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  1. Fair play To be fair it could have been pit bikes, dancing, loading the van, a virus, missed flight, van broke down etc etc......I dont think he was ever coming.
    8 points
  2. Why didn't Lambert post that on his Twitter feed on Sunday if this was truly the case, rather than trying to cover his own backside now. No one looks good in all of this
    6 points
  3. The issue is that the meeting was advertised with Lambert included when it was known long before tapes up that he wasn't coming, absolutely Lynn at fault. The problem is speedway fans are too nice to kick up a fuss, they are taken for granted because they allow themselves to be. As Haza says it'll all be forgotten by next March. Nothing will change until British Speedway is run by a no nonsense character who won't allow clubs and riders to take the pee, like the Polish authorities who rule with an iron fist. We shouldn't even be riding in October, the league meetings and Play Offs should be done by the end of August with September for cups and individuals. The whole thing is an utter shambles, people are expected to turn up and pay £20 with no effort, transparency or customer care from those running it. Sort it out for 2023 FFS.
    6 points
  4. Oh dear it's off. Was looking forward to it. These rain offs are starting to do my nut in now. Absolute farce that were running speedway this late
    5 points
  5. Being ultra fair both promotions would have known Lambert wasn’t riding because of the line up website used by officials and Referees etc in the lead up to the meeting., notwithstanding that even out of courtesy BV would have let Lynn know he had twisted his ankle and was injured. (I seriously doubt that anyone on this forum honestly believes this $hyte but hey ho let’s play the game anyway) The fact that Neither club said anything is extremely poor. But let’s be fair Lambert was brought in for one purpose only, to give BV the edge in the Play Offs, he was never going to do anything else and most understood that. However yet another kicking for the supporters who paid to attend, honestly thinking Lambert was riding, wonderful PR yet again.
    4 points
  6. Another hundred+ pre-ordered Peter Collins books being posted out today (yes, we know there is a Royal Mail strike on today but let's at least get the packages in the system...), and in the days ahead. Please stay patient and thank you. Meantime, PC took last night off to reunite with ex-British Lions team-mates Doug Wyer & Reg Wilson at Sheffield, and also catch up with Eric Boocock, Neil Machin and many others. Thanks to Julie Reading and all at Sheffield Speedway for your help and co-operation.
    4 points
  7. Oh mate,,, I'm so jealous right now,,, but also a little disappointed,,,, no mention of a tipex and spare tipex,,, and one of those cheap led lights attached to your board so you can see perfectly that you haven't strayed over the lines and outside the boxes whilst writing scores.
    4 points
  8. Some fans moaning about clubs,, some the rider,,, some both,,,,, just shut up and keep handing your cash over.
    4 points
  9. What a wasted opportunity here ... I would have thought that, if only for the comedy value, the old 'I was loading my van and a toolbox fell on my head' excuse would have been worth another airing!!!
    4 points
  10. Nobody looks good here rider or either club
    4 points
  11. This argument Max vs Jack is pretty uninteresting and petty... They're both GP riders, both brilliant in the UK, can we not just be happy to have big names riding in Britain because not many of them do, even in positives people find something to moan about
    3 points
  12. Just put some big names in your line up,, and when loads of fans turn up for first meeting,, tell them they are not here,,,
    3 points
  13. Tbf he has that average on merit. No spells at reserve etc
    3 points
  14. How can you expect anyone to stay for a meeting which starts about 9.45. What's the chances of this not even starting. 80% I'd say. What's the chance of not getting 15 heats in. 100% I'd say
    3 points
  15. You would maybe have expected an official press release from the "governing body" about something so fundamental as having 4 riders missing wouldn't you? Still, rinse and repeat for the next time... Years ago you only found out that "superstar x" was not there when you had paid your money to get in.. At least now with the internet we find out before hand..
    3 points
  16. No one looks good from this no. And I imagine the BSPL Knew about it to. but only 1 club would have gained from keeping the lambert absence a secret. And it wasn’t belle Vue
    3 points
  17. If Kyle Howarth is still unfit to ride tomorrow night , should Leicester not bring in Woffinden , Bewley or Lindgren to fill the gap . That seems to be the tried and trusted method to clinch titles this season
    3 points
  18. I don't disagree but AFAIK there weren't even dates for the pairs and last night's meeting when he signed. He may not even have known those fixtures existed. And I'm pretty sure BV would only have wanted to pay him for the three matches that really mattered anyway. The lack of honesty is shocking though. But sadly not surprising.
    3 points
  19. Kings lynn did NOT have any home matches on TV. Twice calling it off. One of them proper dubious. I assume they won’t get any TV money??? Certainly hope they don’t
    2 points
  20. I don’t know why fans of other clubs are so obsessed with jacks away form. We were top of the league in a team sport and won more away than anybody else so if I were them I’d be more worried about my own teams away form.
    2 points
  21. Quietly building a super team, don’t panic
    2 points
  22. There have been several rain affected meetings at Leicester this year that have been completed quite successfully. But let's get serious. Planning to run the play off finals at this time of year is madness. Not only is the weather generally wetter, the air temperature is a lot lower meaning tracks don't dry out. Have you noticed that "certain riders" become available to be signed this late in the year? Why? Well their "main" (foreign) club's playoffs have been completed. When are we going to stop this madness?
    2 points
  23. Lovely day here in Poole today! Not just daylight but decent sunshine too.
    2 points
  24. Or having a team he said he'd never support again if they dropped into the 2nd division.
    2 points
  25. We had a heavy shower yesterday afternoon and even the footpath outside my house (in the shade) hasn't completely dried out! That's why nobody outside our country runs important Speedway matches at this time of year, there's just not enough hours of daylight for conditions to dry out before the next dollop of rain arrives
    2 points
  26. Poole Speedway twitter has just asked for fans to be there tomorrow night to support the team so no hint of any postponement from the club, let us hope for a dry day and a great meeting.
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. Can’t see how there going to fit 2 meetings in with such a late start time, i think the second meeting will run until the result is assured, so probably you’ll get to see about a meeting & a half.
    2 points
  29. Need changes,this team didn't finish in a play off spot.Why would you want to keep the same team that failed this year?
    2 points
  30. He didn't say they hadn't. Just that he doesn't expect him to tomorrow. But to answer your question, yes we have a fourth HL, Ben Cook!! Been riding like a No1 at Poole last month or so.
    2 points
  31. I’m really not happy with the way Belle Vue have reverted to type and just lay down and had their belly tickled by the cartel. They should have made Robert ride or taken action if not but the old doctors note trick is played. Going along with the muzzling about his absence isn’t good but we’ve had a few telling offs for posting honesty on social media and I guess they didn’t want to feel the wrath of the BSPL/BSF cartel who went into overdrive when there was money to be (duped) made from the long suffering fans. With all clubs being able to make use of the Polish deal sorted earlier this year (and not just Belle Vue) I see several returning and Roberts low average will fit nicely at Lynn. On an equally low average confusingly is Jakobsen at 5.04. Had the rules been followed re rolling averages it would have increased considerably. TBH quite why he is allowed to use meetings from 2018 for his 2023 average is beyond me but the cartel get what the cartel want and bugger us, the rules and their rivals. Sad.
    2 points
  32. I think all forms of entertainment /hospitality are in for a rough time with the "belt tightening " people are going to have to exercise over the next year or so !
    2 points
  33. Yes indeed - he was quick enough to use social media and tell us all when the BSPL initially blocked his move to BV!
    2 points
  34. I have a 30 year old Wulf Sport jacket and a matching tartan blanket and flask set that all still have a lot of wear in them so why would I not attend and pay them money? My sleeve less denim jacket full of sew patches ("Speedway riders do it sideways" is my favourite), also will stand me in good stead on the terraces for a few years yet, so don't want to waste that money spent.. And I currently have 53 years of "Year Bars" on my admittedly well faded Red (Pinkish) and White scarf.. I do walk now with a stoop though given the weight of it.. Cannot wait for next season to see what exciting unique innovations the promoters will bring... Completing all the qualification fixtures BEFORE the finals they relate to maybe? (Radical).. Or having finalists actually attending the finals they qualify for possibly? (Equally, if not more, radical but you never know).... Roll on 2023....
    2 points
  35. Yes agreed from afar, just makes me laugh when the best “exploiters” have the tables turned on them ……..expect to hear a torrent of protests from the lovely poole supporters :-)
    2 points
  36. The craziest thing in all of this is sustaining an injury on Sunday and managing to get a doctors note by Monday morning…
    2 points
  37. Considering when Lambert last rode in GB it’s not surprising his average was lower.Blatent “ interpretation “ of the rules to suit Belle Vue.
    2 points
  38. I thought it would have been a pulled back muscle unloading the van,or lifting the rucksack with my Belle Vue wages inside it.
    2 points
  39. No, just loads of waffle
    2 points
  40. Injured Playing on Pit bikes during speedway season so Professional,imagine him having to tell these stories to his Polish Club.Typical speedway rider these days no thought for the people who pay their wages.
    2 points
  41. Imo both promotions are at fault for advertising the said teams.They both had the opportunity to inform the fans that Lambert wasn't going to be there.They both chose not too.Would those few Belle Vue fans there have travelled had they known there team beforehand.That must have cost themselves a small fortune last night.Hopefully the Belle Vue promotion will reimburse their costs with the saving they made from not having to pay Lambert. Apart from all this rubbish going on though,the meeting was excellent and one of if not the best this season.Fair play to Zagar.S.Lambert and especially Kurtz for getting stuck in.
    2 points
  42. 2 points
  43. The absence of several riders with questionable reason(s) was no great surprise and when you add in Musielak and Howarth at Sheffield sadly it is nothing more than we come to expect these days. Fortunately the racing was very good and Kurtz, Zagar and Simon Lambert did their very best to keep matters interesting on track by giving the King’s Lynn riders plenty to think about. Good to see Jason Edwards with a couple of race wins as well. Even Barbara Horley managed to add another clear and obvious error to her long list of career clangers by awarding Zagar second ahead of Jorgensen in heat 10.
    2 points
  44. It would have healed up quickly if it had been a polish meeting
    2 points
  45. That’s unfair, he’s an ausie that won Australia the cup with his riding, no one gets in the gps riding like a girl, great signing
    2 points
  46. Mildenhall were the Club that were slow in completing their fixtures though.
    2 points
  47. Don't be a pathetic moron (I know it may be hard but try!) I couldn't give two hoots about who won what in 2022. There is a bigger more important picture Bizarrely I'd still like to see the sport thrive again in the future. The longer the current debacle continues the less likely it is to happen
    2 points
  48. That's actually exactly what's needed - weed out the poorly run, poorly supported dross that is dragging down the overall product Unfortunately the virtue signalling namby pamby bollox that we need to save evey team is spouted by those who dare not state the truth
    2 points
  49. I'm perfectly happy to debate and mostly do on here. However the things I won't condone or have any time for are . Arrogance . Bullying . Trolling People who do that don't like it back or at them. There are a number of extremely arrogant bullying trolls from Poole on here. Clearly they don't like it up em They are what they are Arrogant bullies and trolls.
    2 points
  50. It all about certain riders “having their cake and eating it” and it really has to change regarding fixture planning in GB.Very few Teams can run weekly due to lack of availability of key members because of their foreign commitments.Clubs are struggling to run 15-20 meetings in 6 month season.I don’t know if crowds levels have suffered much because of lack of weekly fixtures but 4-5 weeks gap certainly didn’t help at the end of the season.While Weather can play it’s part but in UK you really don’t know what each month will bring.Clubs really have run weekly to make up for fixture backlog if the weather doesn’t play ball.Can’t really see things changing though.Unfortunately.Everything seems rosy to the people running the show.
    1 point
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