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Everything posted by Fromafar

  1. They have certainly made a pigs ear of everything this season .IMO.But hey I’m just a Forum F*nny who shouldn’t have an opinion that doesn’t toe the line.Just want my money.
  2. Had a decent season well worth keeping at 19,still has time improve.
  3. Thanks,stand corrected👍obviously too taxing a question for me answer.🤔😂
  4. It plain fact that Speedway in GB is not attracting NEW and keeping them fans in any significant numbers.How the Financial side of the Sport is doing just remains the business of the Promotions .Fans Fundraising is a significant contribution at a few Clubs . Fans like myself can only speculate riders costs but certainly figures bandied about make interesting conversations. Everything seems rosy though.🤔🤔🤔 what I do know is they can’t keep watering down the product and keep charging rising Admission Prices. Comparing with other activities does not wash with me.Its what I’m paying to Watch Speedway that matters to me and I’m sure a lot of other fans.
  5. This recent reply from C Holder sums the family up for me.
  6. He is plonker of the highest order,began to think the whole family are that when you see and read about them.
  7. Dean Always though you and Moggo got on well when at Berwick.Yes or No will don’t want to stir anything up.
  8. Ricky Ashworth was the 1st I seen with the variable headstock frame when he rode for Berwick,think one of his Sponsors made them.(could be wrong regarding sponsor).
  9. The ancillary parts like Ignition,Carbs and Clutch’s probably are very much improved and make a difference. ps Does adjusting the chain after a practice start really make a difference or just a habit now.
  10. Interesting,I really am interested in the technical working of the bikes but you don’t get much in depth in SS Magazine perhaps in the winter the should get one of the tuners on modern parts etc (without given away secrets ).It does seem a fine line these days between getting right.(Don’t know how much bullsH#t is talked though)
  11. He also works for the Promotion.(I Think).
  12. Conner didn’t sound very positive in his SS interview the other week.Would be a decent signing if head gets his head around the sport again.
  13. There is not same number of fixtures and News these days in GB though.Needs something to fill the pages,I really enjoy the Foreign news but the delivery standards need to be addressed.Personally think the problem is Royal Mail local deliveries due to lack of staff.All my mail is affected these days.
  14. Hope your right with one of these.
  15. Poole don’t many mistakes regarding Team building ,can’t see them letting slip away if he wants to be there.
  16. He does get “married”a few times or attends a lot of Weddings.
  17. You must remember Jack Millen and Frank Aufrett.Thing they had a slight disagree whenever they met if I remember correctly.
  18. Don’t know anything about them to be honest.Does it mean you don’t have to remove engine cover to alter ignition timing.Done with a lap top.Not Sure.
  19. Need improvers certainly not Jack Smith.How many seasons and still under 4 pt av.Sad decline of the sport dictates signing this standard of of rider because of his average.
  20. Not seem William ride so will not comment on him.But have seen dozens of youngsters at 15/16 who thought were world beaters very few reached the top.Best of luck to William though,he seems to have the backing behind him so hope he goes far.Luck needed in Speedway.
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