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Everything posted by speedy17

  1. Mads and Kildemand join Pedersen and Iversen. Well chuffed for Mads
  2. So when we inevitably make the race off, and say Stead or King don't perform that well, are we still assuming Bridger will get a call being the only rider to ride in Poland this season out of everyone else? As now he's been sacked, I'm not sure if he actually owns any Polish equipment as most is owned by the clubs.
  3. I'd go with Tai, Bomber, Cook and Kerr at Lynn. Bridger for Kerr in Bydgoscz, and depending on how Cook rides at Lynn potentially take him out for King.
  4. Why are Hans and Jepsen Jensens spaces in the team on the official KL press release TBC?
  5. Meeting has been won by 2nd strings and Blackbird. Wells and Proctor so called track specialists, just garbage. Wolves taking a RIGHT SPANKING, would love to see CVS face
  6. Well impressed with Fricke, has looked good whenever I've seen him but even better tonight!
  7. Track absolute dross. Should think FTG is on predictive for the texter. Another win mind!
  8. i think we should do a sweepstake to see how many stars riders get maximums/paid maximums. I'll go with 3, Iversen, Porsing and Kerr. #MayThePorseBeWithYou
  9. Kings Lynn 1. Niels-Kristian Iversen 2. Nicklas Porsing 3. Rory Schlein 4. Robert Lambert 5. Kenneth Bjerre 6. Lewis Kerr 7. Lewis Rose Birmingham 1. Danny King 2. Thomas Jorgensen 3. Bartosz Zmarzlik 4. Nico Covatti 5. Ben Barker 6. Daniel Halsey 7. Simon Lambert Possibly the worst choice of guests I've ever seen. Lynn to hit 60-65.
  10. Why do people think Coventry will make the play offs again? Bang average.
  11. This was the case last night though and we beat Poole away With Robert and Nicklas to score more tonight than they did last night, I'd be disappointed not to get all 3 points tonight. For Coventry to get anything they need Hans and Bomber on top form, along with Garrity and at least one other top 5 member. Hopefully the racing is good!
  12. Who said NKI doesn't team ride? WE'RE KINGS LYNN STARS, WE DO WHAT WE WANT!
  13. Kerr must be in Rosco's thought for the World Cup at this rate? FTD rider or not. He's got one asset most our riders haven't got, the lad can gate!
  14. Iversen and Bjerre costing us big time here. Getting comfortably beat by Bridger is pretty embarrasing for them to be honest.
  15. I don't think Fisher is going to be there. From what I've read Olly Allen will be guesting after BSPA approval.
  16. Cook is fine on the big tracks in the PL, in the EL he struggles at them. Especially if he doesn't gate. Wouldn't be in my team for the World Cup.
  17. Well said that German. Doing nothing wrong at all. Notice it's Nicki P leading the complaints. Once finds out it's perfectly legal watch him make the change too. Say what you want about Smolinski I think he's been a breath of fresh air this year!
  18. If there's a ruddy great storm on the track now you have to change your name to Michael Fish!
  19. He's got to beat Niels to do that! Not going to happen...
  20. Outside assistance, not influence. No one touched him therefore he should get the point. Ref has dropped a bollock here, and saying he'd like to give him the point to keep the score interesting? Whats that all about?
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