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  1. Halifaxtiger very well put as always. Yet another balanced posting. Although I post as Great Central (most people know who I am because I live in Loughborough which is one end of a famous steam heritage line), I am Martin Widman Co Promoter and Joint owner of the Wight Warriors Speedway team. It is clear looking at the post by "crescent girl" that she hasn't read our press releases or postings on here. Whilst Barry and I did have misgivings about the product that we would have to promote as a result of the 35 points limit, that was not the reason why we chose to leave the BSPL. We may yet be proved wrong about the new limit but only time will tell and it will be a case of perception. The only reason was because as a member of the BSPL(albeit an Associate Member) we did not get the opportunity to discus its merits in a meeting or AGM, the pitfalls of it and the impact it may have on the product that we had to promote and the resulting impact on our business. The rules were dictated by the Board of the BSPL, none of whom have any liability as to the financial success of our business. In spite of the many emails sent seeking clarification about an AGM, about whether this method of dictating the rules which we had to work under would continue at the end of the year, no clear responses to our requests were made. We may actually be forced into publishing the emails to show that we are not telling lies and to show the lack of respect that we were afforded. We were therefore left with no option. Barry and I are the people who have started the business out of our own pocket, assisted by our sponsors and fans, and we live or die by how we run our business. It has to be noted that along with Mildenhall, we have never received any TV money from the BSPL, money which helps to subsidise the NL teams run by other league teams. As standalone clubs running more NL meetings than non standalone clubs, we actually put a lot of money into the BSPL and SCB coffers and yet got no say in how our business is run. Crescent Girl can buy out my share if she wants, and then be subject to the same dictatorial rules but I suspect the offer will be declined. I have tried on many occasions to come up with an analogy on the position we found ourselves in and can only come up with this one. Imagine you are a shop owner paying your taxes and rates to the local Council and suddenly the Council come along and say that you have to cut your prices by 25% What would you do?? Move to another area, get out of shop keeping, or accept the new rules and go bankrupt. Speedway is not in good shape right now and all we were asking was to be given the chance to have our say in how we thought it should run in 2021 and beyond. For now, that is all I will say but there is a lot more that could be said. Martin Widman
    8 points
  2. A double header saves insurance costs, stadium rental, meeting fees, referee fees, ambulance & first-aid costs, etc, etc. Also, if (as you quote) you are paying £18 to watch the Lions and £16 to watch the Cubs, at the double-header you're saving £8 on admission, plus buying only one programme, paying one load of petrol, car parking, etc, etc. You might feel that £26 for thirty races is too much, and that's your privilege. But it's less that a quid a race..........
    4 points
  3. Sadly from reading a number of posts over the last few years on various forums, it is clear some speedway fans don't like to pay for anything that is 'televised'. They are always looking for a free service rather than pay for Sky, BT, Premier Sports, Eurosport, etc. This match was covered by the speedway updates site as are most matches. It is great when you can't get to your own track for some reason or for distant away matches. However this match was available thanks to the efforts of the Edinburgh promotion. The updater for the updates site purchased a pass to view the action and then posted detailed updates. It had 1000s of views none of which benefitted the clubs involved. Surely when a reasonably priced stream is available, fans from both teams and those with a casual interest should purchase a pass?
    4 points
  4. Tbh before the meeting no one gave us a chance and I would have taken a league point there and then. For others I guess it is hard to take as leading nearly the whole meeting apart from when it counts! But performance bodes well for rest of the season.
    4 points
  5. Their loss. Fans moan about no speedway and this is now the price that needs to be paid, don’t attend, lose the club or get your hand in your pocket and support the club and the next generation of stars at the same time.
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. I don't think that's true. If it was, you would have to ask why the likes of Ryan MacDonald (27), Jamie Couzins (25), Kelsey Dugard (23),Nick Laurence (30) and Paul Bowen (32) have team places. I could certainly make a case that the low points limit has actually opened up more opportunities for riders who have been around for several years but have not progressed, especially bearing in mind that the talented three point lads would have gained team places regardless of the limit (as they always have). My understanding is that the low points limit was there to 'take the NDL back to its roots' and 'bring on the youngsters'. Given that every single British rider in the Premiership and Championship this season plus our GP representatives started in the third tier of the sport, that's nonsense because quite clearly the NDL (and the CL before it) has always done that.
    3 points
  8. Oh how I`ve missed a Steve Shovlar balanced match report.
    3 points
  9. The problem is more one of perception than reality. It seems to be a widely (if in my view very often mistakenly) held belief that it is automatic that as the standard of rider lessens, so does the standard of the racing. When Poole proposed dropping down last year, around 30% of their fans said they would not watch a Championship team. When Birmingham and Lakeside moved into the NDL a few seasons ago attendances - at least initially -crashed. In addition, we will all be aware of the number of people who have over the years at least said that they will not go again because of points limit reductions. Assuring them that the quality of racing is the same usually cuts very little ice indeed. As such, Isle of Wight had every reason to fear significant loss of supporters and consequent loss of revenue resulting from a points reduction. Besides which, their issue is not just what happened but the way it happened. Had there been a vote amongst NDL clubs (and I have yet to see anyone suggest that there need not have been) rather than having regulations imposed on them by and at the behest of PL & CL clubs (most of whom have no connection with the NDL) then it is entirely possible that the Warriors would still be part of that league. Then again, its extremely likely that had there been a vote the points limit would not have been reduced, which is almost certainly why it was imposed.
    3 points
  10. Ref didn’t mess up, Sarjeant did, leaving Jenkins no where to go. It was bend 2 so no option of all 4 back. Decent match despite the track issues . Monarchs will feel they should have won , Bears will think they were lucky to get a draw with the way Masters and Worrall had been riding up till that last heat. Very similar to Fridays match in that respect. Palin was the key man for Monarchs , his last two rides turned the tables after the Bears looked on for a narrow but comfortable win. Think both teams will be in with a chance of the play offs but a number of riders from both sides looked as though they haven’t quite ‘dialled in’ yet but they will improve with matches.
    2 points
  11. Being quoted on the official Ipswich website as confirming “I don’t like Ipswich and never have” on the announcement that he’d purchased the club, wasn’t the smartest idea either! I know Chris Louis was subsequently bombarded on social media with less than friendly tweets from unhappy Ipswich supporters that he’d “sold out” to someone who had just publicly stated his dislike of the club, and that surely couldn’t have helped matters in the proposed sale. Maybe CL then had second thoughts and decided to gamble on the top flight himself?
    2 points
  12. Few weeks ago seemed everyone was so starved of speedway they couldn’t wait for it to start…… then there was a grumble because prices have gone up £1…. . Now the grumble is two meetings one after another for £26
    2 points
  13. Of far more relevance than your post.
    2 points
  14. Kirky Lane had said that the 35 point limit was introduced because of a glut of young riders (he didn't actually refer to 'reserve riders' at all) and a low figure was needed so that they could all get team places - 'reducing the total was a way to get all these young lads in to racing'. In actual fact, the opposite is true - there actually aren't enough to justify that limit. If there were, then the riders I listed would not be riding. What has happened is that teams have been forced to scour the country for 3.00 point (or so, Dugard might not be 3.00 but at 3.09 he's hardly way over) riders and there are now some in teams who have been around for years and never progressed beyond that point. I must admit I don't see what difference riding at reserve or in the team makes. If you have three talented young lads, you are not going to leave one out because he'll have to ride at no 2 and replace him with an NDL journeyman. In the entire league there are just 3 riders in second string roles who are averaging above 3.81. I have to say I haven't seen it stated anywhere that the points limit was lowered for that reason.
    2 points
  15. Surprised to see Poole, despite dropping a level are still choking it. Is it the water or something far more deep rooted ?
    2 points
  16. A lot of people gave Poole more than a chance and the reason for that is the inactivity of a number of the home riders in competitive matches - The Eagle’s first match last Saturday was rained off as was their second at Kent last Tuesday - So going into yesterday’s match 4 of the team had not had a competitive match so far and could understandably be ring rusty (Richard Lawson, Eddie Kennett, Kyle Newman, and Jason Edwards) - Lewis Kerr had ridden in 2 Premier matches as had Tom Brennan and Drew Kemp - On the Poole side Danny King had 2 Premier matches as had Steve Worrall with Rory Schlein having one - I assume Danyon Hume and Stefan Nielsen have not been in competition this season but stand to be corrected if they have - And were the 2 young Aussies riding back home earlier on this year? - But this would have been their first visit to Arlington - I’m also led to believe that Eddie Kennett has a very young son and we all know how much that takes out of you - Eastbourne will improve a lot as the season progresses and along with Leicester, Glasgow, Redcar, and Poole will be up there battling it out - Don’t be hard on any rider at this stage of the season as they are all trying to get back in the swing and for some it will take longer than others - Be glad British speedway is up and running and enjoy the sport we all love -
    2 points
  17. I hope you are right and that there is a plan to support riders displaced from the NDL next year because their averages are too high with places in the Championship, and that the BSPL work together to achieve that. I suspect there will be others who achieve a higher average this year than they might otherwise have done who will become surplus to requirements as their average doesn't fit next year What I would like to see is for BSPL to publish a 2 - 3 year plan that shows how this will work so that there is a degree of certainty
    2 points
  18. That’s how it should be... not just cos of the winning result but the racing too!! Much much better! Leon has been on something ... that boy has just lifted himself to a completely new level so far... brilliant for us to see. As he said last night, he’s heading into a very busy period for himself so hopefully comes out of it at the other end unscathed.. just knackered the longer he stays at reserve the more we benefit but based on last night I expect he’ll not be reserve come the end of the year... That was the Dany G we need that came to play last night.. he just looked a different rider... completely motivated... we need the same next week for sure! Scores like that from him can make the difference in big meetings! Jye understandably still struggling a wee bit following last weeks crash but solid points still... Much better from NBJ too... yes, he was solid last week but last night he notches it up to another level too good timing from him as he looks to be moving to the number 1 position when new averages kick in! I know results can impact how some see a meeting... but I could take home defeats better if we saw some of the passes we did last night... Onto next week now... if you were to ask me last week how I feel about Leicester coming I’d have said “not good”.... foreseeing a big home defeat... BUT... IF we ride like we did last night then it’s possible we could push for a very big morale boosting home win! I’ll be there... as hopeful as ever... expecting the unexpected
    2 points
  19. Oh dear. I will have to keep my eyes wide open when travelling up north. I always thought men were men up there but obviously not so. Regarding the island, thank you for your comments but we were only putting on what we thought the paying public wanted to see. We haven't given up and this week, we start on the road back with our MFS training school trying to develop the many youngsters, not so young, that normally attend.
    2 points
  20. As a side note was in queue for food in front of me were 2 young mums and kids who could not get served because they didn't have correct cash, come on if you're selling food make sure you have plenty change in your till, not everyone uses cards.
    2 points
  21. You just don’t get irony/sarcasm do you
    2 points
  22. Dream on. Peterborough have four number 1s in their team, Chris Harris, Scott Nicholls, Hans Andersen and Bjarne Pedersen have all held the number 1 race jacket in their careers. Panthers home and away win, I will be at the home leg. Really missed the speedway, chips and smell in the toilets.
    2 points
  23. What a way to start your home NL season. ..some great racing and the young kids showing that age is just a number. Take a bow Sam and Harry mcgurk. Sam as huge potential has pass in heat 12 had to be seen to be believed. Harry as come on so much. Looks a totally different rider Compton was terrific and all action. The rest had there moments. Flint was unbeatable really except for when coles shoved him wide bend one and they then have a terrific race passing and re-passing but unfortunately flint got the better off him lap 4 All in all. The team might not be as good as previous seasons but its gonna be a fun ride along once again. Colts well worth the money
    1 point
  24. Last year decider (again) between two well matched teams and most of this thread is about what constitutes first bend bunching . Good to know nothing much changes.
    1 point
  25. Google translation of Sportowefakty article - You wouldn't want to be in my skin. Clearly the cart is not sticky. It's good that the coach changed me, because I do not know if further attempts for me make sense - commented the representative of Slovenia bluntly. Marwis.pl Falubaz has lost a different than usual surface. It wasn't so hard in Zielona Góra for a long time. "It was a joint decision, everyone was in favor," Zagar admitted. The team from Zielona Góra is currently the first team to relegate, they occupy the last place in the table, with a balance of one victory and six defeats. - We will not do any nonsense and variations. There are better and worse times in life. It makes me very sad. We need valuable points as a team and such a result certainly does not build - said Zagar.
    1 point
  26. I think I have to agree with geoff 100. The incident occurred mid bend (end of bend one and start point of bend 2). I have seen similar incidents many times, with the result being all 4 back. I have to admit, I thought it was harsh on Jordan. James needs to be more aware of where his partner is. I don't know wether I would say Michael Breckon made a mistake, but he was very harsh on Jordan.
    1 point
  27. Just Create your account Which is E Mail and password purchase your ticket and your good to go.
    1 point
  28. My only live meeting of 2019 was to Belle Vue to watch a NDL match between BV v Mildenhall. Cost £10, only grandstand seats available but it was really good to see developing youngsters giving it a go. Well worth the money supporting “tomorrow’s” Premiership riders. £26 for two meetings, yes, I would have gone for that.
    1 point
  29. Tuesday`s line-ups Masarna v Smederna Masarna 1 Prem Pawlicki 2 Hellstrom-Bangs 3 Bellego 4 Smolinski 5 Lindbeck 6 Millberg 7 Liljekvist Smederna 1 MJJ 2 Loktayev 3 Chugunov 4 Lebedevs 5 Aspgren 6 Kling 7 Stark Dackarna v Vastervik Dackarna 1 Janowski 2 Jakobsen 3 Jensen 4 Thorssell 5 Doyle 6 Bogdanowicz 7 Van Dyck Vastervik 1 A Laguta 2 Walqvist 3 Tarasenko 4 Lidsey 5 Przdepelski 6 Karlsson Indianerna v Lejonen Indianerna 1 Zenota 2 Jeppesen 3 C Holder 4 L Lindgren 5 NKI 6 Andersson 7 G Grahn Lejonen 1 Lambert 2 Thornblom 3 Berntzon 4 Klindt 5 Tungate 6 Eklof 7 Henriksson
    1 point
  30. But they are exactly the riders who have places because of the lower limit. If the limit was higher they would have been ditched in favour of other riders, such as Alex Spooner and Danno Verge.
    1 point
  31. The riders you’ve named would have gotten places anyway, I personally don’t feel that the Millars are ready for NL but Hopefully they will get some Second half opportunities to get their confidence up. I haven’t seen many of the others so I can’t comment !
    1 point
  32. Just won heat 13 with ease from Janowski, Protasiewicz & Dudek
    1 point
  33. Janowski like a knife through butter. Really there should not be such a difference in team strengths. It does the league no favours to have such a wide gap between teams.
    1 point
  34. I’ve gone with Laguta -2 over Zagar at evens which I thought was pretty good odds. Laguta with the tougher heats but well capable of beating anybody. As an outside bet, Cierniak -3 over Pludra is decent odds too
    1 point
  35. A complete no hoper? Miesiąc is always guaranteed to give 110% effort and can be hugely entertaining. His problem is he's not a good starter, so usually wins the majority of his points from the back. He was also one of the main reasons Lublin stayed up a couple of years ago when they were promoted as he was hugely influential in the engine room of the team.
    1 point
  36. Was not there but if speedway updates right results gate 3 was actually easily highest winning gate percentage
    1 point
  37. Second hand knowledge perhaps but I would like to comment on the Fundin v Craven question. (The best ever and my favourite ever respectively by the way. ) Years ago I got talking to an old timer who had followed Norwich regularly right from the opening of the track. He was of the opinion that Ove had more difficulty beating Peter than any other rider of the time. He didn’t mean Peter was the better rider but just that he gave the great Ove consistently more trouble than anyone else. love these conversations
    1 point
  38. Because none of the riders you listed are the young inexperienced glut of 3.00 reserve riders that "Kirky Lane" referred to? MacDonald is a second-string for Berwick. Their 3.00 reserves are Douglas (21) and Watson (20) Couzins is a late change for second-string Bursill (3.13) not a 3.00 reserve. Kent's young 3.00 reserves are Mulford (17) and Warren (21) Dugard is a second-string and not a 3.00 rider. Newcastle's 3.00 newcomer reserves are Freeman (16) and Smith (16) Laurence is just a stand in until Eastbourne's other reserve reaches his 15th birthday. Other reserve Ablitt is 17. Bowen is a second-string and not a reserve. Belle Vue's reserves are McGurk (17) and McGurk(15)
    1 point
  39. They have yet to pick up on that simple fact that prior to heat 1 nobody knows which will be the best gates.
    1 point
  40. The rule is that a "rising star" must be no older than Josh Bates. But Knight is, so can't be a rising star.
    1 point
  41. Dont like losing to Eastbourne at all, so consider it a moral victory. I will happily take an away point from this meeting. . Ok, we got a little lucky with Brennans problems, but thats not our fault. All our lads had a least one good ride each which is encouraging. Very pleased with Danyon Humes performance. Ive liked watching him in the NL and even more pleased that hes at Poole. For RS to score 5pts there is a great effort. Not many will do that. Encouraging start.
    1 point
  42. What A Night. Very encouraging for the season but. Kennett must sort his engine problems out Lawson had similar problems first two races but did get it right after that Kerr played a captains role and kept it together whilst the problems were mounting Newman a bit rusty but put in a determined shift Edwards improving fast did well and should go far Kemp struggled a bit but will contain most reserves TOM BRENNAN rider of the night for me, Beat Schlein hands down in heat one but engine blew on last lap and presented Poole a 5-0 then in his last ride gave Worrell a good run and was robbed of 2nd by another engine failure yards from the tapes. Should have been 11 points form 12 Despite almost exactly 2 years since his last Arlington match due to injury and covid he just keeps getting better. POOLE : Got their tails up and took advantage of their good fortune. They have a good team and when the two new Australians have more experience they will be one of the front runners. Barring accidents it looks almost certain that both these teams will be in the play off's
    1 point
  43. Nothing has changed for kennett in 2 seasons, totally unreliable in the races that matter. Shame for brennan who had looked really fast and his 5 lost points let poole pinch an away one. Poole should be pleased really, i dont think many sides will get one at arlo this yr
    1 point
  44. The BYC prior to the league match was thoroughly enjoyable...some good quality racing. A good idea to put it on as an added attraction rather than a stand alone meeting.
    1 point
  45. Just so you’re aware not sure if you are. Crowds are currently restricted. So it’s currently available to everyone. However once crowds are no longer restricted up here I believe it will be going back to the 50 miles exclusion zone. Tbh the streaming was aimed at away fans or fans who were abroad or too far away to travel to the matches so they still had a chance to watch their team. Obviously with covid it’s came in extremely handy with the predicament we’ve found ourselves in.
    1 point
  46. It doesn't pay to bad mouth clubs when you leave, like you shouldn't bad mouth a company when you leave them, you never know if you'll go back again. Especially in a league of only 6 teams and 3 of them being owned by 1 person. I've not read that it was by mutual agreement anywhere, the KL press release just said he'd been "released"
    1 point
  47. Buster wrote the book. Don’t forget the suspected heart attack at Edinburgh when Topinka was stuck in traffic. Thankfully a full recovery made.
    1 point
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