Spreaking as I find: to be fair it was printed in the week afore's ish that current mag, w/e 28-12-24, would be on sale from Friday onwards, 'subbed' issues delivered 24 hours later. Sadly I've had the odd 'Star go missing myself, but whenever I've phoned Dave Fairbrother (a man of few words who gets things done) at Pinegen, 'Star Distibution dept., he has always posted me a replacement asap. During one 'Dude, where's my Star ?' (see what I did) chat he was also frustrated over copies going missing, and revealed the problem is much less prevelant than at one time. Speedway Star remains a top quality publication covering our great sport and, as I've alluded to before, it's important we support the magazine, and our teams / tracks, as without drawing pictures, speedway needs all the support it can get. And, no, Dave didn't ask me to say that, though I promised I would....