Winning in Poland means “your”Team won the League and the Prestige means something to riders and Sponsers.Over here “your “ Club won the League using every other Clubs riders during the season.Not a lot of Credibility in that IMO.
I believe due to them having an already good “in house “streaming set-up in place they made a decent amount of money from streaming every match without forking out money to an independent streaming service.Glasgow on the other hand outsourced their streaming service (I believe).
Sedgmen seems to think the sport owes him a living,plus he doesn’t want to sign for weak Teams because he thinks they might not make the Play-Offs.He is the one who needs to get real IMO.
Good Idea,but the Devils in the detail knowing the BSPA.Teams that are already providing streaming might not wholehearted agreed if it going to affect their income from streaming.