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Star Fever

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Everything posted by Star Fever

  1. When you think about it, theres not really a lot of difference between the new and old rules - they both help a losing team to catch up - BUT if a losing team actually manages to WIN using the NEW rules, then they will have deserved it, as it is a lot harder to do so from programmed rides IMO. Even the nominated GD has merit, as the rider has to come from a handicap, and rely on his team-mate to do the business as well. After the initial outbursts by the "what a daft name for a TS" and " I can't add numbers bigger than 5" factions its now good to see a lot of people on here willing to give the GTs a chance after thinking it over. Oh and RacerX, yes I was wide awake during the KOCup thank-you, and most enjoyable it was too, as I did indeed mention in my post. And yes, both NORMAL and GT type tacticals served Lynn well throughout the season (as surely they did for most teams), so....what was your point again?
  2. At last the horribly unfair TS rule has gone! Why the heck should a team who may have contrived to be 6pts down be able to whack in their heat-leaders at opportune moments? How may times have we seen poor teams with 3 good heat-leaders win a match when they shouldn't have done? OK it may still happen, but at least this way they have to do it the hard way with 2 out of the 3 GTs from programmed rides. Lynn lost out v. Sheffield in the KOC with these rules (was this the only time the new rules enabled a win?) but it was one of the best matches at Lynn this season because of them. The moves are much more 'tactical' than 'substitute' and have far more credibility than the old rule imo. Great idea, I reckon - but if others don't like it then thats fair enough, we're all entitled to our opinions. But lets see a full season of it first eh?
  3. Promotion and relegation would work IMO as long as the leagues aren't too far apart so that any side that went up or down at the end of the season wouldn't experience too great a culture shock. This seems to be the case in Sweden and Poland where it appears to work already. If (or when) the EL crumbles then those remaining would be PL Div 1 along with the top half (or whatever number is needed) of the existing PL. The lower 13 or so would be PL Div 2. Obviously PL teams would not want extra costs so basically the EL teams would have to reduce costs by shedding their top GP riders. Or of course by capping payments and letting the riders themselves decide whether they'll take part. There's probably only 10-15 riders in this range so whether they did or not it would not take much jiggling of team strengths to equalise the ex-ELs with the top PL sides. So basically div 1 would be slightly stronger than the PL is now, whilst div 2 would be the same as now. As the EL surely can't go on with fewer teams each season, and as PL sides don't want to go into an EL as it currently stands, I feel that this is the only way forward for British Speedway.
  4. calm down calm down ...and no it probably ain't fair but then is it fair that its his home track anyway? :roll: ...no it don't make sense to me that Olsen would prepare the track for THAT reason - but gawd knows why he did - if he did - probably just because he's a Dane..... :?
  5. .....wouldn't have thought he needs practise on that track, he was more than likely just testing engines! .....but why? (and don't say 'to make one-off tracks look better' - thats a corker!) ...definitely! But this GP wasn't processional was it? so more of the same would do me! OK if you insist!
  6. Seems to me that all Polish ladies are very attractive and all the Polish blokes wear peculiar hats and blow trumpets :roll: ;-)
  7. Blimey, talk about picky! It might not have been THE BEST meeting we've seen at Bydgoszcz but it was still WAY WAY better than any other GP this year! So if it was tampered with by Ole (...yeah, right), then he failed miserably.
  8. Posted by Midnight Lady Well it might have continued past the finish, but he started it as he came off the last bend I thought..... :-o
  9. Nice one Skittles I too saw NP try to block LA......I've also seen TRick/ Sullivan/ Olsen/ Nielsen/ Tatum/ Mauger/ Carter/ Havelock/ Crump/ Nicholls/ Gollob/ Hamill (to name but a few) do the same over the years but for some strange reason very little fuss was ever made of it .... I think it's called 'track-craft' when they did it..... :? :!:
  10. ..yeah, I thought he was VERY professional and a GREAT example when he laid into a fan who was barracking him at Lynn a couple of years ago !....He DOES seem to have grown out of that now though, I'd agree. Yeah right....good one KK!! Indeed - I suggested this on another thread and that the clip may now feature in their quickie-ads, and sure enough it did - course they cut it off before he told his mechanics to 'get the muck off' (his bike?) [copyright 2003 danni Lynn Forum] Quite - he's absolutely hopeless (with a vengeance)
  11. Quite agree Trees - it was just the sort of reaction the cameraman was waiting for. Wouldn't be surprised if we see that shot in opening credits now, just like Boycie's whack on Gollob, and Nicki P's reaction to his exclusion in the last GP. It's TV's bread and butter - they cater for the masses and assume the masses want to see that sort of thing. They haven't grasped yet though that Speedway fans aren't bothered by all that tosh!! (Well, most of us :roll: )
  12. "British Grand Prix" Surely the most important part of the above are the second and third words?? Shouldn't these meetings be a contest between the best riders in the world? This one seems to have one of the weaker line-ups! The series is already worse off for the loss of Hamill, so (love him or not)to omit him was error number one IMO. The GP authorities would expect a British nominee as well, so you'd have thought either the best non-qualifier from last year (Stoney) or the best young up'n'comer (Harris). Nope - error number two. I've not got anything against Howe and Stead - I just don't think they deserve it (yet).
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