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Everything posted by Fromafar

  1. Speedway Rules!! Your having a laugh, sure sub clause 58 j . " best interest of the sport " would sort that one out.
  2. why would you have to assume that, there have been instances in the past with Promoters have been involved in more than 1 club has there not ?
  3. I league cannot be any worse than what we are watching now irrespective of who competes in it IMO.Track prep and technology need to be sorted out.( same old problems every year).Some Promotions have to be struggling on the crowds I have witnessed at tracks I have visited.No doubt the AGM will resolve everything
  4. Don't take it Personaly ,not everybody has your intimate knowledge of the sport and find your Posts to complex.
  5. Agree Fricke could have let Jye have outside run,Thorsell wasn't that much faster.
  6. They will think is something,should the situation arise probably in Scunnys favour
  7. Still think Doyle's front wheel just touched the dirt deflector and turn it up the wheel,but hey it's only an opinion hope Doyle's injuries are not too bad.No malice from Lambert though Doyle would have done the same move in the circumstances but he is not showing the same form this season for some reason.
  8. I think his front wheel touched Lamberts dirt deflector and the wheel rode up over Lamberts back turning it in,nasty crash.Racing incident IMO .Dont think Lambert should have been DQ.
  9. Would like to know how much Cook invested to compete in British Speedway to get to his level.! probably would be shocked! .While riders deserve all the can get ,the money is running out.Harris another one complaining about money.What are Cook and Harris earning when they are riding in Uk,quite a lot IMO .
  10. I think when averages dictate that you to bring in riders like Wallenger instead of youngsters who want to protect for next season you can see why the sport is in the mire. some Kind of grading MIGHT be the answer IMO .
  11. It's not compulsory to keep reading if it's doing your head in,chill it's forum.What the thread shows is a lot of fans have similar views on the decline,but the people that matter don't seem too think so.Its about opinions !
  12. Having just read Dicks blog on the website I am pleased to report that once we add the final piece of the jigsaw ( Fans Trust) everything will be hunky dory.
  13. Cook is out of his depth in GP,I have no problem with him back in Championship ,the issue to me is the money it is costing to have him in the Lower Tier in GB ( so we are told) not many promotions can compete I'm sure.Its obvious that Glasgow have better funding than most clubs,but they still have to make it pay( or do they).It doesn't help the situation the sport is in.IMO.
  14. The main point being is that the sport can only pay out what it can afford what it generates in revenue,many clubs are paying out more than they can afford and it has come to a head.They simply can't keep raising Admission and hope the fans keep paying up,which what they seem to think is the answer.!
  15. interpretation ,misinterpretation And " in the best interest of the sport" .The only rules set in stone in this sport.
  16. The trouble is Speedway is a summer sport and any rainfall would also be a nightmare .Catch 22.(we do have covers though)
  17. Nah! Consessions Col got his Bank Loan he will be there I reckon
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