Quite agree,if it was something needing answered quickly and really important,I asked question out of a matter of interest not really bothered if you and Dick Barrie can post on here but can’t tell,I’m pretty sure you know the answer to my query.
Only comparing with British streams.I normally used your links ,but this season they seem not to be working on I Pad,unfortunately.Highly unlikely to know result so really doesn’t matter to me when it’s on. It
If you can go into a Pub and leave your Details, don’t see why an outside venue should be any different,apart from making sure the crowd limit is adhered too.Different Councils seem to take different views.There is a chance that you might turn up and dont get in if it’s full.If that’s the case.
Would have to agree.Promotion seem to think it’s the way to go,and that’s the bottom line.Trying to maximise income on the number of fans allowed maybe.Who knows.!!