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  1. NO APPEAL FROM BRANDON ESTATES! As posted by the SCS group. WE have now received official confirmation that stadium owners Brandon Estates have not chosen to pursue a High Court challenge to the outcome of the recent planning inquiry. The appeal against the refusal of planning permission, arising from the November 2022 Planning Committee decision at Rugby Borough Council, was dismissed by inspector Helen Hockenhull in mid-January, after evidence from all parties had been heard last autumn. The remaining option available to the appellants would have been a Judicial Review based on a legal challenge (rather than a challenge to the decision itself). We understand speedway and stock car fans, and local residents, have been eager to know what might happen next, and there has been plenty of speculation; however, we had to wait for a six-week period to expire, which was the window in which the High Court challenge could be submitted. Recent correspondence with the Planning Inspectorate has confirmed there has been no challenge. We are naturally delighted that this marks the end of this particular part of the process, and also that our approach to each stage has been vindicated. We must once again place on record our thanks to everyone from the sporting and local community who stepped up in such spectacular numbers last summer to assist us with the cost of legal representation. Anyone who watched the planning inquiry, and will therefore now understand the way it was conducted, will have seen how being represented in this manner was crucial to our chances of success. Likewise to our witnesses and those who spoke in support of the stadium at the inquiry, your honesty and passion shone through under difficult scrutiny, and it is sincerely appreciated. There is now much for us to consider as a Campaign Group, doubtless with further meetings to be arranged over the coming weeks. At this stage it is too early to give any clear indication over what is to follow, or any timescales, other than to say that at every stage of the planning application we have worked through potential scenarios and considered our strategy under every likely circumstance. We thank everyone for their support – it has been hugely appreciated, and never more so than during the time of the Appeal – and can assure you that with this huge hurdle cleared, we retain an unstinting commitment to get speedway and stock car racing back to their rightful place at Brandon Stadium, and finally bring this saga to an end for the benefit of both the sports and the local community.
    9 points
  2. When will these promotors ever learn? Before a wheel has even been turned, they serve up an absolute crap team and already threatening the “if fans don’t turn up every week, then we won’t be racing next year” line. Who had that on their bingo card before the end of March?
    4 points
  3. Precisely. It’s not as if this person who has had this accusation thrown against her name is anonymous, she’s been named! So that poster has then left people to speculate why she’s not a nice person. And then you get some on here with the audacity to question a right of reply on here and told it should have been kept off the forum! What about the original spiteful guff from “davieb1”? That’s ok, but dare to reply and that’s out of order and should have been a PM? Unbelievable. W9 Lion clearly knows why this poster is disgruntled, and has every right to put the record straight on this forum after the initial remark was also made on this public forum.
    4 points
  4. That's good, a triple donation by me to the Ben fund meeting, heat/fuel sponsor, in person and the streem
    3 points
  5. Didnt do shaun tacey any harm,ivan somebody once said" have bike will travel" todays kids couldnt hold a candle to the old stars.
    3 points
  6. I can confirm that was my picture from sat afternoon. After many many hours of work.
    3 points
  7. That Halifax consisted of 7 riders who had ridden in the PL in 1964, so an impressive feat. West Ham in 1965 really clicked into gear n the second half of the season when Simmons hit top form and Tony Clarke came in at reserve and added a bit of sting there. The season long averages tend to cover that up.
    2 points
  8. Confirmed line up for the meeting http://www.sheffield-speedway.com/news.php?extend.3440 Got to feel for Kyle, when he was given this date by the BSPL there were no other meeting scheduled, now there’s 2 meetings and a meet the riders night at Ipswich taking out vast majority of Premiership riders, defo been screwed over by the speedway hierarchy, a lot of last minute changes for him and his testimonial team to sort out can’t imagine the stress that will have caused, hopefully enough punters turn up to make the night a success and doesn’t leave him with hole in his pocket having filled out money to get this meeting on
    2 points
  9. I've been thinking of this for a while. which of those two tracks, both champions in the respective years, were the better. Firstly league results W.Ham in 1965 . Results M.34 W 23 D1 L 10. Halifax in 1966 M 36 W 27 D 0 L 9. Better record for Halifax Head to Head : 1965 Halifax 39-38 at Halifax. West Ham 45-33 at West Ham. 1966 Halifax beat West Ham both times by same score 41-37 each time . Better record for Halifax Riders CMA 1965 West Ham : McKinlay 10.72, Harrfeldt 10.36, Hunter 9.56, Simmons 6.16, Trott 4.6, Leonard 3.68, Ede 2.84 . These were the seven most frequent riders Total of CMA's 48.12 Riders CMA 1966 Halifax : Boocock 10.41, Boothroyd 9.35, Younghusband 9.02, Roper 7.42, Kingston 5.64, Jameson 5.27, Gavros 4.71. These were the seven most frequent riders. Total of CMA's 51.82 Clearly in 1965 the Hammers had the best Heat leaders by far, whereas in 1966 Halifax were by far the better balanced e.g in 66 Gavros' 4.71 lowest of the 7 would be ahead of the 3 lowest Hammers in 65 (Trott, Leonard, Ede) My conclusion, as a nerd , and who went to many meetings both years is that Halifax were more dominant in 66 , than West Ham were in 65, so I reckon that Halifax were a better team in the 66 BL than West Ham were in the 65 BL. Only reason I did all this was because West Ham ,justly , are often more praised for their championship winning season in 65, whereas Halifax's achievement doesn't seem to get the same recognition, which is a shame. Hope folks find this interesting- even the many hammers fans on the forum. Both tremendous teams though
    1 point
  10. Which circus did they go to lol
    1 point
  11. Wouldn't worry only takes a couple of minutes online
    1 point
  12. I was also at Hackney that night, standing near the starting gate. My memory of the event is a little hazy, but at the time I thought his throttle had stuck open as he appeared to be travelling very fast around the outside when he hit the fence. A terrible thing to happen to a rider and as others have said, with the introduction of air fences, how many major injuries have they saved over the last few years?
    1 point
  13. He's been replaced by Nicholls as an injury replacement so there's no ban that is appropriate If he starts riding in Poland but not in Birmingham then that's a different matter
    1 point
  14. Henning Loof has an ACU License according to list announced on SCB Website today...
    1 point
  15. Seems strange decision putting Lampart at 3 and Brennan at 2 thought be other way round or Worrall at 3.
    1 point
  16. She could always pop in at Perry Barr when hubby is at Villa for the footie!
    1 point
  17. I think they made a mistake, surely the story should have been released to the press on April the 1st
    1 point
  18. A none starter for a number of irrefutable reasons. At least it generates some publicity & awareness of the future plight facing the Brummies of not having a home for speedway.
    1 point
  19. So Kate Middleton is now the official Team Photo Editor?
    1 point
  20. And play close attention to all relevant aspects within the local plan as well as the submissions by major players on the PCC planning portal. It's funny that AEPG say that they and the EEAS have no future obligation to support Peterborough Speedway financially, however, they are keen to say LP36 & 30 doesn't specifically mention speedway. As the only permanent/annual regular sporting and leisure user for 49 years when the local plan was adopted, what else does LP30 allude to? Also by wrecking the speedway infrastructure & stand they are trying to engineer a position where LP30 doesn't apply, as noted by PCC Policy : LP30 – Culture Leisure, Tourism and Community Facilities Policy LP36 specifically makes reference to the requirements of Policy LP30 and the loss of existing cultural, leisure, tourism and community facilities: The applicant will need to demonstrate that the proposals meet the requirements of points k-m, in particular with regard to the speedway track. The applications do propose to make a good, appropriate, level of sport and leisure uses. Normally, the application would not be considered to meet points k-m as they stand, as they do not provide a replacement facility for speedway use, and the speedway track was clearly fit for purpose. This has been made more complex by the Speedway club having been served notice and asked to vacate the site and remove their safety and lighting infrastructure, therefore no longer meeting point k and in no longer being fit for purpose requiring the meeting of point l and m. It is noted that Sport England have provided comments in response to the application.
    1 point
  21. Good to see that Birmingham got 7 riders for Press Day
    1 point
  22. I dont know... Some people on here, as usual, being quick to put the proverbial boot in.. Have any of you risked your lives stewarding for our entertainment? Thought not... And. If they don't have a good night stewarding they don't get a free brew and a burger... Or something like that... What is the Lions' Stewards Line Up this season? Not seen it anywhere... No wonder this sport is dying on its arse,.... They should bring back black leathers and monkey masks... And boiler suits and sawdust, etc etc etc, dribble, dribble...
    1 point
  23. According to the round the boards podcast apparently Birminghams side is better than leicesters, believe it or not! ' I'll have what there having ' ..
    1 point
  24. Buttons meant 4-12 for Doyle!!
    1 point
  25. Phew, that was lucky !!! Just came on the forum and nearly tripped over a load of toys being thrown out of a pram, there Could have been nasty
    1 point
  26. In the words of the song, "Let it Go". If you can't, please keep it off this public forum because it is between you and them.
    1 point
  27. So an Oxford rider will be guesting for Birmingham at Oxford..... Welcome to British Speedway
    1 point
  28. Why post this at all then?
    1 point
  29. I believe this is just sour grapes as this poster has been told their services are no longer required with the new owners and are known a known trouble maker along with a few others whom thought they were very important but have actually been found out.
    1 point
  30. Looks like it's a partnership between a local brewery (tractor shed ) and the comets, not promoting alcohol, just another sponsorship opportunity . Got to applaud the promotions forward thinking in getting different types of sponsorship
    1 point
  31. Swindon fans should put their comments against Osbournes latest application and insist that the fly be night completes the whole stadium as the original planning permission here https://pa.swindon.gov.uk/publicaccess/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=RWYWO9PT0EE00
    1 point
  32. Yes - a most enlightening and sobering article that graphically highlights the risks that all speedway riders take every time they take to the track.
    1 point
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