Will they ever 'get it'?
Hopefully some of those involved now who do see the bigger picture, (and there are a sizeable few now I would suggest), will get given the opportunity to move the sport forwards..
And use the following objectives as a starting point,..
Use Credible rules which mean the Leagues have some kudos in winning, thus stimulating interest from the fans..
Ensure Integrity of the rules' implementation, which can never be held up by anyone as being implemented with self interest..
Deliver consistently a great overall entertainment package, at what the majority will see as a value for money entrance fee,...
Plan you fixture list to run on nights (or days) when your highest amount of customers tell you they can get there....
Deliver a truly collective, professional, national marketing plan, using modern communication systems, to get the message out there about the Sport as a whole..
And, make a long term successful GB team your No 1 priority which will interest media, sponsor and fan, and then use this wider interest to stimulate growth at domestic league level..
There must be enough people involved now within the sport to see that trying to win something that is currently rendered virtually worthless by their very own rules, is a complete waste of time, energy and resource, as whichever team wins any title in UK Speedway, it won't grow the overall sport one iota..
Lets hope that the 'new dawn' isn't too far away and the 'newer voices' start getting heard and get allowed to influence the changes needed..