The Royal Highland Show is held there.I might be wrong but I think their Society may own part of the land,there have various events held there, Concerts and Raves.There used to be a big Sunday Market but think that stopped afew years ago.It was Motor racing circuit inside the Show ground in the 60's.There have been afew attempts to make it a sports venue over the years but has come too nothing.
The BSPA create all their own problems,just set a rule and stick to it ,don't have discretionary exceptions it just opens a can of worms as I have stated before.Virtually all remain fans want an Independant body to run certain parts of the sports. BSPA should issue a statement but that would also come if for critism IMO .
Would have been a great signing.If the rules are top 3 what is the point of appealing though it just opens the usual can of worms in the BSPA cupboard.The sport is a sad joke these days.Becker is a talent though IMO .
agree,there is certainly no chance the Edinburgh Council will be the least bit interested in Edinburgh Monarchs.All they are interest is making money off selling land.
There are a lot of riders have the same rider profile, i.e.beat Top Riders then finish behind inferior riders,it's the way the sport is these days ,speeds are so fast unless riders make serious mistakes it is very difficult to pass without risking a lot .There is always another race for the majority of riders these days.
Doesn't really matter who is Captain in a Speedway Team,certain riders help out other whatever their position .Heads or tails is the hardest decision the Captain has to make.
To be honest,I would do away with averages and let the money men sign all the good riders,then hope that things get better,things couldn't be any worse with the nonsense going on just now in the sport.
Think it would be sensible to define average to nearest point under .5 down the way over .5point up the way. Stops minute decimal points keeping riders out of work.
While Glasgow have to be commended for their efforts to improve every aspect of the sport their Admission Prices are high compared to some tracks.If the punters are flocking in though!!!