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Everything posted by Fromafar

  1. Jonas looks a good prospect very stylish,just never got to grips with the Berwick track.Had some really good races away from home.
  2. Just in case certain Teams need it,same as guest for Top 5 now.Just enjoy the sport not the results is the way too go these days.
  3. Good decision.Top man in his day but really just going through motions last couple of seasons.Wish him well in the future.
  4. They could always alter the averages to get him.As they have done in NDL.( in the best interests of the sport rule).!!
  5. Not really bothered ,but why did no one sign him to start with and build accordingly.Seems strange to alter the rules now.Glad he got spot though ,he’s got more potential than a lot of others.
  6. Nobody is really bothered about the NDL will probably lose them money in some cases.Why did nobody sign Max on his average to start with don't quite get it.will the crowds flock to Armadale with this signing.
  7. Another Gimmick IMO.Not really required.
  8. Can’t look much into Aussie form could just be having a holiday ,with some bike time.
  9. Regarding food while it’s easy money to let it out.With a little organisation its’very healthy profit to do it In-house .IMO.Initial outlay might be the problem if it was short Term but they have a21 year lease.
  10. I was asking what Personal decide.BSPA or Certain Individuals given the task agreed by the Promotions.We all know hard and fast rules are on a fag packet somewhere.
  11. Who decides what the average will be in these cases.
  12. Does anyone know why the last 2 signings are 7.5 when that is not their true average.
  13. More consistent.IMO.well past his best though.
  14. Pawlicki is a decent signing.Milik is inconsistent,level of opposition is less than Poland but he blows hot and cold.On track is what matters so let’s see.
  15. Mike Parker done a lot for the Sport.IMO
  16. Tolley talks a good game and it’s his money at the end of the day.Fans are not turning up though.
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