anyway. The stupid play-offs are just a mickey-mouse knock-out competition for the benefit of Sky. So well done Poole for winning the league on 'goal difference' and roll-on 2015
  17. Well one thing I think we can all agree on about Robert Lambert - he is NOT a gating tart!!
  18. With Woffinden being world champion and Harris also in the GP they are Britain's #1 & #2 I'd have thought? Alternatively if you look at the top 20 EL averages for 2014 Harris is top Brit followed by Nicholls then Woffy, Bridger, Lawson & Stead. Cook isn't even mentioned. Cook finishing 2nd in the British Final means just that - he was 2nd in the British Final, nothing else - it's hardly an indication of rank!
  19. Nothing wrong with teams using guests - thats the system, and its the system thats a farce. Only way to cure it is to have squads of some sort like the Swedes et al.
  20. There's only extra Brits in it due to all the damn guests, and because of the number of guests the supposed grand finale to the season is even more of a farce imo. If it was Poole at full strength v. Lynn at full strength it'd at least mean something The League table shows who were the best teams throughout 7 months of the season rather than a guest infested 3 weeks of 'Its a Knockout-Cup'
  21. Same thing happened to me (and others - looking at the amount of repeats lol). I assume there must have been a problem in the forum somewhere.... HaHaHa .. sorry! See above ^^ Lol no - you missed my point. I'm not detracting from your win on Monday, just suggesting Lynn didn't have much of a chance due to the track conditions. You won on previous visit because you were far better than Lynn out of the gate, but at least there was some good racing as we tried to overtake you! This time the track was impossible to do that on as shown by there being hardly a pass after 1st bend AND as Lynn were gating in 50% of the heats it affected Poole riders too. The result would've possibly been just the same on Monday if the track was like your previous visit but it'd have been nice to have seen Lynn (or indeed the Pirates) actually RACE for their points rather than just 'gate and go'
  22. If we can't have both Niels and Ken next year for whatever reason I hope that the Elite League will FINALLY catch up with Swedish/Polish leagues and have some sort of squad system next year so maybe we have NKI some weeks and KB others, and thus an option to use one or other if either are injured. Its the only way we'll keep the limited amount of top riders over here and may encourage others too. As for the lower end of the team yes - we must keep Lambert, Kerr & Rose. They are Lynn's future. Middle order I'd be happy to keep both Rory & Niklas tbh. Swapping Mads for Rory wouldn't help much as they are very similar achievers lmo.
  23. My point was actually that the track last night didn't suit Lynn at all. People will say 'its the same for both teams' but it isn't - for the home team its nothing like what they're used to - they lose any home advantage as its like both teams riding away! Yes we did pretty good considering but if the track had been like a normal Lynn track there'd have been a lot more passing by both teams, and Lynn may have come out on top. Rory and Ken both had two great gates and won easily but they also missed the gate twice and couldn't make up anything whatsoever. Same for King, Cook & Milik - when they gated they were gone but if they missed it they were out of it. True, Pawlicki missed it all night so that probably helped us a bit lol! Actually at the previous Poole visit the track if I remember was also very slick - but dry. That night they totally outgated us but there was at least actual RACING possible. Last night it was again slick - but wet - and although the gating was 50/50 this time there was very little opportunities for passing for whoever was behind, and I think the Stars in particular suffered.
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