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Everything posted by Fromafar

  1. Barrett has always been decent at Ashfield it wasn't much of a field he beat though,but well done anyway.
  2. He says he is on British speedway website
  3. Interesting Liam Carr is ready to comeback after injury and is looking for Team places in PL and NL
  4. Alex's leg trailing style makes him very one dimensional on the track IMO.He has a habit of retiring from a race or giving up when he is running last for some reason.
  5. I've seen Ed in his shorts and sunglasses,but he should really take that long coat off.
  6. Spittal Beach ,shorts ,sunglasses and a ice cream for you tonight.
  7. Better stick to the day job.Your attempt to oust Screm from his post as chief weatherman has failed.
  8. Your no1 and Kozza must be bit of a concern if you sights are winning theLeague now.Lawson is not showing Pl form Kozza is not showing any form.
  9. Just pointing out what he said in a national magazine,where and who to did he make the statement that robert72 quoted.I do agree that the meeting should have went ahead,giving what we had been watching.
  10. Bomber says in this weeks SS that the track was not race-able and it was correct decision to not to continue.So he must have changed his mind after they stopped!!!!!
  11. Maybe on a night out with his racing manager(or ex).we need a bit of strengthening IMO
  12. Longtracking starts next week for him.Would have done a job at home though.
  13. Not sure if you pair are going by BST or Taffy Time Machine Time or Big Ed I will make it up as I go along Time but only time will tell.
  14. Heavy Rain from 8.00-17.00 doesn't warrant still looking good weather wise IMO
  15. We just seem to be making things worse every season with this double up/ double down nonsense,who belongs to who.Just stop ,it there is enough riders to go round if you really want to make it work.
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