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Everything posted by Lioness

  1. Thanks tick-tock I don't have an order no tho-just the guys name :x Oh well....I'll give them till the start if next week and then become a phone a friend....lol
  2. At the risk of sounding stupid how do you check your order on line?
  3. Right! thats it 21st CH! You're censored! :twisted:
  4. Can I request if anyone DOES get their tickets to post on here and let us all know? Just so that we can all pressure them lol
  5. Thought it might make a little more sense here..... 8)
  6. It does seem to be very difficult in some cases to remember its a speedway list...
  7. I was just gonna use the one I got for Pammie and Scorpio's do Gem as they seem to have called it off Dunno what I'm to do with the bridesmaids dress tho..... I'm not going to the GP in Prague but I will be there in mid-July on football business if anyone wants any specific hotels, bars etc checked out.
  8. That was probably because the locals had nicked all the tyres tho DW :clown :twisted:
  9. Simple....BSPA or the alternative spelling BSI :clown The justification? Well, from google, ... The stegosaurus was one of a family of massive armored dinosaurs that lived 170 million years ago. If it was attacked, it lashed out a defense with its sharply spiked tail
  10. Hang on til I get someone else to reply to this cos I'm too quiet and shy to
  11. Shazzy I dunno if thats a good thing a bad thing or if we should just get ya committed now lol You never know-we might meet up at Stoneleigh! I'll be the quiet shy one :shy
  12. Glad you got it sorted out Nick! Now Im just jealous Im not going :-( lol
  13. No change there then ML lol. :clown Can I play too? :twisted:
  14. No Solpadeine? I've got it your just gonna stay drunk aren't ya?? :twisted:
  15. Is it really wise for you to go out partying the night before the GP Pammie? After all I remember that Sunny Sunday at Glasgow when you got the name of solpadeine Pam and looked greener than the grass on the centre green after partying the night before...... :twisted:
  16. Ooooh....ya can tell its getting near the START of the season....the Weegies are getting restless lol You're a brave man Pirate!
  17. Nick just a suggestion but are you sure your order was accepted? I think Steve on here ordered his that ay but asked someone to translate the final page for him and it turned out it was saying his card hadn't gone through. Maybe worth checking (or Steve can you confirm?)
  18. funny way of showing it Shazzy! somehow I don't think saying it shouldn't be here will get the answer! Anyhow maybe we should get back to JH as requested...... :?
  19. Classic from the biggest culprit of not sticking to threads never mind Gem I enjoyed the challenge!
  20. Gem I know the answer to this one but rather than spoil it for others I'll PM it to you meantime.....I want full credit for getting it right tho! lol
  21. Welcome to the forum Mrs Sheffield! Im too new to the sport to know of the times you are talking about (although do like watching Les Collins even now) but there are plenty of others around with stories and memories from the past so come on in look around and join in when you want. Come on you Sheffield fans.....Krissie? Phil? Tigerblade? etc etc
  22. Steve the intention was to 'save' the crowns at the top of the towers in the interest of history apparently. not the tops of the actual towers but the wee bittys sticking up (keep it clean Lt-family forum!) I think that was the reason for one of the previous delays
  23. Yeah this diet irn bru can be a bit vicious :clown I'm tt Kev!
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