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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2020 in all areas

  1. It's the most wonderful time of the year. So, how about this for a Christmassy Speedway Team? 1 SPROUTS Elder 2 Bruce CRIBB 3 JOSEPH Screen 4 Simon CROSS 5 Lance KING 6 Jason KING 7 Danny KING (three Kings of course...) Team Manager: Mick BELL Sponsor: ELF Oil Let's see your suggestions...
    5 points
  2. Off Topic so i apologise in advance but Richard Juul is one brave boy to have comeback from his big crash at Oxford and return there and race again
    3 points
  3. Also helps to have a good group of track volunteers to help with the air fence's that have to be put up and taken down before and after meetings - newcastle have a particular good group that I know of.
    3 points
  4. How many times is this ‘ one league ‘ going to be discussed ? It’s been the topic of threads umpteen times over the last three years and it isn’t going to happen without losing more clubs ( the poorer ones ) the ones who will never be able to financially compete with the likes of Poole, Belle Vue, Wolverhampton , Leicester, Glasgow, Sheffield etc and therefore will not join a ‘ league ‘ that they can’t be competitive in. It didn’t work in the mid 90’s , it won’t work now.
    3 points
  5. Lewy lewy lewy you miserable little twonk... you know better than most that Spedway is a confidence game more than most other sports and James "The Whippet" Wright will hit the ground running... Who knows if we start in the May or June (I think April will be to much of an ask) he could be at No5 by the time the August averages come out and the last link in the chain at present our missing new number 5 could be at reserve... just think what the new/old No 5 will be earning at reserve banging in double figure scores... Big Money... Funny old sport Speedway... lewy... in-it? Regards THJ
    2 points
  6. 1 - Ivan MAGI 2 - Steve SANT-A 3 - CLAUS Lohmann 4 - Mike CAKE 5 - Alby GOLD-en 6 - FRANK-incense Smart 7 - Alan Far-MYRRH Manager - Arthur Chest-NUT-ley
    2 points
  7. Is Craig Boyce more suited to Boxing Day?
    2 points
  8. Wright and roynon last time they rode competitively was for Plymouth,don't expect to much especially from Wright.
    2 points
  9. Adam Roynon a great talent , such a shame his career was blighted by injuries.
    2 points
  10. Spot on It is taken as needing four weeks of doing something different, regularly, to change a behaviour.. Hence Supermarkets for example will offer several weeks of vouchers when opening new shops because they know "one visit" wont get their potential customers to change their shopping habits from their previous store.. After a month of visits they start to gain that 'emotional loyalty' which gives the very top level businesses their key advantage over those who rely on simply 'functional loyalty'.. "£10 Speedway" should be used as a starting point for more targeted and direct marketing to those who attend, and not a "one size fits all, build it and they will come" 'plan' which it so often appears to be.. You mention the 18 quid admission, and any team charging that have pretty much zero chance of.. a) Getting another 80% of the usual crowd in to make up the financial shortfall of a £10 admission and.. b) Getting someone to pay 80% more the week after.. And re the £18 admission, at my local track I could watch the Colts with my 17 year old lad for a tenner in total, or pay £30 for him and me to watch the Aces.. As someone who has zero interest in who wins any domestic Speedway meeting in the UK, but loves watching the racing, guess which option I chose, (several times).. Co-ordinate a campaign over several weeks and a "loss leader" can be the starting point for success, but it wont do anything to improve things by itself..
    2 points
  11. Honestly Bored with Covid; Bored with Christmas and that hasn't happened yet and don't even mention Brexit and as for New Year!!! Bah Humbug... if we aren't locked down by December 31st I have a table booked for a few pints and a substantial meal on New Years Eve at a local Cumbrian hospitality venue and I have just been told its last orders at 10PM and all out by 11PM with no exceptions... well whoop-idy-doop and a Happy New Year? there's nowt happy about that but never mind; just got to plough on and make the best of it and if we are locked in for New Years Eve the local Pizza Shop better be well stocked up... So anyhow this has set me off thinking (always a bad idea I know but here goes) and with all this talk about Adam Roynon and what he will and wont do at Newcastle 2021 (and anywhere near his 2012 form would do nicely for me) but I definitely think it could be a good move for both rider and club... I remember a 2012 meeting when Royno would have went through the card if it wasn't for a slight Hiccup in his 3rd ride PL KO Cup - Semi - Finals - 1st Leg Newcastle Diamonds = 54 1. Stuart Robson - 1 , 2 , 3 , 1' = 7+1 2. Claes Nedermark - 3 , 1' , 3 , 1 = 8+1 3. Mark Lemon - 2 , 1' , 1' , 3 , 2 = 9+2 4. Christian Henry - 0 , 2 , 2 , 2' = 6+1 5. Ludvig Lindgren - 2 , 2' , 1 , 2 = 7+1 6. Paul Starke (Guest) - 2' , 3 , F/X , MPT = 5+1 7. Michael Palm Toft (Guest) - 3 , 1' , 2' , 2' , 3 , 1' = 12+4 Workington Comets = 36 1. Richard Lawson - 2 , 3 , 3 , 2' , 0 = 10+1 2. Tero Aarnio - 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 0 = 6 3. R/R for Rene Bach - RL = 3 , AR = R , TA = 2 , KH = 1 = 6 4. Adam McKinna (Guest) - 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 = 2 5. Adam Roynon - 3 , 3 , R , 3 , 3 , 3 = 15 6. Ashley Morris - 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 = 1 7. Kyle Howarth - F/X , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 = 2 Just for the record he didn't do to badly at Worky in the second leg either with Robbo the only rider to lower his colours in heat 13 PL KO Cup - Semi - Finals - 2nd Leg Workington Comets = 51 (87) 1. Richard Lawson - 3 2' 3 1' = 9+2 2. R/R for Kenny Ingalls - (AM 0) (KH 3) (TA ) (KH 1) 3. Rene Bach - 2 2 3 3 0 = 10 4. Tero Aarnio - 1' 0 1' 2 EX = 4+2 5. Adam Roynon - 3 3 3 2 3 = 14 6. Ashley Morris - 0 0 EX 0 = 0 7. Kyle Howarth - 2 2' 3 2 1 2' 2 = 14+2 Newcastle Diamonds = 39 (93) 1. Stuart Robson - 1' 3 2 3 2 =11+1 2. Claes Nedermark - 2 1 3 1' 1' = 8+2 3. Mark Lemon - 0 1' 2 1 = 4+1 4. Christian Henry - 3 2 0 1 = 6 5. Ludvig Lindgren - 1 1 1 0 = 3 6. Paul Starke (Guest) - 1 0 0 = 1 7. Michael Palm Toft (Guest) - 3 0 0 0 3 = 6 Oh and just for info this was the meeting where it was released on the Speedway Updates website by the Updater with the statement that "Just announced at track Worky to continue next year Keith Denham to retire and a new promoter taking over Laura Morgan" Who was to know where that would have ended up in 2018 with an alleged "Mickey Mouse Team" eh!!!. Anyway signing Royno could be one of the shrewdest moves ever made by Rob Grant and his team and be a tremendous success or backfire in spectacular fashion like the Andrew Tully signing when poor old Andy come a cropper in his last lap on his last practice ride on press and practice day and missed most of the 2013 season. Hopefully its the former and not the latter but there will be an awful lot of folk willing him on to do well that's for sure... Isn't Speedway great... Good luck Adam and the first pints are on you... Regards THJ
    2 points
  12. Bears Ben Fund Run WE DID IT! 12.52km done along with Jamie and Jade topping their totals up to over 260km each. A total of just over 781km Jamie and Jade made their last journey from the old Cleveland Park Stadium to our current home at the Media Prima Arena. We did our last 1km together around our track at the MPA (socially distanced of course!) Thank you to everybody who donated and gave us their support. It’s been a huge motivation for all of us. Thanks to you, we have raised £4387.50 so far for the Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund through donations and the sales of our face masks this year. £2600 - JustGiving £1475 - Bonus Ball £312.50 - Face Mask profits There’s still time to make a final donation via our JustGiving page here https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/bears-ben-fund?utm_term=zr55Bq6Kj Speedway GB Redcar Bears Speedway THANK YOU, STAY SAFE AND HAVE A MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR
    2 points
  13. Dave's got the t-shirt.
    2 points
  14. That's going to get plenty heeds scratching... Best stop chewing me nails
    1 point
  15. So you think that despite what I've said it's all just about a bit of messy rainwater. I am aware you are not a supporter these days or have a duty with a promotion, but you have proved you are still never wrong whilst never being right.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Yes, U2,,, av a feeling my money is safe like. Hopefully not tho.
    1 point
  21. Unless he's doubling up between Easter and Christmas?
    1 point
  22. Possibly, just possibly, Wright and Roynon could click and be a magnificent reserve pairing. Here’s hoping.
    1 point
  23. my team could or maybe switch to a friday or saturday team or even sunday now the stadium is not tied up with greyhound racing ?
    1 point
  24. Yes, sorry about that, my mistake. Should have read 'former' World Champion.
    1 point
  25. I would highlight the exceedingly-severe (season-ending) injuries incurred by (for example) Chris Holder at Coventry, Jason Doyle at the Torun GP in 2016 and Tom Brennan at Eastbourne. In each case a bike lifted the fence and the following rider slid through unimpeded to hit an immovable object. Had there been regular foam-fences at these tracks, these accidents might not have had such severe consequences.
    1 point
  26. Using these scenarios then, why would a trench not work in scenarios 1, 2 and 4? I appreciate it can’t be used at tracks where they have stox but that doesn’t stop it being a better solution for other tracks where it is possible. For anybody with a basic understanding of fabrication, groundwork’s and construction, it would be very easy to solve the ‘issue’ you mention of the edge collapsing. For what purpose you asked?? For increased safety. You can’t put a price on that.
    1 point
  27. Got it today......Thank You. Started reading it a BIG glaring error popped out at me.....Peter Craven (My boyhood hero) was NOT a reigning World Champion when he was killed, he died after the 1963 World Final where he finished sixth.
    1 point
  28. You mean speedway riders can't race in their kitchens?
    1 point
  29. Just one!!!! Okay al hold ya to that... All the best Ruff... Regards THJ
    1 point
  30. If we get some speedway in 21, al buy you a pint.
    1 point
  31. Sadly so true. In all honesty, the Russian final is far stronger than the World Championship rounds. I could count on one hand, the number of non-Russians who would be of sufficient standard to compete in the Russian final.
    1 point
  32. The interview with Ole Olsen was good last night, but unfortunately the link kept dropping out. I agree on Lee's questions, but he should be applauding on bringing all of the legends onto Youtube. These are people we have probably wondered about, but save the odd interview here or there, have long since disappeared from our lives. Lee said last night he was lining up a joint interview in the new year with Penhall & Gundersen. I can't wait for that one.
    1 point
  33. My father told me that the Broadbanks track was built on the Stock Car track that had been used in the mid 50's but by the time Speedway returned was disused. As a very young fan I stood on the bank and looked at the Broadbanks/old Stock Car track which as we had just started going to the cars as well as bikes I was not happy that there was a disused track . Many years later I would become a flag marshal at the Karts but stopped when the stewards refused to stop a race when a driver was lying in the middle of the track with a broken collarbone.
    1 point
  34. Riders will also have to live in the same tier as their clubs operate if travelling between tiers (or indeed from other countries) is still the requirement.
    1 point
  35. Only for one week or so. New or returning people then will object to the “increase” the following week as that’s likely one of the reasons they stopped or haven’t ever been before. It needs to be over a sustained period of time and actually just reduced full stop. Some tracks charging £18 is madness.
    1 point
  36. Archie Freeman makes it a Happy Christmas for Newcastle Diamonds Newcastle-born teenage speedway star in the making, Archie Freeman turned 16 at the back end of November, and had now made the day for his home club and supporters by putting pen to paper on a Newcastle Speedway full contract with club owner, Rob Grant. Club co-promoter, Dave Tattum said: "This is a key moment for the Diamonds, signing a superbly talented, locally-sourced prospect as Archie Freeman is a vital move for us and our aim to cultivate a vibrant squad of young up-and-coming British riders in our squad and as Archie is a Geordie it makes it all the sweeter. "He's won lower cc class British Youth Titles a couple of seasons ago, and he's been involved in that important series of events all through 2020, on his 500cc machine, when other events weren't allowed to take place, and he has made more excellent progress, maturing into a fine speedway rider with bags of potential and we cannot wait for the winter to pass to get him on track next season." Team manager Darren Hartley added: "It's brilliant for Newcastle to get this strong young local lad into our squad, and while initially he will be in our National League side, once he gets more and more racing under his belt, we'll be looking at introducing him into the Championship Diamonds' side to continue his impressive progress. "However, we'll be bringing Archie along to all our Championship level matches in 2021 anyway as part of the team and he will be looked after an integrated into the Diamonds pit activity to get him accustomed to the whole match atmosphere at its heart and that in itself will bring him on in leaps and bounds with experience of real matches in progress. "We have massive belief in Archie's ability, and his future progress, which we at his home track were always desperate to make sure took place with us, and Brough Park is a track he's learned a lot about since he started training there on small bikes, many, many years ago, and the crowd who watch the second half racing will know what we're on about having seen his young racing, and this signing will be good for him, and good for us." Archie Freeman himself also commented, saying: "I’m over the moon to be riding for Newcastle, this has been my ambition ever since I sat on a bike at Newcastle Speedway, and from then it’s been a lifelong ambition of mine, and for it to become reality right now is amazing. "Next year I aim to move up into the main body of the team and to consistently score, and hopefully to attract more sponsors. Overall, I really can’t wait till next year and hope to bring in some more faces to Newcastle. I’d just like to thank everyone who had helped me over the years to get me here. Especially Colin Poole, David Rowland, Mark Hubbard, Lawrence Heppell, Trevor and Lynn Strawbridge and obviously my Mam and Dad, not to forget about Rob Grant for giving me this brilliant opportunity." From Newcastle Speedway Facebook page. Great News. Sounds like the right way to develop. Got #8 just need to find #7... once the points limited is decided.....
    1 point
  37. For goodness sake give the lad a chance, He’s British as excellent machines ana he’s as keen as mustard and he WANTS to ride for the Diamonds, He doesn’t want to read some of the stuff on this Forum
    1 point
  38. If adam can stay free from injury he will be 1 of the best 6 or 7's in the championship !! Even in the past when he has struggled around Newcastle I think ( & hope ) when he rides it week in week out he will settle down as he has had some good laps around the place in the past... Definitely a shrewd move by the promotion if he does the job...
    1 point
  39. He lives about ten miles outside of leicester now. Anyway , he's always been a fans favourite wherever he rides.
    1 point
  40. Considering he comes in on a 4 ave it's a gamble worth taking ( well done to the promotion ) if he can keep fit he could end up with a 5 plus average
    1 point
  41. WOULD certainly support one ...
    1 point
  42. I will have what ever your having I was concerned with your name KeirStarmerFan (the man who at the Director Of Public Prosecutions said "Jimmy Saville had no case to answer")
    1 point
  43. I'm going for, bug still around, season delayed in 2021.
    1 point
  44. I’ve suggested a solution to that but been told it’s not feesible because people putting the fence up might get abit more muddy than normal
    0 points
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