Bellego has always been the same ,like Berge ,when he can’t be as#ed he doesn’t try a leg,a waste of space.Mind on Poland most weeks.He returns decent scores there most of the time.
He bailed out though and was calling meetings off long after you are talking about.Like I say no win situation brought about by lack of control over sport by the powers at be.Riders rule the sport nowadays.Technical Spec and track prep to suit bikes make a wet meeting a NoNo.
Len didn’t hang about when he started losing money.he got a fair bit of criticism at his early call offs,maybe that’s the why fans started voting with their feet
It’s a no win situation,but predicting we that forecasts before race days except in exceptional circumstances is a dangerous precedent IMO.The sport is in a dire state .
If fans start looking at forecast a few days before and make their own assertions of the weather and make other plans Promotions can’t really have any complaints ,it’s a sad reflection of where the sport has gone. Even the Promotions know the riders will complain about track conditions unless the dust is flying.Its a no win situation.
I do sympathise,but by the same token I am reluctant to attend a meeting if there is a cloud in the sky nowadays, mainly because the riders just don’t want know if conditions aren’t perfect.That has a lot to do with poor attendances in regard to weather conditions.