Like you say when 2020 season was written off in the summer that’s when things for 2021 should have been put in place.As usual the Chairman was too busy making sure Scunthorpe was running Mickey Mouse meetings every week.Think it was obvious in March the season wasn’t going to happen.
Read that.We need to get them to make up their mind though, the ball always seems to be in the riders court these days.Poland aren’t going to messed about with the money they are offering.Interesting times.!
It’s just a case of wait and see.GB don’t seem to be pro- active in securing deals and signing riders.Nobody seems to know what is happening next season yet.we need to put pressure on riders to make up their mind instead of waiting to see who’s left over.
The BSPA just create their own problems.IMO.If the Promotions had already been told that they would be able to field the same riders for next season they should not go back on their word.If there are stronger Teams in the league so be it.Teams on paper don’t win anything it’s on the track that matters.
Think the pressure of the sport gets to him quite a lot of the time ,so maybe the break will help.I think he has probably realised his level.Never mentioned if he had employment this year.
That’s Cook though,he has mental issues hovering over him.His main one is that he is not as good as he thinks he is.There is always something to make an excuse about.
Very difficult to get a deliberate difference in the Standards of the leagues these days,not enough Top Men and can’t see that changing in the near future.
I agree about 41point limit.There Will be some Teams stronger than others,but that’s happened in the past it’s the entertainment factor that matters.Dropping riders to suit points limit is not the way forward.