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Well there seems to be a lot of bed wetting in Ipswich and a lot of finger pointing. Last nights meeting would have been better obviously without the delays BUT when Eurosport come to the stadium they dictate what happens. Last night the raffle girls couldn’t go on the centre green to make the draw and none of the corporate lot where aloud on either. The start of the meeting is always delayed because of ads and interviews etc. The next delay was heat 2 when broc Nicol stuffed mountain in the fence and got away with it. All the delays were explained by the centre green announcer but for all the armchair fans who weren’t there they wouldn’t know it was been held up by Eurosport. Then we had the Danny king incident which affected 3 panels not just the one he hit. Unfortunately one was the panel covering the gate and the vaulenteer track staff had problems with this repair. Probably if the Ipswich supporters who know all about air fences had turned up to support their team they could have advised on the repair. The meeting was then hurried along by Eurosport only for another Ipswich rider to hit the air fence and more time wasted. Sheffield have had a curfew for years and many people are aware of this because of local housing and a very strict council so we have to live with it. In between the delays I thought there was some decent racing and without the delays a lot of comments on here would have been a lot different. I think Ipswich probably deserved a point and might have achieved it in heat 15. So for all those who couldn’t be bothered to turn up but just enjoy moaning I would suggest pick up your remote and turn the speedway off and put love island on and watch a load of talentless people getting more money that riders risking their lives for your entertainment.10 points
Whilst the sequence of events last night was unfortunate and unprecedented, there never seems to be a meeting or week goes by where something shambolic happens and this is why fans walk away or vent their frustration on here. Nobody seems to learn from each others mistakes and it's getting to the point of no return. And this is the sport overall and not just aimed at Sheffield!!6 points
Really enjoyed that tonight.. So much so, I am actually thinking of getting an inflatable air fence now.. Looks like loads of fun to be had putting it back together, and there was lots of handy tips tonight on how best to do it.. I will need 12 or so neighbours to come around, fold their arms, talk amongst themselves, and watch me repairing it to get the full value of my purchase obviously, but I am sure it will give me hours of fun.. The only disappointment tonight for me was the amount of racing that kept breaking out between the air fence repairs.. Maybe they should give the racing their own programme and leave us air fence followers the chance to watch our programmes without interruption? Edit.. For those of you on here complaining about those doing the air fence repairs I would ask you just this... Have you ever air fence repaired for our entertainment? No? Thought not... Maybe you should try it and then see what risks these air fence repairer's take.. British Speedway..5 points
Exactly. But the facts are not considered by Ipswich fans you can’t educate these carrot crunching numpties in Ipswich. We’ve done the double over them already this season and in the first meeting they were sniping cus jack holder was injured and missed riding at one of his non favourite tracks because of an injury in the GP 2 days before. This was Live on tv which they will have watched cus they are only armchair fans. Then last night blamed the air fence and time wasting for the defeat !!!! They need to grow up accept defeat Move on4 points
I've just made this up for you this morning. Ekstraliga clubs are pinned with blue pins, eWinner 1 clubs with red pins, and 2 liga clubs with yellow pins. A couple of the stadiums aren't in Poland - but I included them as their teams race in the Polish leagues. https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1XaNg7869MpmqJ-w9Q6vqYwcBuweLYmI&usp=sharing4 points
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the issues last night, one thing seems to have been completely overlooked RIDER SAFETY. A weakness in any fence is as murphys law dictates like a magnet. Sheffield is one of the fastest tracks in the Country, phenominal speeds in to the bends and often in the high dirt line. You CANNOT compromise that for TV, for the Public, it's the one aspect that is NON NEGOTIABLE. We saw before air / foam fences how exposed lamposts and posts were a magnet, the losses of the likes of Gary Peterson; Denny Pyatt, Vic Harding to name but 3 sadly and forever missed and even with Air Fences riders have been badly hurt by Posts hit after going underneath or totally depressing the bag given the speed of impact. Had that meeting continued with an ill-fitting or incorrectly fitted bag and someoe have been hurt or worse as a consequence then the raminfications would have been FAR MORE serious. Maybe too before keyboard warriors and those who have never taken any responsibility for anything in their lives belittle and troll, may be consider the Track Staff and Track Volunteers who make speedy repairs 99 times out of 100 and always walking away with the responsibility of the repair they have ensured in their minds right the way through the meeting until the final race is run.4 points
4 points
4 points
About time referees excluded them for delaying start They should have to ride up to the tapes and line up End of!4 points
If there is such a unique section and connections within the airfence set up then professionalism would dictate you have at least one spare of that special section and connections ready for a speedy switch That would mean an embarrassing bodge it job wouldn't be required3 points
Sorry to poop on ya party mate, but where do you find 600 fans willing to part with £300?,,, cos basically that's what you'd need, it's ok agreeing to pay £10 per week, but really keeping up with payments could prove problematic for many reasons. The maths looks easy, but doesn't make it simple. As for the final meeting last season, yeah there was many there,,, but how many where only there for one reason? Great idea in principal, thanks,,, hopefully it can generate enthusiasm.3 points
You may rest assured that I'm never going to borrow your bit of seaweed. It's been persisting it down for hours3 points
Rowe not doing the UK, Newman out of form even for his standards. Don't know about Clegg at Scunny but would he get more than Coles who is at least busting a gut to score points? Better to replace Tero with BWD (at least for a single match) then guest it up.....all in the best interests and all that3 points
As in what way? The way I see it is a better rider has became available and he's replaced another to make Oxford stronger.3 points
3 points
The person who needs to fight the most is the owner but dont think he will have the required enthusiasm for such a fight3 points
All part of the GI plan. The longer they drag it out, the more the interest dies. The days of the initial passion and mobilisation in the town against the first redevelopment announcement are a distant memory...3 points
We have signed him before and he had a terrible attitude and constantly gave up when at the back. Unfortunately the promotion sacked him and had to reinstate him as they didn’t know the rules on team building. id imagine bridges were burnt on both sides understandably3 points
Well you all know how to win at Sheffield now, get in front & puncture a few airbags job done! In all seriousness the result should either be null & void and rerun or reclassified as a draw. I watched tonight for a first time in a while and the sad thing is I went into it hoping to see a contest & instead found myself even more pissed off with the sport. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse speedway sure does suprise in the most negative way!3 points
Jason Doyle is a class act and a joy to watch in the purist sense of a quality rider. Great to have in any team but did not have the support he deserves but still enjoyed each race he was in. Presentation was dire and Sheffield got lucky with the curfew preceded by track delays/repairs to air fence. How anyone at the senior management level think speedway in this form is credible needs to take a long hard look at what you have left joe public with and the sooner you wake up to the fact that speedway in Great Britain is second rate and run it accordingly you will continue to end up with this sort of farce. Ditch the t v coverage and get back to basics before you the management committee finally kill it off.3 points
Shiiiïït. Embarrassing from start to finish. From presentation, to air fence, to Sam, to the delay. How the he’ll go you expect to be taken seriously when you finally get a platform to show your sport worldwide and serve up this?3 points
It wasn’t a bodge job if you go on face book one of the track staff explained the problem. I’m not repeating it cus takes too long to type. If you find it you will understand the implications what Danny Kings impact caused. Bit of a chain reaction and a problem that has not happened ever before apparently. It wasn’t a case of just blowing another panel up so for all those snipes our track staff have had to endure and time wasting quips which were totally unjustified. Hope Danny and paul starke are ok Both high speed smashes2 points
Any chance of Dean ( the last rider to burst a panel ) Douglas to have the 1 he burst & maybe THJ WILL sponsor him with it for the rest of the season2 points
Track & set up looking good. Even better (?) are the raised viewing areas, speedway looks so much better when viewing the track from at least a bit of height....2 points
He should concentrate on doing well in GB before racing youngsters that are better than him.Starting to think he thinks he is actually better than he is.Polish tracks should suit him down to the ground considering he has had 3 full seasons on big tracks in UK.2 points
Not just missing Jye.It coincided with big drop in scoring from Theo and Ricky who if they had scored as they did at start of season would have covered his scoring fine in my humble opinion2 points
2 points
Could you get 600 fans to put £10 a week in?.. £10 a week for 28 weeks (March to September), would mean a total for £168k.. On the Eastbourne section of the Speedway Star this week £150k is mentioned as possibly "enough" to run Speedway there by a prospective promoter.. Let all in the "600 Club" in for nothing and charge everyone else who attends the going rate.. 20 matches at £280 per person (£10 x 28 weeks), means each match would be just £14 per person... And you would expect all 600 to attend most weeks given they are already paying/paid so the atmosphere at the track would be decent each week, even if no one else goes... Possibly you would get sponsors buying a "few slots" if needed..? Or they could still just sponsor the club with one off payments if you can get 600 fans who want to have shares in a club... A club that will effectively ran by the fans under the leadership of elected individuals.. You could even do a weekly draw for £100 or so for those who pay in.. Maybe having such a "guaranteed income" could then persuade someone with deeper pockets to take on the reins and the teams strength would be of a decent level.. It seems very sad if such a unique sport, virtually in the centre of such a huge conurbation, couldnt find just 600 people to invest in it... And, as the final meetings showed last year, there are still a fair few fans out there who follow the club.. Could someone engage them to collectively save the club...?2 points
I think you are the one who needs to be educated if all you can resort to is name calling. Bit like your manager blaming defeat in the pairs at Ipswich on having the wrong helmet colours on which upset the riders, not his riders choosing the wrong gate positions.2 points
You really look pathetic now heavy rain strong winds in Plymouth atm not a chance of any speedway happening tonight.2 points
5pm UK time today i think it`s here https://www.svtplay.se/video/35594745/sm-veckan/sm-veckan-28-juni-18-00?fbclid=IwAR2V3a1CiOIVOlCPDPiqO5N72ng0w9zeJWfBXuYT3sQddP33wN27RZj61Ic click on SPELA2 points
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2 points
Can't quite understand the criticisms of the presenters with the very obvious exception of one of them Tatum, Louis & Nicholls are all excellent and although Abi presumably isn't a 'speedway person', she is never the less quite appealing and engaging and has obviously done all her home work. Sam however is simply beyond belief. Seriously, my 5 year old granddaughter has a greater grasp of the English language than this man.2 points
Poland seem to be able to... 2 minutes, tapes up, gone, (or out).. One thing noticeable about last night was how quick RR can be actioned when the rider has two on the run.. Poland do it every week like this and dont need a curfew to make it happen like last night did.. 2 minutes, tapes up, gone, (or out).. No "extra time for two on the trot" like we have over here... You want to "garden" in Poland then you had better get there early, because.. 2 minutes, tapes up, gone, (or out).. And they all set off in a straight line in Poland with the front wheel within a couple of inches of the tapes.. Not firing off at all angles after first rolling back when the start marshall walks away.. They do then seem to have a lot less "first bend incidents" off the back of it..2 points
The presentation on Eurosport is extremely poor, Sam has never been any good and Abbey is probably worse, bring back Rio, at least she knew about bikes and how to ride one fast. Kelvin is good but it was only Scotty that seemed to realise that Hume had replaced Batchelor! I realise the air fence is there for safety but the delays were quite extreme with all the track staff seemingly not knowing how to fix the problem. It looked very poor and then after all the delays the curfew stops running the last two heats! So all the crowd hang around for a long long time and don't even get to see the last two heats , both of which would have had Doyley showing us how entertaining speedway can be.2 points
I like many Panthers fans I would imagine are very concerned about the future. Whilst as someone has said the plans for development at EOES are only aspirational , I would imagine that ripping up the track and demolishing the Grandstand do not require planning permission. That being the case it means the end of Panthers. If there was any possibility of finding and alternative venue I am sure it would have been found by now. Therefore all the platitudes we are hearing from the developers and Panthers Management seem meaningless. As far as local council is concerned I am always mindful of what a local councilor in my area once said to me "we don't really care as long as any nasties can be kept away from our own patches"2 points
2 points
I find it hard to believe than a tv producer on thousands a year in charge of a budget of millions thinks its a good idea to put"sam in his office",some of the bimbos sky used to have make him look good!2 points
I agree, and I fear the worst might have happened particularly to Paul Starke last night but for the air fence.2 points
The embarrassment of it could have been saved a little by Eurosport themselves. BUT…… they don’t have the presenters who can fill long gaps in proceedings. You get a good presentation team and they fill in the gaps comfortably and make you forget there is a delay. Instead we get Abbie who’s ok but nothing else. And Sam who is a nice guy but is terrible when being out infront of a camera. they also had the opportunity to show some racing from wolves to fill the time. Not the odd snippet of a race. The whole night was badly organised by Eurosport. now I’m not taking any blame away from Sheffield as they were it fault aswell. Yes you can’t avoid a crash like that but you can help avoiding it by not having a patchy track. No one’s come out looking any good from this. Especially the sport in this country as a whole. eurosport are damaging our reputation, so the quicker we can break a deal with them and start using in house streaming the better.2 points
People come to see racing not trying to repair an air fence. Even Eurosport were having difficulty filling in the gaps! Yes the meeting would have been good without the delays but something has to be done to stop air fence repairs taking so long. I have never been to a meeting where it has taken so long as last night. I am not a fan of either team just turned on the telly to see a good meeting between the top two teams.2 points
Perhaps if Danny can't ride, Chris Harris could guest for us, as well as ride for Berwick2 points
And yet both Kelvin and Scott thought Sedgmen would be brought into heat 8 for Mountain.2 points
It was nothing to do with Sheffield's management, everyone was ready at 7.30pm. Riders were on track ready for parade but it could not start until TV introductions had taken place, even showing the starting teams at Wolverhampton. The TV were fully to blame, even with the delays the curfew would not have been reached if it was not on TV.2 points
2 points
Well it’s tough. The club isn’t worth a penny really, and will take a lot of effort to match other teams in terms of promotions as it stands. I look at Redcar and they are volunteers and look what they have built. there are models that work, BUT people would have to put the time in… rob would also need to see his business isn’t worth a penny - and sure he will sell all saleable assets before it goes. but there is hope…2 points
Cannot understand why Sheffield do not start earlier knowing they have a curfew. Its not the first time paying customers have been denied 15 heats .2 points
It’s hard to convince world speedway that Britain’s a force to be reckoned with after this debacle2 points
Love this line in bold Please be nice to all members and the sport we love. Speedway needs as many supporters as possible, think about how to help promote the sport rather than risk damaging it. Constrictive criticism and suggestions on improvement rather than negative and damaging attacks. All fine and dandy but when you have someone peeing up your leg and saying its okay mate its only raining... then people get a little frustrated... it the lies that have upset me the most... culminating in his fire sale... when someone is taking the paying public for granted then it can be difficult for folk to take a rational and reasoned approach... don't blame anyone for sounding off and if the thread gets pulled then so be it... so what... no one on here could do any more damage to the club than what has already been done... Regards THJ2 points