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Everything posted by Lioness

  1. Totally shocked to read this. I think Jacques has summed it up perfectly. RIP Danny Sincere condolences to family, friends and all who knew him in or out of Speedway.
  2. You seem to have spelt ‘oops I got it wrong’ incorrectly!
  3. Nick Morris has done it but I agree it is a tremendous achievement. Well done to him and to Leicester on a great season and championship title
  4. Friday means Cook can definitely ride as well as his sick line for Poole runs to the Thursday. Assuming he is well enough to return obviously!
  5. So why mention it if you can’t back it up?
  6. So you are saying the flag marshall was right mac101?
  7. Geez I didn’t realise blow up dolls were so sophisticated these days that they could actually type too
  8. The only thing is Paul that it has been verified by independent witnesses and is far from the first time that fans past and present have told similar stories. Up to individuals if they want to identify themselves or not but a few are well known, are on here and have been vocal about their treatment on facebook in the past.
  9. A few people were commenting on a hole on the third bend. Is that back?
  10. Where did I say I was? Someone else brought it up on here, I’ve commented (not just on her case) in general and made sure I’ve not mentioned her-or any others- name except when others have before me. It’s out there in the public domain elsewhere as she herself confirmed an incident. So how am I the one dragging it into the public arena? perhaps you have missed other mentions of it by other posters and just chosen to hone in and warp mine. I wonder why?
  11. I reckon it’s cos you’re a glory seeking pseudo sellick fan. :p That Glasgow lineup looks phenomenal. Is it being televised for people who can’t go? I hope so! If a meeting with that line up can’t whet the appetite for speedway then nothing will. I doubt if they could have cherry picked any better
  12. Unlike those who have made life difficult for her and tried to edge her out you mean?
  13. And what about what has happened to the Berwick lass whose surname isn’t Lanning?
  14. This is not a new issue. I know of 3 photographers at various tracks who were subject to the same treatment by ‘old guard’ and things were made difficult for them. One had even introduced a new media contact that helped a club with publicity and was still treated badly by ‘old guard’. Two have gone on to be pretty successful photographers away from speedway. This was maybe 7-10 years ago. As others have also alluded to, there is currently a young lady at Berwick who has received similar problems at some tracks. She too deserves better. Maybe this being raised now could help the likes of Taylor, ‘Berwick girl (not up to me to name her) and any other youngsters start and develop (scuse the bad pun) in photographing the sport. It could do damage if not quickly tackled head on though. I am aware of 3 names of the ‘accused’ and one in particular I find hard to believe as I always found him a good guy. It needs sorted out for both sides and its past the ‘banging their heads together’ stage. I also think it has come too far to be sorted out behind closed doors as innocent parties may be tainted pity it’s taken so long to come to the fore and needed a so called connected name to be brought out into the open but it needs sorted
  15. Can’t see anyone who saw that tonight saying ‘oh yeah, must watch the Speedway tomorrow ‘ Fair play for trying something different but can’t see it being worth televising live
  16. Wish I could like that more than once Gregory, clever.
  17. While I agree with that bit (it is the nature of uk speedway and fans expect most competitive teams possible) I really don’t think the sacking by text side should be overlooked. Thats despicable. Although among some of today’s promotions it doesn’t surprise me, I did not have Newcastle down as one who would behave in that way. Common decency requires at least a phone call. Sadly decency and speedway don’t seem to go hand in hand too often these days. surprised and disappointed at how it’s been done, not that it has been done (it’s a results driven employment after all)
  18. Had a lot of time for Neil, he was a good guy - it was a good bunch of players we had at the time. I was heavily involved at the club at the time, happy days strangely even though we were in major financial strife at the time. He’s still well thought of by my generation at Falkirk. His goal really wasn’t offside though!
  19. Actually Screm, Berwick do have a celebrity fan, I’ve seen him there. Guy by the name of Neil Oliver. Ollies goal was never offside in the 97 Scottish Cup Final! (ask any Falkirk fan lol)
  20. I’m maybe mis interpreting things here and apologies in advance if I am but I can’t help thinking we are always asking for transparency for the fans but when someone goes down that line they are told to take it to a private medium? we can’t have it both ways.
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