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  1. Its one thing the Polish speedway league allowing riders to ride in different leagues.... but a totally different matter to whether the Polish Government will allow it ( UK/ Danish/ Swedish governments too)
    5 points
  2. The sooner Barry Bishop is put in charge of the 3rd Tier under whatever Title the better. May be the only hope. Certainly far more qualified in every regard that a stooge taking the 3rd tier on a branch line to nowhere and oblivion.
    4 points
  3. You must be one of hundreds of people who contribute to this forum that still has a massive interest in speedway, but don’t attend. There will be thousands outside of the forum that are in the same boat. I just wonder if the BSPA/BSPL has ever even considered doing any form of market research targeted at these people wondering what it would take to entice these people back to the sport? It would be much easier to get these people back than to try and entice new fans with no interest or background in the sport. I don’t know the answer to my question but I would be willing to stick my neck on the line and say NO they haven’t, because they probably don’t want to know the answers... I’ve said many times in the past Speedway is marketed wrong on so many levels. It should be advertised as an extreme sport not a nice night out for the family sport. Very good point - The possibilities are endless. I myself as first port of call always used the ‘Premier League’ app for my football news, fixtures, results and most importantly fantasy league on a daily basis. There is no reason why that same model couldn’t be adopted for British Speedway. The comments about “spending all night at the speedway looking at my phone” are pretty short sighted.
    3 points
  4. I am not sure where the information you have came from but to the best of my knowledge there has not been a NDL AGM - well at least not one that I have attended anyways. Keep safe one and all please.
    3 points
  5. All the better, a valid reason to be oot the hoos for longer.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Fortunately im not a complete non-attendee and do still get a fair fix of Speedway in over the active seasons but not to the levels that i did previously. I can just no longer throwing money at meetings where the entertainment is minimal. A lot of the southern tracks have quite a home bias and as im not a supporter of any given team (just a few soft spots for certain clubs) but rather a supporter of the sport in general and so pick my matches based upon the quality of the visiting sides. A sentiment that i think is growing amongst the more casual fan base the sport has.
    2 points
  9. Is why it would have been simpler to just give higher assessed averages to more experienced/overseas riders. Say 5 point minimum average (for team building) for any rider with over 100 league matches under their belts. Maybe 6 or 7 for non UK riders. Provides natural openings for the young riders without requiring an inexhaustible supply of youngsters. And why you can make a 5 year commitment but can't necessarily set out how that will work across the years this far in advance.
    2 points
  10. My only regret is that i can only like that comment once. Barry & Martin are one of the few teams who realise that whilst their own team is important the league as a whole needs to flourish in order to see the greater benefits.
    2 points
  11. Well somebody is telling porkies probably that shifty Bishop....hard to trust a man who puts tripe on his crumpets
    2 points
  12. Two ends of the spectrum with there two both had plenty of ability but one barely had two clutch plates to rub together but confidence a plenty whilst the other had more machinery than he knew what to do with but fading belief. Zach is still very successfully riding Longtracks and i think it will be hard to tempt him back.
    2 points
  13. Honestly You haven't got a clue... but I will give you the full rundown when I see you in private rather than on here... but just keep making it up... and your not involved and haven't been since your mate George sacked you from running the kids/junior teams or doing the winter track work... so stop second guessing and trying your fishing exercise because there is a much bigger picture to consider... Regards THJ
    2 points
  14. Yes I have, but it doesn't match your hissy fit. I am involved hence I know about it. Rob obviously hasn't told you about it, so what you don't know you have invented stuff in explanation which was not true and then having a go at me.. After threatening to walk away a few weeks ago when you got gubbed by Rob for revealing confidential info, his team, you are again threatening to walk away again. What's next ?
    2 points
  15. As far as an app is concerned, the possibilities are endless. For example, how about each rider carries a helmet cam which fans can link to through the app, therefore experiencing the action first hand? Riders could also have a small digital display mounted on their handlebars on which supporters could send them messages during a race, such as "get your finger out", "how about team riding for a change", he's behind you", or "are you trying to artificially lower your average again so you can go back to Poole?!" Just a couple of ideas .
    2 points
  16. Exactly.. There shouldn't be time to look at your phone because "something" is going on.. Attend a Speedway event in the US and there is always "something" happening between races.. Got to a Supercross event and there is always "something" happening between races.. Its "full on" interaction with the fans.. No time to get bored when "something" is going on to prick your interest..
    2 points
  17. I would like them to join the league provided they can sign a competitive team..... a below par team would be a big mistake good luck in getting a suitable team
    1 point
  18. Get ya self to foxhall,, you're in.
    1 point
  19. I got a bike,10 gears as well
    1 point
  20. 100% this, its obvious isnt it? And if things are still "dicey" come the season start in Poland, then Polish Speedway will just ban everyone from leaving their country if they want a team place anyway... Or if they dont "ban" them from leaving, as that might be too controversial, they will put some compulsory to attend practice meetings together on nights when riders should be 'elsewhere'.... Maybe the UK leagues initially will still name riders who 'may' still ride over here just to put seven names on a team sheet? Then use guests to cover their potential non attendance due to "circumstances beyond their control"... And then hope that later in the season more relaxed rules will apply as the vaccines kick in and reduce the global risk so the initial septets named can all get on track.. With such ever changing logistical issues it must be a nightmare planning for this season, however, I would imagine the promoters would feel that having two years of no UK Speedway on track, and on TV, is something they will do absolutely everything they can to avoid... As March/April 2022 will be an awfully long way from the last meeting in October 2019..
    1 point
  21. Greg Blair in with a shout closed 2* riders i think
    1 point
  22. Could well be. with and even stranger rider to go with him
    1 point
  23. Well that should give us something to talk about.
    1 point
  24. Isn't that how you make more money on traveling expenses ??
    1 point
  25. Short season?,a six team league?,uncertainty of available riders?,uncertainty of when the season will actually start?,how many people will actually be allowed to attend?,social distancing still in place?mask wearing at meetings?.team strengthes drastically reduced? The list is endless.
    1 point
  26. Oh well at a guess young Luke from Berwick is pretty close... Regards THJ
    1 point
  27. Sorry guys my mistake re Mullarkey and Naylor
    1 point
  28. Thanks to friends in "high places" i can oblige Heat 1 R 1(2) B 2(4) W 1 (1) Y 2(3) Heat 2 R 3(3) B 4(1) W 3(4) Y 4(2) heat 3 R 5(4) B 6 (2) W 5 (1) Y 6(3) heat 4 R 3(1) B 4(3) W 1(4) Y 2(2) heat 5 R 5(2) B 6(4) W 3 (1) Y 4(3) heat 6 R 1(1) B 2(3) W 5(2) Y 6 (4) heat 7 R 5(3) B 6 (1) W 1(2) Y 2(4) heat 8 R 1(3) B 2(1) W 3(2) Y 4 (4) heat 9 R 3(2) B 4(4) W 5(3) Y 6(1) heat 10 R 1(4) B 4(2) W 3(3) Y 2(1) heat 11 R 5 (1) B 6 (3) W 5 (4) Y 6 (2) heat 12 R 3(4) B 2(2) W 1 (3) Y 4(1) heat 13 NOM R (1) B (3) W (2) Y (4) heat 14 NOM R (2) B (4) W (1) Y (3) heat 15 NOM R (1) B(3) W (2) Y (4)
    1 point
  29. It is all about opinions on forums but some on here want to be a Promoter, Manager or Referee knowing all the rules before becoming official.
    1 point
  30. Don't think any offer would improve what he has at Eastbourne, not just financial but being part of a 'team' that'll be built around him Brennen hopefully Kemp for years to come.
    1 point
  31. I've just seen a few people in Halfords buying some spanners to throw. The spanners are a coming.
    1 point
  32. As an ex-Hammers fan and now a converted Kent follower, I would have expected some kind of official explanation of these new rules. At present I have only picked up bits from this forum and since most of those are just opinions, they haven't told me much. Just sounds complicated.
    1 point
  33. http://www.sheffield-speedway.com/news.php?extend.2937
    1 point
  34. How do you know who is unsigned, some promoters hold back on announcements for various reasons?
    1 point
  35. One just makes things up the other just has a poor memory . I’m sure one of them will tell you which is which.
    1 point
  36. That's what scares me. I sit here reading match reports from the mid-to-late 70's, and it's amazing just how many we have lost. Certainly makes me feel old...
    1 point
  37. Have a look around and see how many new kids are riding speedway bikes in the last 2 or 3 years and count how many kids have entered the youth rounds. Then work out how quickly we will run out of new riders for this 5 year plan.
    1 point
  38. Interesting comment. Usually folks in speedway give the BSPL a lot of flack for not planning ahead. Now they are planning ahead and trying to get a decent riders pool for future years, "folks' are once again criticising them for trying to have a plan. Nothing funnier than 'folks'.
    1 point
  39. You will get good odds on that happening.Don’t think you can plan that far ahead in a sport like Speedway.IMO.
    1 point
  40. I'll bet not a single vote was cast to get rid of the red tape imposing limitations on credit card charges! The way is now clear for the UK government to to as they wish with regard to that and for people to campaign for what they want. Despite the percentage headlines and predictions of disaster it is a small thing for the vast majority of people with the possibility to look around and get a better deal.
    1 point
  41. Why are you in such a rush to be told “ this might happen if...” or “ we are doing this, subject too...”. When there’s something concrete to tell I’m sure they will but at the moment they have a plan but it’s in pencil until more is known. You will only slag them off for doing that. They dont want to do what the clowns on the top table have done, release a fixture list including a team that isn’t running, release an incomplete list of ‘ rising stars ‘ that includes riders in their mid 20’s who have been heat leaders in the championship for a while but not tell you how they came about compiling the list .
    1 point
  42. They certainly have a way of complicating things.
    1 point
  43. I think an APP is a fantastic idea especially if going into schools etc. more chance of kids downloading stuff
    1 point
  44. Why are people talking about an app like it’s just something to use on race night? As an example consider the Premier League and Moto GP apps, they are packed with stuff to keep people interested in between matches / race weekend so that when the next event comes around people are champing at the bit to be there or watch it however they can. Interviews, gossip, facts and figures, fantasy league etc etc. There is so much that technology can offer people when they aren’t at a speedway meeting, with perhaps a scorecard and a little bit of interaction on race night. People can still buy a paper programme if they want but why not offer a digital version too? Like it or not we are in a digital / smartphone age and if speedway wants to even begin to think about having a future then embracing that is absolutely vital.
    1 point
  45. So, everyone’s going to stand around looking at their mobile and thinking, this speedway’s great, I’ll keep coming back over and over, and bring all my mates with me so they can stand around looking at their mobiles - they’ll need their headphones (or whatever they’re called these days) though to drown the sound of those wretched motorbikes. This is the way forward, folks, the saviour of our great sport.
    1 point
  46. if admission prices don't go down to a reasonable level then i'm concerned people will forego speedway. so many have been furloughed or lost their jobs in the last year, i think it may be asking a bit much to still be near £20 each
    1 point
  47. It’s all a do about nothing. There are obviously things to sort out before the final list is released. So they are late, were you planning your year and holidays around the published list, whilst at the same time plenty on here are arguing between themselves about whether there will be any speedway this year in the UK. Get real and wait, when they are ready they will be ready, and you will be nearer the time when a decision is made as to if British Speedway can resume on 1st May, 2021. Chill.
    1 point
  48. Why do people always assume everyone has got a smartphone....they haven't.
    1 point
  49. Its more that if a mistake is made, the bike will launch forward and with a narrow track there is no room to recover, so your in the fence.. The NSS was designed for modern speedway, wide and fast unlike a lot of UK tracks built and designed to fit inside the stadia they had to work with..
    1 point
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