My comeback year, think most Lynn fans are excited about our 2025 team, how many blimmin years have we wanted Bomber to race for us, forever, gotta be a good omen eh 😀 Looking forward to taking my place on the terraces again, it's been an age, jeez! Been through some rubbish but I'm out the other side, roll on March yewwwww
Wasn't the opening Edinburgh derby trophy traditionally the spring trophy, cleverly in the shape of a spring? It's an extra meeting either way so all good
Re the zagar/klint debate, its not who could score the most, its who helps the club maintain the team budget/survival costs, klint lives in the uk so normal travel money needed, where you would have to fly zagar in or pay costs to stay between premiership and championship meeting . So imo klint wins, but won't score 12-15 points a meeting everytime, but will get 9/10 from 5 rides most times