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Everything posted by squall

  1. And then awarded to Buxton as they finished above Newport in the league (before anyone mentions Dudley again, they didn't reach the playoff final, the league champions will be either Buxton or Newport regardless of what the rules should be)
  2. Correct. It was agreed that if only 1 leg of the KO Cup and Plsyoff finals were to be run, then that 1 leg would be the final result
  3. But the rules set out at the start of the season say finishing top means sweet FA
  4. So Sundays meeting is a winner takes all? Knowing the BSPA, if Sunday is rained off too, they'll award the league to Dudley who weren't even in the final
  5. Don't forget they've had everything go against them all season. Got word last night that the referees and officials didn't agree with Charles Wright being taken off them, so it shows it didn't have to happen. It's been an awesome season and it's been a pleasure watching them every week. They've even got my dad off his arse and get to away meetings!!!
  6. I couldn't get a word in! Was stood with Emma most of the night (and she introduced me to everyone, bar you!) then Baggy came down later on. You couldn't miss me - handsome, dashing, short...
  7. 3pm start time suits me. Any earlier and I doubt I'd be able to make it
  8. That's how I thought of it anyway. I expected some thread like this to be started due to Buxton winning something
  9. Just home but cannot post as I'm still iced up... Good to meet up with a few regulars and good to 'kind of' meet Trees (but I don't think she realised )
  10. Cannot wait for this. I'm currently like a kid at Xmas
  11. And (if going by my last visit) there'll be a delay while they wait for the music to be switched off while mr music man is not looking after the music
  12. You shall. I'll be plodding round looking for a few of you
  13. Why bring a Playoff semi final loser into it? FFS have you no limits?
  14. You keep your mouth shut and get back in the kitchen!!!
  15. I heard at the track yesterday that if only 1 leg of the each final is run, then that result will determine the winner. Daft, I know...
  16. Making my first trip to KL for a while and strangely looking forward to it. Mon the Hitmen!
  17. Enjoyed todays meeting. After all the criticism from Dudley fans (despite Dudley doing well on all 3 visits to Buxton) the track had been worked on, plenty of muck was thrown on and race times were consistantly fast. The best I've seen the track for a long time - and there were no ruts! Garrity was the star of the show, while Branford was superb. Jay Herne did a great job replacing Cookie and Richie Worrall was a superb number 8 and did much better than I expected - definately one to watch next year! The Young Queens weren't as bad as the score suggests. Rayson was always in the thick of it and deserved more, while Rambo had more than a fair share of bad luck! The final score sets it up perfect for Wednesday as it could easily go down to heat 15 as I really do like the look of KL's side (Never thought I'd say that!!!)
  18. Updates will be available. I'm texting Triple B's. Just finished work, quick bite to eat then a bit of kip before setting off. Enjoy the updates
  19. Buy me a pint on Wednesday and I'll make sure there are updates on Sunday
  20. If 1 or both of my tracks close down I wouldn´t slate tracks that still exist, I´d be glad that even the "crap tracks" keep speedway alive (yes, even Stoke )
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