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Everything posted by Fromafar

  1. Good news on Ben sound awful last night.Back to full fitness soon hopefully,although I would imagine his season is over.
  2. Don’t think that is feasible.Top riders wouldn’t like told where to ride,based on their other commitments alone.
  3. Rumour season will soon be in full swing👍
  4. Agree regarding NDL hanging by a thread.The prospects and quality riders are already in aChampionship Team.Clubs must be suffering financially to run stand alone meetings .IMO.
  5. As has been proved in the last couple of weeks riders just manipulate their excuses to suit the situation.Missing a meeting for what ever reason should an automatic 7 day rest period.Typical mismanagement of the sport.
  6. It’s Jack that should worry a couple of bad matches and a tantrum he will be looking for a new Team over there
  7. BSN put a superb show consider their resources you actually feel that your are at the match sitting the house.Hope they have had a successful season financially.Great coverage.
  8. Think it’s obvious giving what was being said about track it was just a giveaway 5/1.Kurtz not even chosen.
  9. Ashfield is a great spectacle for the sport.The general watering down does nothing help in general.IMO You have to ask why the sport is not attracting new fans and retaining them based on what you are saying.
  10. The valid point is they weaken the product ,charge more and expect increase in Attendance.The not a winning solution in my book.
  11. They have certainly made a pigs ear of everything this season .IMO.But hey I’m just a Forum F*nny who shouldn’t have an opinion that doesn’t toe the line.Just want my money.
  12. Had a decent season well worth keeping at 19,still has time improve.
  13. Thanks,stand corrected👍obviously too taxing a question for me answer.🤔😂
  14. It plain fact that Speedway in GB is not attracting NEW and keeping them fans in any significant numbers.How the Financial side of the Sport is doing just remains the business of the Promotions .Fans Fundraising is a significant contribution at a few Clubs . Fans like myself can only speculate riders costs but certainly figures bandied about make interesting conversations. Everything seems rosy though.🤔🤔🤔 what I do know is they can’t keep watering down the product and keep charging rising Admission Prices. Comparing with other activities does not wash with me.Its what I’m paying to Watch Speedway that matters to me and I’m sure a lot of other fans.
  15. This recent reply from C Holder sums the family up for me.
  16. He is plonker of the highest order,began to think the whole family are that when you see and read about them.
  17. Dean Always though you and Moggo got on well when at Berwick.Yes or No will don’t want to stir anything up.
  18. Ricky Ashworth was the 1st I seen with the variable headstock frame when he rode for Berwick,think one of his Sponsors made them.(could be wrong regarding sponsor).
  19. The ancillary parts like Ignition,Carbs and Clutch’s probably are very much improved and make a difference. ps Does adjusting the chain after a practice start really make a difference or just a habit now.
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