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No action against Doyle. Common sensed prevailed in the end. (Six words you don't often see on a Speedway forum).7 points
Should be banned for a specified amount of meetings not a specified amount of time.6 points
5 points
Lynn usually show us a picture or video of the track around the usual race time to show us how bad it is… we didn’t get that last night for some reason… haha5 points
I agree. Should be awarded 0-75 everytime there is a call off like this where the meeting could unquestionsbly gone ahead. Promoters doing this kills people's enthusiasm. Someone should have gone there yesterday to investigate it. We might have a situation where Jason Doyle misses a match through no fault of his own and gets a fine or a ban yet promoters can do this.5 points
What a woke society it is now a days. Big whoop a couple of “naughty” words used. In the heat of the moment, just expressing their feelings, get on with it and get over yourself.4 points
I wasn't really following speedway much when Garity got put away, so I asked around last week at leicester and some folk explained what had happened and about his release. I actually spoke to ex promoter/team manager on Thursday about Garity just to see what he had to say about his attitude and personality etc. What I will say is I didn't hear one shred of positivity about the bloke. When he was riding apparently his so called 'friends' from the travelling community were entering the stadium without a ticket. They were in the pits and just generally causing abit of a trouble. They were eventually thrown out but apparently it caused a lot of tension between the rider and management. There were other things said but I'd rather not go into it. Now in my opinion this is a really tough subject, does the guy deserve a second chance in life? Probably he does. Does he deserve a chance in speedway? Not so sure. I don't know the guy and can only say what I have been told. I personally wouldn't go near him if I was a promoter/team manager.3 points
i heard from someone in the know that the 2025 season maybe scrapped as rain is forcast for some of the days3 points
I see the committee said there will be positive news coming soon after a meeting last night3 points
Doyley could have picked it up for him... oh hang on... So whatever happened to Tungate was in his control.3 points
Rohan Tungate gets a fine for trying to get to a meeting from Poland same could happen to Doyle yet Buster calls off a meeting because he said the forecast was rain, well the forecast wasn't for rain and it was perfect weather for speedway. Will be interesting to see if anything becomes of his shenanigans. (again)3 points
3 points
It will be on your record so if you commit the same offence again the previous ban will come into consideration for the punishment. That's my guess anyway3 points
3 points
He did wrong & was punished in a court of law. His sentence was to serve 7 years in prison, due to good behavior he was released early only serving half his time. He now wants to return to normal life & that includes racing speedway. I'm not Judge or Jury but I am willing to give him time & space to prove he can be a valid member of the speedway community2 points
It is an actual average based on actual points scored in real matches calculated according to the regulations. Yes sometimes the rules produce anomalies but if you want to iron them out you will often end up creating new ones, and inevitably make the rules more complicated.2 points
Not sure what that tells us Apparently Fred West was a very likeable person. Charles Manson obviously had a magnetic personality that enabled him to attract and manipulate people. The criminal world is full of such people. And the world is full of charming people who manage to manipulate and rob the elderly..... And there is one problem with speedway. It has a large elderly fan base. Would it really be acceptable to have him in the spotlght and expect older generations to pay out money to watch him ? How would it come over if you expected a large amount of females to pay to watch entertainment from a wife beater or rapist at the extreme ?2 points
Garrity for all his sins (and there are many ) comes across as a very personable bloke (cheeky chappie and all that ) and was pretty well liked by the majority of riders but not all, guess that all depended on if you had a run in with him, the people who travelled with him I believe were his family and they were well known for not taking any guff from anyone and were known for causing a bit of trouble, I know there were some promoters/managers in the sport who just didn’t like him and it’s my opinion that those people stunted his progress in the sport despite his obvious talent on a bike by not giving him opportunities that other lesser talented riders seem to get, as I said previously if he doesn’t come back and make a go of it in speedway then I fear the worst for him and I can’t see any other opportunities for him to straighten his life out, does he deserve it ? Well no, speedway doesn’t owe him anything but he won’t be the first rider that the sport has kept out of prison and he won’t be the last, personally I don’t think he will be accepted back but if he is then I suppose we have to give him the benefit of doubt, really hope that he takes the opportunity and it doesn’t bite us in the ass, just to finish, I remember a meeting at Sheffield and after we finished we are in the changing rooms and garrity walked in having had a poor meeting, sat down and said “im going to have rob an off licence on the way home now” we all laughed but looking back who knows2 points
But the head of British Speedway, Godfrey , says it’s all fine, welcome back Jason, ride on my track first , setting a great example to the sport.2 points
Spot on. https://britishspeedway.co.uk/miscellaneous/scb-statement-jason-doyle/2 points
2 points
what a mature well thought out response. I'll keep it simple and realistic and point out that what happens in LA or anywhere else does not justify going into the home of an elderly disabled person, scaring the rubbish out of them and stealing their money. Lets not reward those who do eh2 points
For those that don’t like the “high prices”. Highest price seat at the Crucible for Snooker World Championship final is £450. How do you like that?2 points
Plus... That banner could have come away from the fence and wrapped itself around someone's legs, causing them to trip and drown...2 points
Driving around LA, with a prostitute, in a souped up Lambo, selling drugs and machine gunning all your drug pushing competition....2 points
Seriously? Trudging round the country pre 2015 getting thumped everywhere entitled us to what exactly ?2 points
1 point
Hard to believe that 39 years ago today, we lost Billy...1 point
As I have already said if you cared to read my posts, its horses for courses. A school teacher can be struck off if convicted for behaviour outwith his school, you would not put a paedophile in charge of a nursery, Raith fans will tell you what happened when they tried to sign rapist David Goodwillie. You commit a crime, you do the time. As I have said I have no problem with him being a plumber although I wouldnt want him to be going into the homes of elderly or vulnerable. He can be a labourer if he wants or any other number of jobs. He has though forfeited his right to a sports position where he would benefit from sponsorship and get publicity and could possibly be seen by young or vulnerable as a 'hero' because he can ride a bike well. He's not a hero, he is a violent thug who served time for what he did to an elderly disabled individual in their own home. Let him get on with his life away from speedway - the sport does enough to make it less appealing to possible new supporters without the ruling body being stupid enough to see that allowing him back as a rider will give every nimby in the land extra ammunition to object to speedway and speedway tracks.1 point
1 point
Dont understand this at all .Riders are always on a tight deadline to make meetings and are only a plane being delay from missing a match . A plane on a sat night or Sunday after a Gp can stop someone getting to a match in Poland.. its Part of the Sport not much anyone can do about it..Tungate got a ban as quite clearly he could and should have made the meeting in the opinion of the BSPA.1 point
I agree with migrants to Rwanda. Manchester United will beat Sheffield United 3-11 point
Perhaps speedway riders should watch the best bike racers in the world in moto gp being interviewed and learn from it1 point
The British sides selected by Allen & Stead, seem to follow a list of rides, which doesn't change. Woffy, Lambert, Bewley for SON Add Ellis, Brennan for SWC So for European events it's Bewley, Ellis, Brennan, Harris (then dropped for Jenkins). Now we have Boughen ahead of Dan T. It seems like ability doesn't move you up the "rankings" mainly how willing riders are to travel. Connor Bailey as U21 Champ not a reserve for Cardiff as he didn't travel for European events for example.1 point
Jordan had travelled straight from Ipswich on Thursday to ride for GB in Pardubice. This was meant to be Saturday but postponed til Sunday. His suit had gone home to Norwich to be washed. With the delay to the meeting, he drove from Czechia straight up to Manchester and wasn’t able to collect his suit, hence the GB suit1 point
A distinct lack of any co-ordination by the governing body to the majority of closures.. Is it because there isnt enough riders to fill any extra teams? Hence it is "better" to let some simply disappear? Imagine if the dozen or so tracks that have closed in circa the last decade where still running? That would need over 80 riders..1 point
1 point
As some of the returnees to the league are finding out, riding in the UK is not as easy as they may have thought. Plymouth would actually give them a test and I'd love to see a top meeting there.1 point
1 point
1 point
Moreso than most sports, speedway traditionally has a problem with "home Advantage", but how big an issue is it? Let's look at some home-track winners from the BL era (1965 to 1990), and there are two reasons for that. Firstly, many tracks got into the habit of running regular (and well-established) individual meetings, and secondly, there was a tendency to get as many top riders as they could. I've chosen what I consider to be the strongest established events at most BL tracks. Some of you may wonder why I chose the Internationale over The Laurels, but I always felt that The Laurels leant toward a "regional field", or riders that we enjoyed seeing. I know there were several meetings like that around the country. So, here goes... Belle Vue - BLRC: Ivan Mauger (1971), Peter Collins (1974, 1975), Chris Morton (1984), Shawn Moran (1989) Coventry - Brandonapolis: Nigel Boocock (1966, 1968, 1971), Mitch Shirra (1980), Tommy Knudsen (1982, 1984) Cradley - Golden Hammer: Bobby Schwartz (1979), Lance King (1983), Alan Grahame (1984), Erik Gundersen (1986, 1987), Jan O. Pedersen (1989), Simon Cross (1990) Exeter - Westernapolis: Ivan Mauger (1973, 1975), Zdenek Kudrna (1979) Hackney - Champions Chase: Bengt Jansson (1973), Barry Thomas (1979) Halifax - Dews Trophy: Eric Boocock (1970, 1973), Graham Plant (1976), Ian Cartwright (1979), Kenny Carter (1980, 1981) Ipswich - Golden Sovereign: John Louis (1975), Billy Sanders (1976, 1978, 1979) King's Lynn - Pride of the East: Terry Betts (1968), Howard Cole (1969), Dave Jessup (1979, 1980), Michael Lee (1981) Poole - Blue Riband: Malcolm Simmons (1975, 1976, 1977, 1978) Reading - Manpower Trophy: Anders Michanek (1973), Joh Davis (1978) Sheffield - Yorkshire Bank Trophy: Bob Valentine (1973), Doug Wyer (1979) Swindon - Silver Plume: Martin Ashby (1974) Wimbledon - Internationale: Trevor Hedge (1969), Edward Jancarz (1977) Wolverhampton - Champion of Champions: Ole Olsen (1970, 1972, 1974) Sad note is the fact that, out of all these tracks, only Belle Vue, Ipswich, King's Lynn, Poole, and Sheffield still exist...1 point
Absolutely no reason why this meeting could not have gone ahead tonight there's been no rain all day and it's not forecast until 11p.m. Now they have to try and fit it in some other time, shades of last season unfortunately.1 point
NSS is a lovely set up and a nice track which has been great for British Speedway. But it’s a typical soulless modern GP style track. More overtaking on the straights then in the bend and is entirely reliant on who has the best equipment and set up. understandably set up for their top riders who are track specialists to dominate1 point
I remember when every track had track rakers coming out to prep the track after EVERY race, meaning there was no need for tractor racing1 point
Buster is a crook always has and will be. A competent sport would look into this and take action but we all know that won’t happen.1 point
1 point
I daresay they are trying to work out what to do/say as unlike Tungate he didn't miss his flight he was actually on the plane. Personally I don't think Doyle/Ipswich should be penalised for something that was clearly not their fault.1 point
1 point
Terrible last 4 heats, and Brennan missed his last ride to get his helicopter1 point
1 point