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Honestly How refreshing... not just that statement but the whole post... Regards THJ Oh and happy New Year let's hope this one is better than the last one... let's face it that shouldn't be to hard should it...4 points
In connection with the above post, I have been asked to address it on behalf of Rob. Rob does read this forum but doesn't have an account to comment or reply to any questions directly, but as I'm sure everyone knows by now, he definitley doesn't have anything to hide and will make everything known to fans and anyone else for that matter who takes an interest. In his last direct public statement he obviously touched upon the financial issues that Newcastle found itself in this year. Bearing this in mind, the financial situation going in to 2021 is still being closely monitored and we are having to be extra careful with the pot of money we do have. Rob has spoken to Jonny Swales earlier this week, where the outcome of the conversation was to release Jonny from his duties at Newcastle. This was not done under any negative pretences and no hard feelings were taken from this conversation on either side. It was merely a cost cutting exercise as Jonny was in a paid position and Newcastle must save money wherever it can this year in order to carry on for the years ahead. Jonny had already secured the track work at Redcar for next season and is happy with that. In regards to the rest of the staffing. No other track staff have been relieved of their duties, this includes Robbie and Moxy and all sheeters remain the same. The track itself will be done by Dave Tattum, Darren Hartley and Robs family as they all come from a farming background so are very capable and also legal to drive the tractors (which still remain at Brough by the way). And just to put any more rumours to rest here is a list of Newcastle's staffing as we head in to 2021: Lawrence heppell - press officer Barry Wallace - Announcer Andrew Dalby - Centre green presenter Terry Bolam - Pits Marshall Brian Mcbean - Clerk of the course Mark Brown/Alan Murray - Track electricians Rachel Robley & Angela Tinning - Hospitality Adam Tinning -Time keeping and incident recorder. Stewart Townsley - Environmental officer and asst clerk of course. Phil Day/Alan Roberts/Don Dorey - Start marshalls Sarah Bulman - Medical Co-ordinator Medics - Rapid Response Rachel Robley - Commercial manager Tony Kearman - Marketing Steve Brock/Kevin Oliver/Taz McDougall - photography Lee Coates/Lloyd Tattum/Mark Brown/Steve Pate - Asst Track maintenance Track Stewards this year will be provided by The Protector Group. The programmes are going to be printed by Ponteland Print and Grants events Catering will obviously be the caterers at the stadium, as well as putting staff on turnstiles and in the track shop. And let's not forget Rob himself.... Unlike previous management he is definitley not scared of getting his hands dirty and he will be there from the crack of dawn providing help with the track and fence and anything else that needs his attention. Rob has everything well in hand and would never get rid of staff without having a replacement in place. I hope this answers a few of the staffing rumours flying around right now. Happy New year everyone!4 points
Stock cars have shared many tracks over the years without major issues but a good track curator has been required to keep it right for speedway. Jonny Swales is highly regarded and did very good work at Newcastle considering its limitations . A ‘professional’ gets paid to do a good job or he gets sacked, a volunteer ‘ does a job because he/ she wants too but may not necessarily have the required skills. Brough park track was a challenge for a very good track man let’s hope the volunteers can maintain the standards he set. I believe Redcar had issues when Tony Swales ( Jonnys father and another very experienced track curator ) was moved on as a cost cutting exercise and they then had major issues with the volunteer track men that followed hence the employment of Terry ‘ the track ‘ as he is known. They then had one of the best race tracks in the country, just like Terry’s work at other tracks Coventry, Wolverhampton and Birmingham as well as him being called in to rectify tracks that had issues like Stoke, Somerset and the Isle of Wight. A good track curator is essential if the sport is to survive these days and they are worth their wages, whatever they are.3 points
Been watching all the developments at Newcastle with great interest, as I feel it is important to have strong setups at the North East clubs for all to thrive. Seems like you have got a good new promoter in Rob Grant, he seems willing to engage with fans and keep them informed of what he is doing and more importantly - why! Not everyone will agree with all his decisions but that's life! At least if he is up front about it all then he won't be accused of having hidden agendas. One part of the statement did make me smile - regarding doing the track Rob's family will be assisting as they have a farming background - expect some ploughed fields comments Anyway, Happy New Years to Diamonds fans and management here's hoping we get some exciting tussles between yourselves and the Bears in 2021 (with the Bears winning of course ) and if we can have a title deciding play-off final between the two of us that would be the real icing on the cake. All the best NYB3 points
its low because there's nowhere for them to go!! The championship is full of div 1 riders that it can not afford2 points
Back to the future, with two Leagues, a British and a National, just like what we had in the glorious 70s and 80s ... and there are still plenty of riders Down Under in Australia just waiting for a chance2 points
Experience relates to the top 3 and the youth and future of British Speedway the bottom end. 1. Tai Woffinden 2. Dan Bewley 3. Robert Lambert 4. Drew Kemp 5. Dan Gilkes 6. Jordan Palin 7. Dan Thompson 8. Joe Thompson You can only move forward with bringing in youngsters. Once upon a time a Manchester United fan told me and gosh did they move forward before backwards again with older players.1 point
1 point
Or the so called ‘ Premiership’ is full of championship level riders which it’s paying too much.1 point
I tend to agree with this. It is folly to be constantly dependant on the demands of the Polish leagues. I think we need to get ahead of the game and organise a self-sustaining league system. There ought to be a cut-off date for riders who want to take part to confirm this and then we plan from there. Reading the recent book 'Saving Speedway' seems strangely appropriate for today. It's about how they built the Provincial League in the 60s which led the British League in 1965 and the most successful and stable period of the sport in this country. Of course times have changed and everything is different, but it shows how you have to go back and organise before you can go forward and grow. Also those involved with the organisation have to work together for the good of the whole. I don't think this principal has changed but do we have someone who can lead such a movement?1 point
1 point
Wish I shared you're optimism mate, am sure many will make heavy weather of it. All the Best.1 point
Very good to see Rob Grant and Newcastle joining the small but increasing list of Clubs who are more independent and open and transparent IOW, Belle Vue; Glasgow, Redcar ; Eastbourne; Swindon; Edinburgh probably the most effective of this positive new trend.1 point
Similar to the likes of Rugby Union and F1 over here I would suggest.. The vast majority of the nation aren't interested but they seem to get top level sponsors, excellent TV deals, and strong viewing numbers.. The Star mentioned a TV deal of £24 million for the top division which suggests more than enough of Poland has an interest to warrant the TV companies outbidding each other to tender that sort of money...1 point
Reading the Speedway Star this week and the proposed "huge" TV contract being negotiated for 2022, and the possible ten team top league, I would think there could be even more 'interference' from Poland... Their second division too, is drawing very good viewing figures so is looking to get more from their deal as well... Even more reason to 'go it alone' over here I would think and be in charge of your own destiny...1 point
Soren Sjosten was responsible for this 7 year old genuinely believing I would only need to wait a couple of years and I could become a fully fledged Belle Vue Ace, if someone as diminutive as Soren could do it with such style and success then nothing was going to stop me, nothing! I'm 61 in Feb and I've still never sat astride a running speedway bike, yet I still think I could've been a contender, maybe this will be the year I finally make it to a ride n slide day, if only to put my dreams to bed.1 point
The Stoke track came under regular criticism when Tatum was doing the job. it was the reason I stopped going to stoke1 point
1 point
Not silly at all. I can't see one big league in this or the near future, so split leagues can get enough riders, with more of the best juniors and more doubling up when necessary. 6 rider teams Two leagues 6/11 Lower standard in the lower league with more young riders in the reserve positions. Controlled riding nights to allow for doubling up.1 point
Is it time to go to 2 leagues , top league 8 teams at a standard in-between premier and championship and then an 11 team league between championship and national League kept at a lower standard than the top league so riders can progress and 6 man teams and riders semi pro in 2nd league to cut costs. Probably me being silly1 point
Didn't realise Chamberlin was as short as that. Do you know the height of Peter Craven and Billy Bales?1 point
1 point
Well I finally received 2 Speedway Stars yesterday (18th and 25th Dec, so I feel that Pinegen ought to be able to claim some compensation from Royal Mail (or whoever it is). If this is First Class then why are they putting the price up by 9p from 1st Jan, what possible justification can there be? Also I think Speedway Star should be congratulated on keeping the magazine going in such an interesting way, just keep the standard going when the racing resumes.1 point
They will do well to start before May tbh!! I am certainly not expecting anything before then.1 point
1 point
Spot on that.. And did you also know that those cooling towers you see with steam coming out of them are used for fracking, and the steam you see is from the molten lava that becomes exposed from the earth's core when they go down too far.. They do the fracking in these towers so that they cannot be seen and no one can therefore protest about it.. They also do a different area every day but you never notice because they move the towers and every single building for a mile radius around them by exactly the same amount.. They do this each night when we are all asleep...1 point
Does no-one remember Alan Hunt? Certainly one of Birmingham's all-time top five riders........ 'Way more deserving if a street-name than 90% of those suggested....1 point
1 point
i think we should take the view that if poland stops their young riders racing in gb then thats their loss,also if average british riders think they can succeed in poland they are being naive and misguided.British speedway can indeed prosper without "top stars" as an example british superbikes is a very successful and profitable competition even though everyone knows the top riders are in moto gp,moto2 or wsb,also british riders would know theyd have no chance of moving up until they were at least top 3 in bsb .If a truly talented british speedway rider emerges theres still a route to the top through the gp qualifiers,finish top6 in gps then you can demand the mega bucks from the poles.1 point
Yes, the stock car track at Arlington is on the outside of the speedway track and after the stadium is used for speedway it needs to be left ready for a stock car meeting, fence wise. Cutting a 12" ditch for a safety fence is not an option for obvious reasons. Arlington goes into tier 4 on the 26th, can we see that lifted by easter? I have my doubts..0 points