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Lioness last won the day on April 14 2024

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About Lioness

  • Birthday 02/20/2002

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    must try to remember not to get into a battle of wits with people who are so obviously unarmed!
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    Curling. Curling curling and curling, football, curling curling football and curling.

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  1. Just for info, a lot of discussion was had about positive drugs tests in speedway last season. I got advised today by Scottish Curling that WADA has published the fresh list to come into effect 1/1/25. If you can’t sleep or just want to see the sort of things that appear on it then fill yer boots https://www.wada-ama.org/en/prohibited-list
  2. I’d still like confirmation tho. Partly because I’m a stubborn bugger and partly because I want it confirmed before I start the ‘I told you so’ posts lol
  3. Rangers are about to go a few months without a ‘home’ game Lol
  4. Guess you two didnt watch the Lionesses win the Euro's first then
  5. Also no one has confirmed or denied it, not even his buddies on here.
  6. Bookies dont give odds on dead certs do they?
  7. Thanks for your aggressive reply and incorrect assumptions. All I did was state facts - mine were factual, unlike yours As you know, I always did cover the junior meetings Triple H and I loved them. Unfortunately though we are in the minority which is why I dont think also running NDL would keep people going regularly every Friday. Bierao I wouldnt have a clue about the attendance at Armadale for NDL meetings, hopefully one of the Edinburgh people or NDL reps could give an answer. I dont think, in my opinion, that its the race day putting people off. Most people were all for Glasgow moving to the Friday night and night time racing. I think the problem is a set up where clubs go weeks without fixtures and fans cant say 'we race on Xday, lets go along' is the issue but as I say thats only my opinion
  8. Ten years ago, Glasgow raced on a Sunday and you knew there would be a meeting most Sundays with an occassional blank Sunday (although usually due to the weather). Now its a case of trying to figure out which Fridays have meetings rather than which dont. You need some sort of continuity. As for those suggesting join the NDL to fill in the gaps, you can tell from the numbers that turn out to recent and previous neutral, qualifying or Junior events that the fans wont come out and support it
  9. I think you are mis understanding my point. Of course pharmacists offer advice. For example if someone comes in for OTC cough medicine, we ask if they are on any other medication. Its not that we are being nosey, we are being responsible as cough and cold remedies tend to affect the potency of other medication, particularly heart, blood thinners and respiratory medications (but not exclusively). If someone discloses they are on such a medication we legally cannot sell them it as we know it could cause harm. If a Dr prescribes it then thats different (although to be honest we would often give them a quick phone call to check too - thats a pharmacists job). That is totally different from someone riding speedway asking about banned medications but personally I would be more concerned at someone buying medication from a supermarket that a pharmacist has flagged as a possible problem than basically saying 'oh well I'll just go to a supermarket'. I mean these check out girls know as much as people who have done 4/5 years study and exams followed by regular professional monitoring....
  10. Hows it the chemists fault? Every time someone goes in to ask for benadryl for a cold do you think the pharmacist should come out and interrogate them aboutwhether they intend to ride speedway? The pharmacist is more than happy enough to advise but it is Lee who has to ask about it. They have no legal right to refuse to sell him it unless abuse is suspected
  11. Promethazine isnt actually on the prohibited drug list from WADA though. As you say though, night nurse can cause drowsiness which causes its own problems!
  12. SCB, Nah I’m not buying it I’m afraid. If the deflection you are now trying about your second offence was remotely true there would have been grounds for an appeal or at very least a case for an incompetent solicitor to answer by not having the case thrown out by stating the offences took place while you were supposedly in prison. But that’s just relating to your second offence I think you believe you are trying to be sincere and maybe I’m misjudging that but I don’t buy it. I wonder if you have ever really seen the effect on victims of child abuse? I have, including my own nephew who was abused at 14. His life since has consisted of 5 serious suicide attempts, drug addition, alcohol addiction and a complete disregard for his own safety as the trauma still jumps up and tells him he is worthless. We still dread late night calls in case it’s another call advising he is in hospital after self harm more than 20 years after he was abused. That is the effect YOU have had on even younger children. Their lives have changed forever. Whether you did it, watched it or just viewed the photos you are part of what was done to kids like my nephew and his family who saw a caring 14 year old boy who volunteered in the local hospital have his life changed overnight to satisfy the needs and voyeurism of adults who should know better I genuinely hope your urges can be held at bay for the sake of children, but you will forgive me for saying there is not a hope in hell I can come to terms with what you have been part of or for what you have ‘been through’
  13. You’ve nothing to apologise for M D We were all taken in by him at some point and he certainly is very good at deception, even now. That’s why it’s right that people had to step in and post the facts that were being glossed over. The fact it’s taken the heat off Garrity is just a side effect
  14. Yes there is a lot of evil out there but there are many more good people. Speedway is no worse and no better than any other situation in life imo. I think thats a bit unfair. When they were younger I remember the two of them being quite pally at Newport. Like so many of us, the wool was pulled over Pinny's eyes about what SCB was really like and it was a massive shock when it broke. Is it any wonder he feels strongly about it? Especially given the type of crime it is. Threads often go off at a tangent on a forum, thats the nature of the beast, but remember it was SCB himself who started this tangent by putting his head above the parapet and trying to paint himself as reformed when the evidence of a second conviction shows otherwise. You can hardly expect people just to quietly let it go.
  15. It shouldn’t really - the difference is that Jeremy vine (unless I have missed something) has not been convicted or served time for being a nonce
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