Good win,special mentions to David ,Jye and Luke.Have been watching Luke's progress why Berwick didn't consider him.(there may be reasons)missed a trick IMO .Davids form is great considering the crash he had and Jye has something about him I like ,a snip on his average.Lindgren gets a mention as he was pathetic tonight.
Thanks,watching Gora v Wrocrow in Round 7 I though Gora were home Team but were wearing 9-16 Duduk was 9 Woffy was 1 perhaps it was just the way the match was advertised though.
Could somebody in "the know" explain the Team numbering in Poland,sometimes the "home" team are numbered 1-8 but sometimes the"away" team are numbered 1-8.also the away team rider who I consider to be the heat leader is in yellow helmet cover ? Just curious!
Given the standard of the league this season Liam would probably do a job at Reserve,don't see him doing much in main body if he had to move out of reserve position.
Really just shows the standard of Top NL riders .Liam was very poor this season at Berwick,he can make all the excuses but at the end of the day you have to produce on track.Gating on slick tracks is what it is all about for some riders.
You have lost the plot on that one,it's the rules of the sport just being overridden again that is the problem, not anything the you think the Redcar management were trying to do.
Ithink a lot of die - hard fans are feeling the same way.As a Team sport it really can't be taken seriously and there are better value for money alternatives these days.