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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2021 in all areas

  1. My predictions are the outcome of the AGM will be: Season to start in February to squeeze all of the fixtures in 8 man teams to cover for injuries North and South split with the South division comprising of Somerset and Poole 42.50 points limit There will now be double double tactical substitute tactical rides. More info to follow in 8 months time. Purple helmet colour introduced. No teams other than Scunthorpe to ride on a Friday. Riders must socially distance at the starting tapes. And the finishing closing statement of “British Speedway is thriving and has never been in a better position due to the fantastic leadership of Chapman and now Lord General Godfrey. Let’s go racing.” Something like that anyway is what I’m expecting.... Anything different will hopefully be a bonus
    9 points
  2. I totally support the Rye House planning appeal but doesn't the interest in that as positive as it is; hide the possible destruction of the NDL by the BSPL. At best it's been subjected to "sufferance" for far too long. Every now and again Jason Pipe pops up with positive statements, although I don't know what's positive about saying "we'll sort out the NDL when they've sorted out the PL and CL". The 54 riders he has lined up won't wait forever to know if, when,where they can race in 2021 Covid or not! Who is writing his script and pulling his strings? The NDL is vital to the future of UK Speedway should not be an afterthought! What about 3 Clubs who are NDL only, very little coming out of IOW, Mildenhall; Plymouth , have they been told not to say anything or more likely just left in limbo? There is more promotion of Speedway on the IOW than in the whole of the Management Committee those NDL Clubs are being treated very badly I think I loved my NDL at Brummies, actually miss it and preferred it to CL Don;t let it die as it's so much the life-blood of the future of the Sport.
    4 points
  3. You always have the feeling at Speedway AGM's that even though 'The Success Of The Sport' is the only thing that they should focus on (and even more so currently), that "taking your bat and ball home" for some is never too far off the agenda.. Due to the Mickey Mouse rules they themsleves have implemented, it has pretty much devalued all their own competitions to not much more than a worthless' level, yet, for some, I would imagine, "winning" one of the Comps is still their overall objective, and "getting their way" at the AGM may just swing things in their favour to allow them to 'bask in the glory of victory' with a 'massed throng' of a few hundred people joining them... And all the while the Sport as a collective sinks lower and lower... Note to those in charge. . A great many fans of Speedway don't care who wins your Mickey Mouse structured Competitions... But a great many fans do care about the Sport they love...
    4 points
  4. It needs to be a brand new start - all about British Speedway, nothing else
    4 points
  5. Spot on... The following season is affectively a free pass given to them from all the fans desperate to see some Speedway... They could have 'relaunched' the sport in the UK, with innovative, fresh, exciting, new ideas for the Sport in the UK.. Some which would work, some which wouldn't. . However, those that worked could then be built on for future success, and those that didn't replaced with other ideas... Going it alone was never more such a huge opportunity to be taken, becoming truly in charge of your own destiny, not being beholden to anyone other than their responsibility to FIM events.. Be interesting to see what innovative, fresh, exciting new ideas they have come up with with this huge opportunity for a reset and relaunch..
    3 points
  6. Thing is regardless of our team affiliation we all know the sport is in disarray, so why not use the pandemic , brexit and rider availability as the once in a lifetime chance to press the reset button. Surely it is the opportunity the sport so badly needs for a period of time they have to put personal differences aside and vote for the good of the sport and not what's good personally
    3 points
  7. To me, the worst spelling mistake was (maybe still is) in the pits at Brandon, where the sign proudly proclaimed.... BEE’S
    3 points
  8. To be brutally honest I don't have a massive amount of faith in the powers that be to come up with anything like a solution for the 2021 season, and have absolutely zero confidence in Rob Godfrey, as chairman, to lead the powers that be to anything like a solution for the 2021 season.
    3 points
  9. When it's in the press release but if it is true and riders are becoming available will the pressure from some clubs for everything to stay the same cease. As I see it nothing is the same anymore so let's have a reset of the sport.
    2 points
  10. Oh, don't get me started on those bloody apostrophes!!! When I see signs like this - a greengrocer selling "apple's", I want to ask, "an apple's what?"
    2 points
  11. Used to be £10, in total, for me and my lad at the NSS to watch the Colts. . If anyone was sat next to me who didn't know about Speedway, they truly wouldn't have questioned the standard.. Brilliant racing. Brilliant value for money. And Brilliant to see the genuine, clear, body language, (delighted or devestated) reactions of the riders as they crossed the line, dependent on their finishing position.. I have thought for a good few years now that the NDL model is the way forward for the sport to grow.. Use it as the 2nd Division, with an "Elite" 8 team, 6 per team, top league which uses their own riders. . For many tracks, if an NDL team was their 'only ticket in town' to watch Speedway, I would suggest crowds wouldn't be too different from their current levels, and with costs so very much cheaper, it should mean potential admission cost reductions too.. "They" seem to get it right, so join them..
    2 points
  12. 7 more riders available if its true Somerset are pulling out of the league this year.
    2 points
  13. Once needed a race to be re-run because a spectator decided to walk across the track during a race, causing a rider to take avoiding action. Where? Owlerton. If memory correct it was Tigers v Newport at 3rd division level. Despite what happened the race did continue, as it was an easy 5 1 to Sheffield. However there was an objection after the race and the referee ordered a re run. Spectator thrown out of the stadium.
    2 points
  14. and then our guilty secret would be out. "Wait a minute - wasn't he riding for Belle Vue last week?"
    2 points
  15. So, if the two leagues are merged, call it the Premiership.
    2 points
  16. Don’t understand the continued reference to the Premiership and Championship. Surely the promotors should be looking at how to save the sport as a whole, singing from one hymn sheet. Internal divisions will not help the sport out of the crisis.
    2 points
  17. I think I've got a kitchen arriving for a new bungalow that I seem to have bought.
    2 points
  18. I very much doubt you would get very far with that. Most of the case law involves poaching of employees (so not relevant) and a key phrase in all the analysis is 'without good reason'. I think the BSPL could argue that "to avoid the total bankruptcy of the sport" was a good reason.
    2 points
  19. Made up of who? Paid how much, and by who? And who gets rid of them if they are no good? Get real. Who on earth, who's any good at anything, would want to take on the job? How much money do you think promoters are willing to pay to people who may not have a clue about the sport only to have the clueless give them the orders about how to run their show? And when they screw up, then what? When you have the answers, why not go on Dragons Den and suggest it to some real business people, and see if you can sell your idea to them and get their backing for your plan. See what their reaction will be.
    1 point
  20. The old saying "Never waste a good crisis"
    1 point
  21. Ring Ring, Ring Ring.... "Hello', Plymouth Speedway"... "Hi, Plymouth Speedway, it's the BSP, No! No! Don't put the phone down,! No! Please!"..... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep........... Please replace the handset and try again...
    1 point
  22. Nah, just called being realistic. youll be one of the ones up in arms when the season doesnt start and keeps being delayed yet cant see the bigger picture.
    1 point
  23. I could think of a few!
    1 point
  24. Those three meetings when the lockdown restrictions were a lot lower than the current ones?
    1 point
  25. Don't you mean, "Wait a minute - wasn't he riding for Belle Vue, Sheffield, Somerset and Poole last week?"
    1 point
  26. 'The Purple Helmet' Match races could be introduced... Sponsored by Viz.....
    1 point
  27. Who are the leading contenders to wear the purple helmet
    1 point
  28. Some of the best racing I've seen in years was when coventry had meetings against cradley and Kent in the ndl.
    1 point
  29. Which leads one to the question - Are those in charge sane?
    1 point
  30. I can see 'some' racing happening around September or October... The 'high risk' categories will have all hopefully been vaccinated by then twice (if all goes to plan).. And many of those age groups covered will form the majority of most Speedway crowds I would think so maybe if restrictions allow (as they will still be in place I would think until everyone has the jab), then maybe some individual and/or made up team events could take place in front of a 1000 or so? With the SON in Manchester in October actually happening too..
    1 point
  31. Been quite a while since I have been on except occasional look in. If I recall, last I saw was that the Fords were supposed to be negotiating with the Stadium owners to see IF they would allow them to race on the now virtually disused Stadium in 2022 after the owners near enough permanently removed Greyhound racing. Saw comments about possibility racing may be allowed but without use of restaurant facilities etc but can't recall seeing anything definitive. Does anyone know anything definitive on the position or is it that there is still a doubt that racing will ever be allowed back with what was back then talk of possible redevelopment of the site even though there was supposed to be a facility for sporting activity allowed. Excuse if I am wrong as the only comments seen recently are from contributors who indicate as if we are going to be racing. Maybe I have missed news ??
    1 point
  32. The F1 in march in Australia has been cancelled already . Its held in Melbourne where we have no active cases. So what chance have around 500-1000 people got of gathering at a third rate sport (as thats essentially what it is to joe public) in March in the UK? Where there are a huge amount of cases. It wont be happening. And the promoters know it so i dont see why they are pretending only to let fans down at the last minute. The season will be pushed back and back and before you know it will be October.
    1 point
  33. The great frustration with the NDL is that the teams involved are all positive and numbers increasing with new sides like Edinburgh and Newcastle joining the ranks. The entertainment is often greater than the higher leagues and the sense of satisfaction likewise which is why the league is held in high regard and so dearly by so many. However it is a constant after thought from the management committee who seek to have total and dominant control of everything whilst actually just looking at the interests of their own clubs (much in the same way the MSDL has been destroyed to pave the way for a Prem Junior league that will never see any meaningful fruition but that's another topic). Until an approach is employed where promotors can agree what is best for the league and the teams within it rather than being dished out regulations by those with no vested interest the league will struggle. Let the NDL run itself, pick its own rules and potentially there will at least be one successful league operating in the UK.
    1 point
  34. Yep- pink, blue, yellow and polka dot tablets should be with me any day now
    1 point
  35. Nothing to do with this topic, but is anybody else getting adverts popping up between postings.
    1 point
  36. The whole point of running a company is that directors are NOT personally liable. Besides contracts are with individual clubs not the BSPL.
    1 point
  37. Any format would not work without crowds. My suggestion was obviously based on running with spectators. If and when normality returns then I would like to see one league be tried.
    1 point
  38. riders get signed, score badly, get dumped. Where's the contract then?
    1 point
  39. Most likely outcome will be Lynn re-signing Batchelor
    1 point
  40. Nothing says deluded like them thinking they are going to start in May!! Absolutely no chance. July at the absolute earliest I'd say.
    1 point
  41. I did think this was a possible solution a while back so all teams come to the table, and ensure enough riders to go round, however.. My only negative to it was paying for 16 riders per meeting... Although I do think by grading riders and altering race formats that may be affordable? ie. 4 grades, A to D (with D level being riders 4 AND 5)., and (radical elert), the grades just race against each other 4 times from each gate position so the disparate level of riders on show shouldn't impact the closeness of the racing, as every race takes place with those of similar ability.. Stick down a maximum mean average for the team and that would mean no team could use the "best" of each grade.. Standard from Prem HL to Champ Reserve/NL Heat Leader., 96 points over 16 heats @ £75 a point average, (actual individual deals based on ability obviously), would mean an outlay of £7200 on average for each team to cover all four matches.. Eg per point, No 1 = £100, No 2 = £80, No 3 = £70 and No 4 = £50. (No. 5 same as 4 if he rides).. With no crowds nothing happens obviously, but if we do get fans in again, maybe doing 4 teams per match (one league) would mean lots of Speedway for the riders, and different teams visiting for the fans? (And four lots of Speedway starved fan bases to try and attract per meeting). Maybe even North and South Conference the league so you ride against more local teams more often than those at the opposite end of the Country, with a North v South playoff (similar to the way the NFL does it).. The NL could possibly still run the traditional format of two teams, 7 per team, to ensure lots of rides for those still progressing through, or, if enough teams are interested, also run 4 team tournaments meaning 16/20 developing riders get track time each night.. I am sure riders would prefer to ride four times per week (16 heats to earn money), in smaller team numbers, than run twice a week (and sometimes just once) in a seven man team
    1 point
  42. Jason Doyle rides with an England flag on the leg of his kevlars. Sure, it may be partly down to his family life but he is still loyal to this country and, thankfully, Swindon repayed that loyalty when the BSPA tried to get rid of him by giving him an average of over 13. At least there's one GP rider who is keen to ride here.
    1 point
  43. So what? Doyle has been one of the most committed riders I have seen on UK shores in 20 odd years. He has given nothing but 100 percent in every race he goes out in, never misses a meeting because he can''t be arsed and is pure entertainment. Has not once considered ducking the UK and would ride every day of the year if he could. You would struggle to find a rider past or present or future who puts a club before their family. Lambert is just a prima donna, big sulking baby and your probably better off without him long term.
    1 point
  44. The committee will have to discuss Somerset pulling out of the league possibly!
    0 points
  45. Because they signed a TV contract to provide ‘ Premiership ‘ league racing and if they don’t provide it they have no cash and could be sued for breach of contract.
    0 points
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