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Everything posted by Bellers101

  1. Garrity needs to be up to speed from the start. Been on the wrong end of too many 5-1's in heat 1 up to now this year. Think it maybe a battle of the reserve and Williamson will swing it the way.
  2. Matty Kus anyone? At least would score well at home.
  3. Don't forget about the other big news coming out of Redcar. . Race night in the bar on 17//11/16!
  4. Well done Berwick but you were riding against one hell of a s***e team!
  5. Been like that at Redcar for years with these muppets in charge!
  6. Berge signed for Redcar it is rumoured!
  7. Is there no spell checking facility on here these days?
  8. Its about time the brilliant guest facility was extended to include the 4TT!
  9. Speedway only takes place in a few towns in Australia and have you seen how far away they are from each other?
  10. Whilst I agree with some of Richies points I don't with others. Why should doubling up be allowed? It shouldn't to the extent it is, makes a mockery of the sport. Clean up in your own league or give up! Also why can't he combine a job with his dad with speedway? One or the other he said. Lots of top riders did and still do. Get a grip! What Aussie league?
  11. it wont be a long season. It willl be a very short one.
  12. Like I have said elsewhere Redcar will not see the season out.
  13. When Roynon rode for us and broke his leg at Ipswich he asked the club to keep his team place avaliable. We showed loyalty to 'our' rider using R/R for about 2 months. He then said he would repay that by rejoining us the following season until Workington offered big bucks. Fair play to him but why we have taken him back beggars belief and Havvy has also been keen on him the past 2 seasons. Will no doubt be injured agsin very soon.
  14. Rubbish. Every time I go its crap and i wish i never bothered yet every time I don't attend its one of the best meetings ever! Am I missing something after watching the sport for 30 years? Redcar is a pale shadow of its former self, mainly track prep by the way! Not paying to watch a track that riders have nothing to work with to pass!
  15. Roynon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That will bring the missing fans back in their droves re-signing Judas. If true Mr Havelock has just hammered another nail into Redcars coffin!
  16. Bears management admitted the team is too weak and the tail far too long. So what do they do? Look to sign a 28 day replacement for the injured Skidmore. What about the reserves thats where the problem is? Lets not forget if we dropped one we would have 4.64 points to play with. I give up, track prep is rubbish and promotion clueless. Night in front of the TV for me. Not paying £16 to watch that!
  17. Well done Panthers but doubt the Bears will last the season under Havelocks current path of destruction. Those points may get expunged at some point!
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