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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2020 in all areas

  1. We used to often have a circus camped on part of the car park during the summer. This one evening, I guess because it was late and the speedway crowd had left they tethered this camel for the night in the car park, I was told afterwards they often tethered the 'tamer' (or ones without big teeth!) animals out for the night when the weather was nice. Doubt it would be allowed to happen now. Anyway my journey across the very dark car park, vaguely aiming for a gap in the scrub to cut the corner off the walk to the road took me directly into the path of a sleeping and subsequently very noisy and indignant camel. I sort of caught it with my foot somewhere around it's rear end and over I went. I don't know who was most surprised but it don't half sober you up quickly! I do remember patting it's head and apologising to it!
    3 points
  2. Depends on where the riders live (obviously!!), they may not live local to their home track!!
    2 points
  3. How many times is this ‘ one league ‘ going to be discussed ? It’s been the topic of threads umpteen times over the last three years and it isn’t going to happen without losing more clubs ( the poorer ones ) the ones who will never be able to financially compete with the likes of Poole, Belle Vue, Wolverhampton , Leicester, Glasgow, Sheffield etc and therefore will not join a ‘ league ‘ that they can’t be competitive in. It didn’t work in the mid 90’s , it won’t work now.
    1 point
  4. 19 teams 1 home 1 away meeting plus 1 cup competition a proper 4tt schedule. Minimum of 20 home meetings and 22 away what a ridiculous idea
    1 point
  5. Roadblocks..... Edinburgh, Glasgow, Redcar, Scunthorpe....one region? ....but all Friday night tracks!.....so that won’t work. Also when the league was two fixtures home and away ( 2017 ) a lot of clubs reported that the second time a team visited that their crowds were lower for that fixture, so the top table ( most of who complained ) voted that system out for 2018. how many tracks run mid week these days? As you say, lots of roadblocks!
    1 point
  6. I think that ship sailed for the “South” when we lost Newport, Exeter, Reading, Trelawny, Plymouth, Swindon and even Rye House to an extent from the division The old premier trophy meetings were always great season openers.
    1 point
  7. As i see it if club owners are benefitting then clubs are helped with the finances . also if you look at the fields for the amateur riders at Scunthorpe yes there is a large proportion of competitors who will never race at any other level but without them competing the meetings wouldnt be viable , so in effect reduces track time for those who have a chance of making the level required. also hope does lie within the youth system but if you look at all the amateur meeting lists lots of Neil Vatchers young lions are competing in them but without the hobby riders as well meetings wouldnt be viable
    1 point
  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all us Forum Fannies,(myself included)
    1 point
  9. You started it. And my dad’s bigger than your dad. Merry Christmas!
    1 point
  10. you'll mellow with age and stop being so needy ....happy christmas and stay safe.
    1 point
  11. What I said wasn’t the exact plan at all. I hope you get a dictionary for Christmas. Look up “exact” and “thriving” when you do.
    1 point
  12. Honestly Been there and done that... also six man teams... some promotions liked the idea and others hated it... slight majority against but those were the bigger boys who ultimately held sway... and more importantly didn't want change... I think it will be mid January before the mist clears and we see in what direction the sport goes as there are still many unknown factors at present IMHO to say for sure what will happen... If the past is anything to go by not much will change format wise and the sport will bumble along aimlessly as usual... Hope I am wrong but don't hold out much hope... Regards THJ
    1 point
  13. I think Speedway got to stop beating itself up on that score though as all Sports now same and many far worse. my footy team (Villa), my cricket team (Bears) my rugby team (Worcester) all in far bigger debt and reliant on TV deals and benefactors.
    1 point
  14. Without the support of fans and Supporter Club initiatives raising money there would not be many Clubs viable these days.Gate receipts and sponsors are not enough to support the outlay.
    1 point
  15. Thriving is a word that can describe speedway in the uk in two categories only one been the youth series and the other been amateur racing. Think league racing will continue to struggle until the clubs embrace them. Two many clubs are not interested in youth riders until there old enough to sign and not enough cater for your weekend racer. Build form the bottom to feed the top
    1 point
  16. To be fair to the Berwick promotion, they have always kept the fans informed (and I am in exactly the same position as you). But how the hell are promoters supposed to predict the future when situations change almost daily. They have every sympathy from me.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. wake up That was the exact plan for the Championship in 2020. 6 in North 6 in South / Home and Away v each team and then another home and away v teams in your half then play off of top 6
    0 points
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