Just to put things into perspective here, I was also staying at the said hotel in Vastervik where as you quite rightly said Chris Harris was drinking.
But you failed to say what he was drinking, I cannot see that 2 Cokes on Thursday night and 2 orange Tangos on Friday night constitutes as you so airily put it 'on the piss'!
It's quite rare these days for any rider to interact with the fans, so it was quite refreshing for Bomber (and his Grandad) to come and chat/socialise or whatever.
To quote 'Sandie', Bomber never usually sleeps before 1am and GP's rarely before 3am, it's just the way he is.
As for the 'Nicholls/Harris' 'squabble', get them both to sort it out between them, if not replace them both in next years GP's.