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  1. Speedway has ebbed and flowed throughout its 9 decades. Speedway has a chance to build a better future if the Promoters can actually promote and create rules that benefit the Sport as opposed to promoters looking after their own individual needs. Having a neutral person as Chairman who can look after the needs of the Sport is priority number one
    3 points
  2. Yeah it's what has been needed for a long time at Newcastle... A fresh input from a new promotion with new ideas on crowd entertainment & good to that most of the old dead wood have been ousted & it will only be good for Newcastle speedway in the long term hopefully
    3 points
  3. It's called "Saving Speedway" by well known author and speedway historian Philip Dalling. It covers the SAL and Prov. League-say 1954-64. Even though I am interested in this part of history particularly the Prov. league, I learned quite a bit , also the illustrations are excellent -many speedway photographs new to me. Comments by many promoters/ riders of that period are most interesting. I got it for xmas,and have hardly put it down. Highly recommnded to all.
    1 point
  4. Leaving aside any COVID issues, I've always thought that any playoffs or cup finals taking place in mid to late October are a bit of a lottery. Too many times meeting take place on deep, heavy tracks, because preparing tracks at that time of the year are a nightmare unless you get an unseasonable spell of weather.
    1 point
  5. Impossible to say right now, things can change quickly. Even if it doesn't start on time, there's every chance of a shortened season.
    1 point
  6. And there's some strong contenders in that field, from Ipswich signings in the 90's and early 00's alone!
    1 point
  7. Poland are looking after themselves. Its upto them what restrictions they put on their contracted riders. If this speeds up 1 rider one club it can only be a big benefit, and the sport maybe taken more seriously.
    1 point
  8. A contender for the worst signing in British Speedway history.......
    1 point
  9. I tend to agree with this. It is folly to be constantly dependant on the demands of the Polish leagues. I think we need to get ahead of the game and organise a self-sustaining league system. There ought to be a cut-off date for riders who want to take part to confirm this and then we plan from there. Reading the recent book 'Saving Speedway' seems strangely appropriate for today. It's about how they built the Provincial League in the 60s which led the British League in 1965 and the most successful and stable period of the sport in this country. Of course times have changed and everything is different, but it shows how you have to go back and organise before you can go forward and grow. Also those involved with the organisation have to work together for the good of the whole. I don't think this principal has changed but do we have someone who can lead such a movement?
    1 point
  10. Been watching all the developments at Newcastle with great interest, as I feel it is important to have strong setups at the North East clubs for all to thrive. Seems like you have got a good new promoter in Rob Grant, he seems willing to engage with fans and keep them informed of what he is doing and more importantly - why! Not everyone will agree with all his decisions but that's life! At least if he is up front about it all then he won't be accused of having hidden agendas. One part of the statement did make me smile - regarding doing the track Rob's family will be assisting as they have a farming background - expect some ploughed fields comments Anyway, Happy New Years to Diamonds fans and management here's hoping we get some exciting tussles between yourselves and the Bears in 2021 (with the Bears winning of course ) and if we can have a title deciding play-off final between the two of us that would be the real icing on the cake. All the best NYB
    1 point
  11. Very good to see Rob Grant and Newcastle joining the small but increasing list of Clubs who are more independent and open and transparent IOW, Belle Vue; Glasgow, Redcar ; Eastbourne; Swindon; Edinburgh probably the most effective of this positive new trend.
    1 point
  12. I don't know how tall Sam Nickolajsen was but when he retired he became a painter and decorator and had to have a special skirtingboard ladder made for him
    1 point
  13. They will do well to start before May tbh!! I am certainly not expecting anything before then.
    1 point
  14. So you think that despite what I've said it's all just about a bit of messy rainwater. I am aware you are not a supporter these days or have a duty with a promotion, but you have proved you are still never wrong whilst never being right.
    1 point
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