You also said not riding on a regular basis could be a problem why?that is what I am reading into your post.He will be riding in Britain and Sweden this year so should get back into full swing.
Seriously,Your not trying to say that Seb will have forgotten how to ride a speedway bike,if he is focussed on a comeback he will probably end the season as our no1 IMO ,that's the chance the Promotion are taking and you can't blame them as he is an asset.
The main problem is we see to have very little Home advantage over the years.This 3 pt reserve races might help tho season though.Bellego for Pjiper would have suited me better but that was never going to happen
Alden and Mellgren are the key men IMO .Alden could be a genuine No 1 in the right frame of mind,and Mellgren has potential to put points on his average,have to wait to see make up of other Teams to see where we stand.
Agree Longtrack is his main aim.At least he won't miss too many meetings with Sheffield being aThursday.Not going to day much away from home with him at reserve IMO .Stop gap still Sissis is fit?