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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2021 in all areas

  1. It's alright guys it's not hot gossip ! It's that time of the year to say a really big thank you to both to Sue and R and R for the brilliant results service that Sue and her gang provide, and to R and R for his fantastic mine of information and knowledge of Polish and European speedway, and above all providing us with links so that we can enjoy quality speedway on the internet. You've both kept my life time involvement and interest in speedway alive Happy New Year to you both and stay safe Roll on April !
    15 points
  2. Have to agree, we need to build again in GB.We certainly can’t compete with Poland regarding money and sponsors.We need to cut our cloth accordingly.IMO.We certainly won’t lose any fans,and we might attract some new ones if we get the entertainment factor right, without the “ Mickey Mouse “ rules.
    3 points
  3. ......sitting up a tree, K-I-S-S-S-I-N-G Absolutely agree, thank you to both
    3 points
  4. This seems to be the most relevant thread without starting a new one, for something I would like to raise. Whilst everyone agrees that improved and continued (as a minimum) sponsorship is essential to keep the sport alive, opinions on what are necessary to improve crowd attendances (other than product quality) are varied. Parking the current COVID situation, the most popular spectator sports in most countries are team sports. Fact. I love speedway, football and basketball which are all working class sports. I have no interest whatsoever in any other motor sport and know quite a few other people of a similar mindset. The tribal belonging appeals to the masses and there is no better feeling than beating a local rival team in any sport. If you ask the average person what they understand by speedway, it is most likely they will say it is just motorbike racing. In my experience, people are quite surprised when you mention it is a team sport. (Best not mention doubling up, r/r & guests at this point though). The beauty of the sport is that different formats exist (individuals, pairs & fours) and whilst the quality of racing in a Grand Prix is superb, a two against two race is something to cherish. There has to be more emphasis on the team aspect in the promotion of the sport.
    2 points
  5. Poland are looking after themselves. Its upto them what restrictions they put on their contracted riders. If this speeds up 1 rider one club it can only be a big benefit, and the sport maybe taken more seriously.
    2 points
  6. Sam Allardyce bemoaning the fact that he couldn't bring four players in to WBA due to work permit issues linked to Brexit... Lots of 'points scoring' criteria linked to age, capability level etc... Presume Speedway riders will face the same kind or similar criteria to be awarded a permit? Maybe that is taking the time to announce details for this season?
    1 point
  7. Yes all riders came out and rode around to be introduced and then did a flying lap, i remember Andreas Jonsson doing a particularly fast time. I bet Lucifer Sam could tell us all the times etc
    1 point
  8. Yes I remember the 'Flying Lap"...sure it was before the main match?
    1 point
  9. The problem with this team is the same problem as we get with the under-21 rule in the Speedway of Nations. Riders who start off as raw juniors and start to progress beyond that, such as Steve Worrall and Adam Ellis (and Bewley in the SON), get no chance to improve on the progress they have made.
    1 point
  10. I thought that was Chris Shears although it was a long time ago and my memory isn't what it was?
    1 point
  11. With Manchester United though, that people fail to see with the class of 92 was that the spine of the team was very very experienced that our youth could learn from. Way to much inexperience in your 8 to progress the better youngsters
    1 point
  12. Leaving aside any COVID issues, I've always thought that any playoffs or cup finals taking place in mid to late October are a bit of a lottery. Too many times meeting take place on deep, heavy tracks, because preparing tracks at that time of the year are a nightmare unless you get an unseasonable spell of weather.
    1 point
  13. No one could argue against that thought. With 13 weeks between Jabs, most older people will not get their 2nd dose until March/April. It then takes a further 3 weeks for the vaccine becoming effective...so June is a realistic time for the vaccination factor to come to force, or even later if the vaccine is to be given to the middle aged to get the herd cover that everyone talks about Easter start is becoming less likely by the day.
    1 point
  14. Speedway has ebbed and flowed throughout its 9 decades. Speedway has a chance to build a better future if the Promoters can actually promote and create rules that benefit the Sport as opposed to promoters looking after their own individual needs. Having a neutral person as Chairman who can look after the needs of the Sport is priority number one
    1 point
  15. Yeah it's what has been needed for a long time at Newcastle... A fresh input from a new promotion with new ideas on crowd entertainment & good to that most of the old dead wood have been ousted & it will only be good for Newcastle speedway in the long term hopefully
    1 point
  16. Or the so called ‘ Premiership’ is full of championship level riders which it’s paying too much.
    1 point
  17. I tend to agree with this. It is folly to be constantly dependant on the demands of the Polish leagues. I think we need to get ahead of the game and organise a self-sustaining league system. There ought to be a cut-off date for riders who want to take part to confirm this and then we plan from there. Reading the recent book 'Saving Speedway' seems strangely appropriate for today. It's about how they built the Provincial League in the 60s which led the British League in 1965 and the most successful and stable period of the sport in this country. Of course times have changed and everything is different, but it shows how you have to go back and organise before you can go forward and grow. Also those involved with the organisation have to work together for the good of the whole. I don't think this principal has changed but do we have someone who can lead such a movement?
    1 point
  18. Sad news from Poland today that Speedway referee Wojciech Grodzki has died after a long illness- he was only 54
    0 points
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