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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2024 in all areas

  1. Ten years ago, Glasgow raced on a Sunday and you knew there would be a meeting most Sundays with an occassional blank Sunday (although usually due to the weather). Now its a case of trying to figure out which Fridays have meetings rather than which dont. You need some sort of continuity. As for those suggesting join the NDL to fill in the gaps, you can tell from the numbers that turn out to recent and previous neutral, qualifying or Junior events that the fans wont come out and support it
    6 points
  2. Possibly we didn't need a no1 to beat Edinburgh on their own track
    5 points
  3. Bloody Poole fans are like rats on this forum always infiltrating threads with their garbage …. Poole a place with nothing to do… v Manchester lol of course it’s easier to attract bigger crowds down there even though it’s accepted the track is garbage ….. As for the meeting thought it was a great watch on a proper track but Leicester need changes badly
    4 points
  4. Team line-up cost Birmingham tonight. Steve Worrall riding at No.5 again after struggling drastically all season when riding in a Heat Leader position was utter madness.
    4 points
  5. Nope. Oxford got bigger crowds in the Championship than Poole last season. And probably on a par with them this season, despite the fact they are competing in three leagues. Crowds are so good we also don't have to 'worry' about which nights we race on.
    3 points
  6. A freak result that’s made your season, bless.
    3 points
  7. We are not weekend that is our team Yes we had a good guest at the weekend who scored a lot more than celina would have But she is in the team so that's our team
    3 points
  8. She,s a world champion show her some respect !
    3 points
  9. I thought Young Killeen rode very well and did not disgrace himself. Even when he failed to score in a couple, he was on the pace. Put his senior partner to shame imo
    3 points
  10. You know full well why people don't bother with live tv meetings, there are posts in this thread to that effect, the delays are mindnumbing. You support a team with no real local sporting competition, it's either speedway or powerboat racing, that's why your crowds hold up. I just don't understand why you constantly bring up the same rubbish about crowd numbers yet virtually ignore the fact that we've just seen such a brilliant meeting on the best track in Britain.
    3 points
  11. Same old line trotted out out, that's all you've got, terrible crowd blah blah. Meanwhile you're content to watch 2nd division racing on a tinpot track, as you were. Some fantastic racing tonight, plenty of passing, well done both teams for providing great entertainment.
    3 points
  12. That’s because Poole only see a race like that once a season we see it every meeting
    3 points
  13. I think RR forToby, especially at home means everyone can take a ride. Id rather go with that than rely on 2 of your oppositions riders to perform. I know it's a risk. But i've had a few watching England play crap again.
    2 points
  14. Heat 01: Harris, Sayfutdinov, Riss, Łaguta Heat 10: Harris, King, Rew, Łaguta He couldn't even beat Riss and Rew on his home track last year...
    2 points
  15. Aloud or allowed
    2 points
  16. Got my ticket for tomorrow - much as I resent having to buy it a day in advance. It's Championship speedway, not Taylor Swift, for God's sake! Weather forecast is dry and sunny, which is a bit of a concern as that normally means a rain-off at O*ford! C'mon the Batch!!! Go Celina Go!! Girl Power!! Good grief, that's far too much speedway enthusiasm for one day.
    2 points
  17. Teams had to by the 18th June name their squad of up to 5 riders. By the 3rd July the teams have to nominate their 3 rider team- an injured rider can be changed after this date and during the comp. This rider brought in can be one not named in the orginal squad. Teams must not be announced apart from by the FIM or the SON promoter.
    2 points
  18. Oxford get bigger crowds than Poole AND better racing. But we don't bleat on about it all the time!
    2 points
  19. Sam’s mum posted this on Facebook yesterday. “He lost half a tooth and nerve exposed chipped another tooth was in the emergency dentist yesterday having teeth built back up and back at his dentist this afternoon for another check that all went ok yesterday very sore indeed.” She also confirmed that he’ll be at the meeting tomorrow.
    2 points
  20. It was a decent match to watch. Fricke was pretty sensational but the Lions are pretty woeful. The Aces got 4 points thru RR and yet the Lions still couldn’t or didn’t look likely of winning. Masters was woefully slow until his 3rd ride whilst Becker has gone backwards this season. They need another top gun to go with Fricke and sacrifice lower down or it’s a dog fight to make the top 4.
    2 points
  21. Typical reply, from a bitter sounding tier two Poole fan. I thought the racing was excellent myself, and i doubt if many would disagree, apart from some Poole fans of course.
    2 points
  22. just get him measured for a suit!
    2 points
  23. I have found from long experience of working in money and running businesses that humans can be complicated when it comes to parting with money - many will see the value in spending money on something i wouldn't even consider but baulk at the idea of speanding it on something I would happily do so. My company last year employed a young lady (17 y/o) to do some PT data entry etc she was paid a decent £11 an hour - and she would happily spend a weeks wages of that on getting her nails / eyelashes done! I used to have a perks scheme at my work where you could get a free cafe nero coffee every week or month i forget now - but to be honest i would often not use it because i was either lazy or preferred the coffee in Starbucks. I bought 4 pints for my mates (yes I have them) on friday that cost me £23 - about the same as a speedway match - i happily spend that - however i no longer go to league football as I don't consider it value for money any more at £45 or more, yet each week thousands do spend that! Oddly however when i go up to Edinburgh to see my lad I go to Tynecastle and watch Hearts as often its only £20-25 for a ticket which i consder much more reasonable to pay. Again its about the same as a speedway match Some people place great value of things that cost money - some will happily take in a free speedway match simply cos it was free but not pay if they have to - I always get slightly annoyed when people say oh its free great - nothing is free it always costs something somewhere to someone!
    2 points
  24. Are you crowd mad or something this now and b/vue saddo
    2 points
  25. Fingers crossed Adam is OK after his off guesting for KL last night
    2 points
  26. Steve does better at 2,being at 5 in premiership is not his level, TM tactics lost brum the match imo
    2 points
  27. They had a meeting last Wednesday at Oxford. They would be hosting their KO Cup semi final this Wednesday but Scunthorpe refused the fixture, hence hosting the NLDRC instead. Edinburgh next Weds at home.
    2 points
  28. Yes the racing was good tonight. Just a shame the promotion forgot to open the gates.
    2 points
  29. Some decent races tonight, it has to be in the interest of speedway to find a way to get the crowd in for free on television meetings, it’s been a good sporting watch tonight but the crowd is embarrassing and unfortunately visual is everything
    2 points
  30. If you’re planning your home meetings based on using a tac sub in heats 12 and 14, then you may aswell not bother at all.
    2 points
  31. Hardly a novelty meeting ! The FIM for 2 days in Teterow held a Women’s academy with tuition from Greg Hancock. Ok there was only 11 riders of the required standard to take part in the Gold Trophy but iis it’s 1st year, so hopefully 16 riders will take part in 2025.
    2 points
  32. Eh? He was a SPEEDWAY rider. Committed s crime and was released on license. Was back riding SPEEDWAY at Scunthorpe in amateur meetings. How is that not relevant to a SPEEDWAY discussion?
    2 points
  33. https://ipswichwitches.co/raceday-preview-oxford-rowe-motor-oil-premiership-r2-h/ As expected, Nicholls for Doyle.
    1 point
  34. good people will always try to find the best in people, no idea if this is true but keep being like the rest of us, a good solid person..
    1 point
  35. For the money Lindgren is being paid, he should be winning heats 1,13 and 15. Artem Laguta wouldn't let 2nd rate riders like Tungate beat him.
    1 point
  36. Ha ha, your calling him an arfwit . You need to take a look at yourself first. But i wouldn't advise looking into a mirror
    1 point
  37. The only way King's Lynn get 4th is with a minimum of 6 permanent members & their 2 points handed back. They will soon return to the foot of the table relying on 2 or more guests week in week out.
    1 point
  38. Brum is a very unsettled club that needs quite a bit of fixing if the club were to stick with the same 1-7. 1. Tolley needs to try and tempt Pete Adams to Brum again to work alongside Chris, Sudden Sam is basically the Joe Biden of Speedway Managers. 2. Need to settle on a riding order and stick with it unless forced into changing it instead of chopping and changing every meeting. 3. Tolley needs to stop putting too much pressure on his riders pre-meeting, You hear comments from Woffinden and Blodorn about how laid back they're feeling in British Speedway whilst having a good laugh with team mates and opposition riders prior to Heat 1, At Birmingham it just seems like the riders are under constant pressure, First it was the Lindgren situation where everyone was riding for their jobs, Now Tolley is coming out with unrealistic expectations about winning the bonus point against KL last night when even a win on the night would've been an achievement in itself.
    1 point
  39. I think this is largely as the fans stay away when the TV cameras are in town, I go to Owlerton 4-5 times per season and about the same to Ipswich and the crowds when say BV or Leicester are in Sheffield are usually really good the home straight is largely packed as is the grandstand and usually a very healthly spread on the 3rd and 4th bend. Its never easy to say what the crowd is as no promotion releases figures but easy 2-3k which doesnt match Poland but does Sweden. I would say Ipswich get a decent 2k or so maybe more when it was Peterborough last season or Kings Lynn.
    1 point
  40. Agree Badge. Vital member of the team who is riding really well.
    1 point
  41. Clubs should remove their TV match from being included within season tickets. That would allow them to charge season ticket holders a special rate for that match, and to anyone who has paid to get in at other non-TV matches within the previous 12 months (obviously with proof of purchase)
    1 point
  42. Track staff 100/100 too.. A Hot day, and they nailed it... Not many could have delivered that level of surface...
    1 point
  43. But even then as good as a TV league match is to watch on the TV, it's deathly dull when you're actually in attendance with the extended delays while the TV people are doing their Tv things. Until this is addressed, along with the cost, Tv meetings will never attract any sort of crowd unless it's a play off
    1 point
  44. More passes in 3 heats then there was in 15 heats at Sheffield last week
    1 point
  45. Can’t class football as 90 minutes of entertainment either. How much of that is the ball actually in play, and even when it is how much is being passed around by defenders etc not entertaining
    1 point
  46. Always worth holding it when we are there
    1 point
  47. That's some skill, must have been trained up in that last time he was in prison?!? They say men can't multi-task
    1 point
  48. There is an option. if you can’t give all your clubs 100% then only ride in the one team you will give 100% to.
    1 point
  49. What a load of piffle from Butterfield. Well done Dotty nailing him with some of those questions. "Have you ever been to a speedway meeting? The answer proved that he clearly has not. I wonder if he paid his last couple of quid for a programme so he could follow it?. He really struggled to remember if he really did, couldn't say when and how he could guess (yes GUESS!) how many people were there. The speedway club knew how many people were there because otherwise the council wouldn't let them stay open and stage meetings under safety laws And to say he wants to see a full business plan from the club before he will have a meeting in that last few seconds of the interview shows just how frightened he is to argue his case face -to-face. The speedway busines plan is nothing to do with him. Reverse that argument to him and see just how thin his fag-packet operation is. Filed records show three out of the four companies he tries to show are "AEPG" really have one director and one employee - HIM, an existence of a couple of years and a reputation of zero viable successful history. The other company that he took over from the farmers has two directors (one him) and about a dozen employees. He has no record of doing anything like this before, so put against the over 50 years plus of viable life for the Panthers, which one is the most likley to be true, viable and reliable? He is less likely to be coming up with the truth even by the standards of the politians we have been hearing from in the past couple of weeks! He must be using the same fag-packet suppliers as they clearly do - he certainly uses enough. His knowledge of what a charity can and cannot do is pathetic and to use the spurious arguments he desparately pulled out of thin air at the end of the interview gives me a great deal of confidence that he will not win this one.
    1 point
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