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Fromafar last won the day on January 24

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  1. Don’t think he liked Shielfield,surprised he was so poor with Redcar though.Didn’t show any real improvement.
  2. While it was nasty crash he was back riding the next week.
  3. Would agree.There are only a handful of riders who burst gut these days.Slick tracks at some venues doesn’t encourage bursting a gut though.
  4. Total “wide boy”.Never had any intentions of Speedway returning to The Abbey.Russell is perfect partner in this this “hoodwink”.
  5. Agree just relies on gating.He looked promising for Bandits when first arrived,but never really showed much improvement.
  6. Track prep maybe,never seems to be the same each week at some tracks.
  7. Whoever all the fuss is about,he will have to be good to make them Top4 contenders.
  8. You have to take the riders thoughts and demands into consideration thought.He might have changed them when he wasn’t getting a Team.
  9. Do you not think Sky are missing a trick by not offering Sport as a stand alone Package.
  10. Maybe an opening for BSN to step in if they think it would be viable.Certainly no problem with their coverage of the sport up till now.Dont know the “ ins and outs” regarding TV rights though.
  11. Can 2pt riders really pick and choose where they want to ride.They really should be happy to get Team place and just get on with it.IMO
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