Would agree,it’s really just the results I’m on about.Who really cares who wins the matches nowadays
would prefer if you quoted my whole posts,as others may think that was all I said.
Guests and using alternative race nights would solve the fixture problems,it’s only the racing that most fans are there to see nowadays.Just give every rider a plastic trophy as they have all probably guest at some time during the season.
Looking at the standard of rider that could get aWildcard next season, surely there has too be case for giving Emil and Artum wildcards.Two of the Worlds best sitting watching does nothing for the series.
Certainly the Commentators and Media are not putting their head above the parapet on this one,watching their backsides in case their jobs are at risk maybe.No opinions apart from “ in the rules”
Very Non-plussed about the whole thing sounds fishy IMO.Surely some one at practice should have pointed the rule out if it is that serious.The world isn’t watching the practice.Even a fine would have been more appropriate IMO.