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Star Fever

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Everything posted by Star Fever

  1. Agreed - we got to get used to this sort of performance this season methinks....... Woudn'tbe surprised if we sruggle at home tonight for that matter - Lakeside are nowhere near as bad as some think
  2. Looks like rain will be the winner on Thursday -grotty forecast.....
  3. He was Dutch i think but yes he wasn't exactly sensational! If its a German, maybe Huckenbeck? He was practicing at Lynn with Lambert recently? Not sure he's no1 material atm tho! Anyway great to have Niels back - albeit briefly
  4. More than likely -yes hope so , and a pretty good one too, considering. We still need a no 1 though...thats the most important news I'm waiting for!
  5. Hopefully the reason was for a TOP rider - not just Batchelor!... ....and if Lewis goes to Lakeside as has been rumoured, instead of Blackbird then maybe it'll be a swap? (so still a young local-ish rider lol)
  6. agreed ... but like Porsing they'd not be missed as much in the Danish league simply because theyre not top riders!?
  7. The race night change is to encourage TOP riders .... so doesnt apply! Having said that I'd be happy to see Porsing return - he needs a season without injuries and better machinery though.
  8. The reason for avoiding clashes with the Danish league is to encourage TOP riders to race in UK so doesnt apply lol
  9. ...like Bjerre & Porsing for instance? Agreed - Troy should be a good no 2
  10. Buster says he's looking for exciting riders so yes - definitely Zmarzlik
  11. LOL I.m hoping he meant Nicki not Bjarne Well if its a choice between Mads & KB i know who I'd prefer!!
  12. There's much better Poles than him tho lol i.e, either Pawlicki - Zmarzlik - Przedpelski ... to name but 3. Would be nice if they're being cosidered
  13. IMO that thread was initially damaged when Rory was injured and not properly replaced :/........We struggled along for a while but Robert's ongoing injuries/absence and Lewi's injury finally did for us We had a few decent guests along the way but its obviously not the same as having a full team :/ Maybe the gods/demons will give us a break next year? Its about time.....
  14. yeah its amazing he's still in the team :/ We had the opportunity to revamp the team when Rory was injured but nothing happened. In fact it was months before Milik even appeared....and he was totally inadequate but again there was no attempt to change the lineup for a final playoff push when we had the chance to do it Damn well hope there'll be a clearout next year !!!!!
  15. lol why? ....cos we wont make the playoffs?? !! theres no way the current Stars team would have a hope in hell of winning anything even if they did somehow scrape through the team we started the season with however would've been a different matter
  16. After tonight's debacle thers no way Lynn will manage 3rd....we'll be lucky if we get 4th to be honest :/
  17. Well personally I couldn't give a rat's anus who we have guesting :/ We'll not bother the Pirates unless they have the misfortune to ride on a track like Lynn lost on tonight ....wet - and a gater's paradise :/
  18. Can't believe this still on. Even if it does stop raining before 5pm (according to webcam its still very wet @ southgate!!) Im afraid ive not got much enthusiasm to sit in the drizzle/damp to see Leicester yet again on a 50/50 track which will probably dampen* quality of racing anyway!! [* pun intended] Just call it off and hope for a dry day.... i know the stupid cut-off date for the stupid playoffs is imminent but personally Id rather see decent speedway on a decent track ! we've already endured this in the original staging anyway so why do it all over again....!?
  19. good win for the Stars...awesome from Niels and good show from Freddie which in fairness was probably better than Milik wouldve done....but 7 each from Robert's + Lewis's replacements offset that imo. Rest of the Stars solid too and all did their bit for a much needed win Bees had a few moments but Garrity let them down when ploughing into Ash and Sarjeant t stay still at the gate it seems (quite agree that if Sarj was excl then Garrity shouldnt have been however...)..... King withdrawing so IRR could be used was a bit of a fast one methinks but didnt really help thankfully
  20. thankfully all done before the rain came, but meeting was a bit of a cold baked puddin' with not a lot to get excited about imo. Good win though helped by good guests particularly old boys Wolbert and Wilkinson. NKI was a bit below par getting outgated 3 times but stilleasily the top Star again ... but the regular Stars (all 3 of 'em!) did ok too tbh Is Coventry next week tho so we'll need to be sharper than tonight i hope! ofc Having Robert, Niklas + Vaclav back would help too ....
  21. Yeah fingers crossed that it gets heavier! If ever a meeting should be rained off its this farce with 4 home riders and 3 away riders missing!!! But i suppose it'll be the usual storm just efore the start then a wait of 2 hours while the track is relaid....only for it to pour down again before the end - ridiculous
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