Let's be honest a form of vaccine passport is going to come in Worldwide, all those protesting it's against their human rights etc really need to get a grip. What are they going to do when they want 2 weeks in Spain, spend a fortune on tests to prove they don't have covid to get into Spain then again to get back into the UK.
This country needs to get ahead of the game, nobody allowed into the country unless they can prove they have been vaccinated, and as far as i'm concerned that's illegal immigrants as well. The Navy need to be rounding up these dinghies and taking them straight back to Europe. We have spent so much time locked down to protect the NHS from being overrun with patients who need ICU care, we have to protect and concentrate on the UK population who have suffered for the last year and whose descendents will be paying for it long after we are gone. Once things have calmed down in a year or two, then those immigrants can chance their arm on coming here and joining our wonderful diverse and cosmopolitan bunch of people that put the Great in Britain
All this worldwide panic for an infection which is as infectious as flu and probably actually kills less than flu