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Everything posted by Fromafar

  1. I must admit I think he is a bit of an enigma but is on a handy average (mainly due to Inconsistancy ) Hopefully he will do a job for us. Whose RA my mind is blank on that oneAspegren?
  2. Worth the gamble has been impressive around Berwick on a number of his visits.Should maintain his average with Berwick as his Home track.
  3. How much money did Monarchs lose last season if it was 30k the year before there's no way they made a profit last season.
  4. Unfortunatelly I think we sacked our German scout a couple of seasons ago.
  5. I think Branford is a good shout,and it is possible the he will up his average as he is still young if it helps us with a solid top 5.i think Carr will be ok if he has the luck that you need in speedway
  6. I agree Kerr made the difference especially ay reserve,when your luck is in it does make a difference (regarding his coming to Newcastle due to circumstances).Good rider IMO.
  7. Only in Speedway could the same problems regarding averages resurface at the start of every season
  8. Carr rode a lot of Speedway last season with Buxton and Edinburgh so unless it is personal or transport difficulties I fail to see your point ,especially when you think a 16 old Frenchman with virtually no Pl speedway expieriance would have been a good signing.
  9. Monarchs did not have strong reserves last season and did OK.if you can find someone who can improve that helps more (maxf Fricke )
  10. Starke has been around for 5/6 years and is still under a. 5 pt average,hardly missing out considering he is not asset ,surprised the club wanted him as an asset to be honest.
  11. One for the future on what I seen of him at Berwick last year ,looked a bit out of his depth , if I remember right Carr beat him very easily.He will do well to get a decent average in his 1st season.
  12. Maybe Berwick are just waiting till he gets an average with Glasgow!!!!
  13. Race winners are required to win Matches Every Team needs a good no1 IMO .having 1Top rider is ok as long as the Top 5 is consistent ,nothing has change for years in the League and all you ever wanted along with others was a decent no1 so what is the problem we don't even know the Team yet.Carr might be a 5pt man by the end of the season which is really what we are looking for(a rider to put points on his average)
  14. I think it is obvious that Carr is going to be at Berwick now.think we need a proven rider in the other reserve position .He is a talent but is no better than Carr at this stage of his career IMO.
  15. What about Mudgeway being in the Berwick Team though , he is an asset and you like your Teams to be previous Bandits going by what you Post on here.
  16. You can tell me ,Iwont tell Honest!!!!!!!!
  17. No one seems interested regarding Berwick,that's the reason the thread gets sidetracked
  18. Denham took over at the end of2007 as owner it before that he was the man who helped Stoney Peter I karlsson ect.All Iam saying is that it was Denhams money that was behind Comets before he bought the Club
  19. Deholm was the main Sponsers of Workington with his Armstrong Group and bankrolled most of the signing. I'm sure some Workington supporters will correct me if am wrong(which I could be)
  20. I petsonaly don't see much advantage in Speedway season tickets as the savings are minimal (couple of meetings at best) where as in other sports such as Football it allows fans to watch reserve games every other week when the home Team are Away.Most fans have a couple of weeks holidays which negates the savings anyway.
  21. I remember Peter taking him to Sheffield for the PLRC RIDERS Final didn't think it was 3 years later (could have been though) .Though he would have come to Berwick but the offer from Workington at the time would be much better Denholms money was alŵays good.RustyHarrison was also running around Berwick before Workington snap him up too.Not convinced Peter actually had a contract with him otherwise we would have heard more about it.
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