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Everything posted by Fromafar

  1. Results are not going the right way so suddenly its ill thought out,why is defeat at Somerset inevitable look what happened tonight .Moarchs fans are now saying Workington are favourites for their section and they have not even been to Ipswich YET.Have Redcar and Workington not just proved that Play offs can be exciting.Ps I still believe whoever wins the League should be Champs,but have to admit it prolongs the season for more Teams.
  2. Its time Promoters realised the fans are not going to keep accepting these kind of things and are walking away in numbers.
  3. If he rides and finishes the meeting ,what happens at Birmingham on Monday if he decides he is injured again,will they be allowed a guest.
  4. Could be wrong but don't think Albin belongs to us.Did he actually sign for Berwick
  5. 1 2 Bellego 3 Dyer 4 5 Kozza 6 7 Carr. Would take Alden back if he shows better commitment to Britain,just using Uk to supplement his income when he feels like it .He can make excuses but to keep coming back when it suits him is not right IMO.He is a class act at PL Level and he is an asset ,we should sell him if we are not going to use him.
  6. With some of the names in that Team Kozza would be under extreme pressure IMO
  7. I think is a bonus that we can talk about 2014 already unlike end of last season.Allen is good round Shielfield but is not going to get any better at his age and is injury prone .Can only hope that the team we have on paper ride to potential unlike a few of this years Team. Let the speculation begin!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Have a good think about the sport before you say same again at the Promoters Annual meeting.I Personaly think whoever finishes Top are the champions. perhaps they could alter the league points won to a more radical system to keep interest .Just a suggestion say 10pts fo 10 pt win 9 for 9pt win ect.or something similar to keep interest in every fixture surely something can be thought out.Tin Hat On.I understand Why they want play offs mainly because a lot of teams are out of contention early season if just abog standard points scoring system.
  9. Cant say Freddie was innocent though very dangerous left turn of the final bend or does that not count.
  10. thats not the Redcar rider I would have.
  11. Ithink Carr has to be considered as a reserve next season he is improving and if we don't use him next season we MAY miss out on someone who MIGHT actually be a big improver on a 3pt average.Starke has not let us down can't see him being that much better next year and he is not an asset .Carr's average mean we may find another reserve with the points we have to play with that will benefit the Team building
  12. Though the track was decent tonight,pretty slick but it produced some close racing with the riders being able to use the-outside line with confidence.priority for next season is to produce a decent every week.Good to see the improvement of the junior riders over the season.
  13. in 2005 or poorest team on paper produced on best League position (I don't think we were robbed) . Team motivation is big part in success ,but nowadays the riders ride against each other in other Leagues home and abroad which takes away some of the genuine Team spirit.I also think there are a lot of jaded performances due to all the travelling involved home and abroad.If you go back 7/8 years to Peter's days the foreign riders did not have so many commitments in Europe thus less travelling.Pepe was the one with the most and you could see that it did effect his Performances some weeks. I think it is harsh to say we had atrocious seasons but if we were having a bad season Peter at least made an effort to keep the team on its toes , under performers had to look over their shoulders. Situations in the sport has change in the sport and it is not for the better IMO. Trouble is a lot of spectators are having their social night out elsewhere .
  14. I think a lot of fans will see where Neil Machin is coming from,he has done a good job at Sheffield over the years and has ran it as a business not just throwing money at riders for the sake of it.Disalusioned is the right word for his sale ,he makes a lot of valid points in this weeks Speedway Star.he has always been an approachable guy and gives straight answers(whether they are what you want to hear or not) Wish him well in the future whatever he does.
  15. R I do as I like to know which riders will be there on the night.thanks for your pathetic reply .
  16. If you look on the Bandits web site Robin has(if fit) after his name on the Team Line -ups hence the reason I am asking.Is he or isn't he fit to ride.
  17. We all agree with what Big Ed is saying ,but you also need results on track to promote the club to the wider audience out there and unfortunately this hasn't happened.
  18. Good Post,to be fair on the injury front we signed Kennett but he was a big let down IMO.The season has been rather flat can only hope we pick up again next season some new blood needed though.
  19. Ah that's where I am going wrong!! after they come back for a couple of weeks they might ask if this is aTeam sport .they then might just start attending GPs.
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