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  1. If we have lost quite a lot of riders as well as issues with visas, then the BSP should use this as a new start. Similar to the 1965 British league after The NL and PL came together.
    4 points
  2. If professional Clubs have got contracts with riders like Glasgow and Somerset have; why should they be penalised. The rest should shape up or ship out and focus on lower level or amateur racing.
    2 points
  3. The BSPZzzzz working up to the highest common denominator??? Now that would be a revolutionary step to take...
    1 point
  4. forget it for this year (2021). 2022 might give you something to look forward to !
    1 point
  5. You are having a fookin' laugh blaming fans
    1 point
  6. Spot on, need to start again, it seems some fans are hung up in the past...they need to stop it, sub 1000 crowds are not going to get us back to the time we had all the top stars in the 1980s. If that means 'lower level' stars that what needs to happen. Ultimately it is the fans fault because they have stopped going, causing cutbacks to be necessary. I am prepared to take my share of the blame!
    1 point
  7. Think if the rest ship out a league of 2 won't be very good.
    1 point
  8. I wonder now, with all the major changes with rider availability and the likely hood of a weaker product, will the Poole managing choose to return to the top flight for 2021 to boost the numbers? Cost wise and points limit wise, in the top flight (just an example) we could track the same 6 as we know Ellis isn’t available and replace him with someone like Chris Holder? We know Chris would cost more than Adam, but with the additional tv money on the table surely this would make it a level playing field on budgets? Last year, it was down to the losses of 2019 (N1CC - as reported in the echo this week £21,000) and breaking even, surely a much weaker top flight would be more viable for Poole?
    1 point
  9. I'm in the posh part of DY4
    1 point
  10. What do you expect having the same postcode as "The Lost City"!!!
    1 point
  11. Having acquired the model some time back thru' a very obliging contact (may have been compost?) I've actually got round to assembling it at last and placed it in a display case! Very pleased with it and takes pride of place on my desk top.
    1 point
  12. The problem is we have sat back and watch it happen.IMO.
    1 point
  13. Nothing wrong with gardening if it within the 2 minutes. No worse than just sitting there waiting for the clock to count down. Why do people have such a problem with "gardening"? I don't get it.
    1 point
  14. Isn't that why Glasgow and a few others like Somerset and Eastbourne are rightly kicking off? They built their teams to the rules, got everything sorted professionally and now the lazy ones who sat back want a reduced limit to cherry pick those that have to be released?
    1 point
  15. Polish speedway is run by people who want their league to be the best in the world, Britain speedway is run by people who want their team to be the best in the league!
    1 point
  16. Absolutely, he was a late developer and rode in our second division for a long time before he became world class and it suits him to race here now but for most others it doesn’t any more. Every rider does what is right for them, this country is pretty much at the bottom of the speedway food chain nowadays due to being so spectacularly mismanaged hence so few top riders appearing here but if it works for Doyle then good luck to him. I’ve never really agreed with the ‘loyalty’ thing though, clubs hire and fire riders as they see fit so it works both ways.
    1 point
  17. That guy talks alot of sence i hope certain people listen.
    1 point
  18. Whilst never being someone stuck in the past, I am sure there is some mileage in some of the 'model' that they had then being transposed over to today.. The pot that all riders share is not as big as it was pro rata in the 70's yet there appears to be many, many more full time professionals than there used to be.. Even when "all was good", and riders could earn some very good money, it was mainly the heat leaders (in the top division only), who were "fully pro" and the rest did it as "well paid sideline" to their usual job, and could make a months salary from their 'proper job' on a good night... The ultimare irony is by the very way the Promoters have run the sport over the past two decades or so, they have all but devalued their own competitions to pretty much zero kudos status yet, I presume, expect riders to turn up with top 'expensive kit' to compete for these 'prizes' which can only result in higher salary expectations for the riders to meet their costs.. A strange operating model to follow..
    1 point
  19. Have to agree, we need to build again in GB.We certainly can’t compete with Poland regarding money and sponsors.We need to cut our cloth accordingly.IMO.We certainly won’t lose any fans,and we might attract some new ones if we get the entertainment factor right, without the “ Mickey Mouse “ rules.
    1 point
  20. That was part of the joy...trying to guess the Team Manager's next tactical move whether it be R/R, T/C or indeed gate postion. It was all part of the fun!
    1 point
  21. Agree entirely...the same as in Premier League Football. Team that finishes top are declared champions. Imagine the furore generated if say, Liverpool, finished top but were beaten in a 'Play-Off" to decide who were Champions? Personally I never had problems with the T/S ruling...okay it would often prove galling but there was no better feeling when the oppostion put out their "Star Man" as a T/S and was beaten by a lesser light...got the terraces buzzing which is what it's all about in my opinion.
    1 point
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