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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2021 in all areas

  1. You seem to be automatically assuming anyone White + Middle aged ,must also be - Racist + Homophobic ( How do you even know forum users are White , middle aged ? ) And what's wrong with being " stuck in their ways " , if they are good ways Plenty of young people also " stuck in their ways" - automatically assuming - Old Fashion =Bad New Fashion = must be good Isn't Age discrimination just another discrimination like racism , homophobia etc. You argue against one form of discrimination , while using another form of discrimination
    7 points
  2. The good news is that looks like Rory has not broken his thigh as originally thought but will remain in hospital as the muscles are bleeding . Hopefully he will be back on the bike soon
    7 points
  3. People who take the knee aren't booed because they receive racial abuse but because they do so in support of a decidedly dubious movement, many of whose members are as racist as anybody they protest against not forgetting the whole take a knee nonsense was inspired by the death of a career criminal. I have no issues with anybody wanting equality, everybody deserves it and it should be offered unconditionally by all. However I have always had doubts that the way to gain equality for anybody is for a relatively small minority of a minority to behave outrageously. I would go out of my way to back any individuals right to be treated in the same way as others but that includes the need to avoid the positive discrimination demanded by the more extreme minority groups. Equality will only come from the majority mixing with minorities on equal terms, we have come a very long way in the past few decades because of that but all BLM and the more outrageous Gay pride events do is create further division. Equality comes from people not caring about the race, religion or sexuality of others. Standing up and screaming 'look at me I'm not the same as you' achieves nothing good.
    6 points
  4. Do youngsters really think that the present day are the 'good new days'? We have so many issues and problems running through society. We have so many movements telling us 'gas lighting us' what we should be doing, what we should be thinking, etc etc. Trying to force people to think a particular way won't get what these movements want, all it does is gets peoples backs up and pushes some people into joining far right movements. Society really isn't in a healthy state at the moment and sadly, it will get worse in my opinion. The 'PC brigade' has gone too far!
    6 points
  5. Why cant we have debate anymore? Not supporting pride means your homophobic Don't take the knee, your racist Have different views on how to tackle Covid from the government, your a conspiracy theorist Your not vegan, then you like to kill animals and don't want to stop climate change There is only one view allowed now, and you need to support it without comment
    5 points
  6. the problem is now the view is, if you don't support it you are against it, there is no reasoned debate because if you speak out against supporting anything you are branded as being against things it just seems that there is only point of view allowed now, which is a shame
    4 points
  7. Liking the BSPL bellenders , however the facts are Scunny can apparently put on this kind of meeting under whatever guise they choose, but the same courtesy is not being extended to the IOW which is threatening the existance of Speedway under any form on the Island, this stinks of dictatorship and has no place on the island of Britain, may i suggest Godfrey moves to Russia or China where his form of Chairmanship is more in line with there way of life. In my humble opinion it should be Barry Bishop leading the BSPL (impossible now they are not members) as he can learn a number of BSPL promoters a thing or three about what Promotion stands for and i dont mean being promoted from Labourer to Foreman. I really hope that the IOW can survive this blatant pressure being put on riders by persons known and unknown, after all its for the good of the Sport that Speedway on the Island survives under whatever guise its able to. Its just a great pity that there is not a sugar daddy out there that could sponsor meetings with enough money for the riders to be able to stick two fingers up to the bullies of British Speedway.
    3 points
  8. All I can say is that I was glad I grew up during the era that I did.
    3 points
  9. Unfortunately it doesn’t take too long to realise that the vast majority of users on here are middle aged, white, homophobic, racist and stuck in their ways wishing things would go back to the ‘good old days’. That is why no one on this forum is really supportive of this idea
    3 points
  10. Good job you don’t know what your talking about haha
    3 points
  11. On this forum, we are constantly told the average speedway fan is upwards of age 50. Upwards of age 50, is likely to mean they are less tolerant to gay celebration events, so, in my opinion, I don't think it will go down very well with the average supporter. It's a generational thing. I'm 63 and I have no issue with LGBTQ+, but at the same time, I don't want my nose 'rubbed in it', which is what society seems to want to do, with many issues.
    3 points
  12. Yup I was well wrong. The diamonds put up a great showing.
    2 points
  13. The last few years the track at redcar as always been well prepared and always will be to produce good racing.
    2 points
  14. There are disadvantaged people throughout society, whatever their racial background is. The gay community, for goodness sake, has been fully recognised over the years, including marriage, what else can the community want? TV and radio is well and truly represented by the gay community, probably on a percentage basis over 'straights', over represented. It's as though, if you are white, straight, middle-class you are now society's 'nouveau freaks'!
    2 points
  15. Well the track was great at Redcar on Friday, after many days of hot dry weather. No dust and produced some fantastic racing. (not a dig at Birmingham btw, just a response to saying the pressure was on Redcar to produce a good racing track)
    2 points
  16. There was letter in my TV Guide where someone was criticising Michael Portillo's dress sense? It was suggested that he should dress 'contempory'...okay dress with shorts that cover the knees or jeans slashed and wearing a branded teashirt plus a baseball camp! Okay his colour co-ordination sometimes clashes but at least he is smart in appearance.
    2 points
  17. The meeting was organised and run by Scunthorpe Speedway under SCB rules and riders had to get Day Licences if they didn't have an SCB licence. It was racing and I suppose you can under a private hire but the implications of anything happening would I think be quite significant, especially on the owner of the track.
    2 points
  18. Same here regarding my youth, I was my dad's ticket out of the house, my mum used to say "you can go but you can take 'trouble' with you so I can get some peace", so we were at the zoo every Saturday night, many Thursdays it would be a dash over Woodhead, our holidays were extended or curtailed to fit in a trip to a track on the way home. Yet I can hardly recall any specific meetings, the most vivid still being the run off between PC & Michanek, which isn't a bad one to remember I suppose. Anyway, back on topic, as discussed above, for me Joe Owen would have to be the best from my era, constantly topped the averages in the Star every week.
    2 points
  19. four of us Brummies fans were supposed to be going to Redcar but the M1 was shut due to an accident and it was mayhem. With our eta going from 17.45, to 20.30, and still being in queuing traffic, 85 miles from Redcar, we gave up and diverted to Scunthorpe. The meeting went through at a rapid rate of knots! It was a cracking meeting. Jordan Palin is an outstanding prospect why are people asking for Aarnio to be dropped? He had a good meeting. Give these lads chance, they’ve had the best part of 18 months off. Give them time to get going before you sack them!! seen a lot of gloomy predictions on here about your final league position but on the evidence of tonight, you won’t lose many at home so no way it’s going to be as bad as the doom merchants are predicting. sit back and enjoy seeing young Palin progress. He was worth the admission money on his own tonight !!!
    2 points
  20. Sure she will find a way after the Euros. The Edinburgh variant will take hold by then.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Why would anyone feel the need to have a "Straight Pride"? really sad "what about me" garbage ..
    2 points
  23. Bit disrespectful to Newcastle just maybe they had something to do with you being awful it might be they made you look like that.
    2 points
  24. Yeah but they are on a speedway track tonight
    2 points
  25. Exactly my point. That would be the perception so although there is nothing to say it isn't allowed it would be vilified. I don't give a toss about anybody's sexuality, why do I even want to know? Just seems odd to me that anyone needs to celebrate their sexuality anyway but anyone 'straight' would be by default 'right wing' for doing so.
    2 points
  26. I don't get the Gay pride thing at all, nobody should be ashamed of their sexuality but being proud of it is like being proud of having dark hair or blue eyes, it's not an achievement. While we are on the subject how come Homosexuals are always grouped with transgender people or those who refuse to identify when it is all completely different things that are not any more to do with being gay than straight in many cases. Are we to assume that every gay person thinks there should be no sexual identification? In which case why would they be proud to be gay? Or are we to assume that all straight people are completely unaccepting of minorities while all gay people are completely tolerant of all other aspects of sexuality and identification? Or, as seems most likely to me, are we to assume it's about the loud minority yet again needing to make themselves feel more important while the majority just want to get on with life regardless of what they think about sex and identification?
    2 points
  27. What a crock of rubbish.
    2 points
  28. Why is being gay worth celebrating?? We're all the same, we should treat all as the same. It would also be classed as Homophobic if there was such a thing as 'straight pride'.
    2 points
  29. I don't think Speedway should go down the 'adopt a trendy cause month'. Other sports feel compelled to display how virtuous they are, kneel for this, stand for that, wave for the other etc. Where does it end? Colour blind awareness month (No red, green lights) Left, Right, history month, where riders ride clockwise, then anticlockwise in alternate heats. Empathy for loosers month, where the rider finishing last gets four points? Enough of this wokery.
    2 points
  30. Shame that such a cracking meeting has so few posts. Guess it’s the nature in most sports to highlight the bad (Wednesday night) over the good.
    1 point
  31. Would have anyone have the race times for heats 1-6 and 14 please? They're not listed on the updates site. Many thanks in advance.
    1 point
  32. Craig Cook guesting for the Witches at Belle Vue Monday, along with Aaron Summers.
    1 point
  33. Kildemand out as well.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. I don’t see why you can’t have a debate The thing that always gets me on most of these subjects is that people are triggered off by them and straight away go off on ‘ why can’t we have a straight male month’ or why can’t we have a white lives matter movement ? It is obvious they in some way feel offended by the fact that a group that is obviously to some extent disadvantaged in society is trying to gain equality, instead of just accepting it Nobody is saying you have to actually do anything to support it, just don’t be against it. Booing people who kneel because they receive racial abuse is in no way accepting racial equality
    1 point
  36. The trouble is there are now only 25 team places available to him, 20 if he burnt his bridges with Peterborough
    1 point
  37. And that’s why speedway won’t grow in the UK. When it’s demographic is stuck 50 years in the past, you can’t expect modern day businesses to invest in it. how many years now have the BSPA been unable to attract a main league sponsor?
    1 point
  38. I think the reason of us producing so many good riders Steve over the years was the tracks in both leagues were so varied.The level in both leagues was very strong you had to ride in the uk then to be the best.Never really see alot of NL racing until Milton Keynes and Oxford entered it and for me was pleasantly surprised how much i enjoyed it even if it was at a lower level.In recent years i have got more pleasure watching the likes of Rowe,Palin,Thompson( bros) progress than watching the Grand Prix series.
    1 point
  39. Probably couldn’t afford a full season of purchasing tapes.
    1 point
  40. Cookie didn’t look short on confidence tonight with a last to first on King and Worrall, and an immaculate 15pt maximum.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 52 38 final score. The first bend heat one injury to Rory Schlein killed any chance of a point stone dead. Hopefully not too serious an injury. Have to give 10/10 for the stream. Worth every penny. Several camera angles, good commentary. Would buy again if there’s a good meeting lined up. A special mention to Ben Cook who really got stuck in and made some tremendous passes. Enjoyed the event. Not the result.
    1 point
  43. Don't bother trying to guess lottery numbers this weekend... Excellent performance from the diamonds
    1 point
  44. I think IOW qualify, but the BSPA would rather threaten to ban rising stars getting extra track time than encourage them!
    1 point
  45. TERRIFIC coverage of the Somerset saga by Andy Mitchell this week ...
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. Having a wee break from watching speedway on the telly ( yeah thanks Nicola ) to take in some of the live and in the flesh variety . Should be a cracker against the reigning champions . Wouldnt mind Berwick lowering their colours though
    1 point
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