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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2020 in all areas

  1. I am talking about the Royal Mail. Another national treasure that since privatisation now see profit over service. I write this once again as my Speedway Star has failed to arrive. They can blame the Christmas rush or COVID-19 but the bottom line is when you purchase the postage you enter into a contract with them to deliver your items within a certain time span. Something that it appears to be failing all too often.
    1 point
  2. But at least Castagna gets a GP in his beloved Italy...
    1 point
  3. Terenzano confirmed as the first GP.
    1 point
  4. Herne Close! Lyons Terrace! to name a few......
    1 point
  5. Diversity Grove, Equality Road, Destiny Road, Inspire Avenue, Respect Way and Humanity Close ??? Absolute sh#te!
    1 point
  6. This may have been the case some years ago, but a few seasons ago a system of pre-validation of line-ups was introduced which prevented any issues persisting until race day.
    1 point
  7. Absolutely spot on,a terrific racer most of the time,dependable,loyal second string and all round nice chap,yes he would have done a good job in the premier League,thanks very much for the memories Todd,sadly missed and all the best for the future.
    1 point
  8. 100% agree however, not going to ever happen I suspect.. It is beyond saving as a 'proper team sport' now I would say, given all the nonsense that goes on regulations wise.. When you have to have lots of supplementary rules for every rule that isnt clear, or open to interpretation, then you are probably on a loser before you even start, and when you then need an ultimate caveat of "ahhh, but you see, this is Speedway" to often ignore your very own rules, then you are definitely not going to succeed... The time for change was a long time ago, when people still attended in numbers but it didnt happen.. It's not like they didn't get enough feedback from either those in the stands, those who wrote letters to the various Speedway media outlets and, ultimately, the most telling piece of feedback of all, seeing their stadiums less full on an almost annual basis as people voted 'with their feet'... A truly possibly once in a lifetime opportunity to reset the sport with a clear five years or so plan was gifted to them via the pandemic with lots of 'downtime' to discuss the way forward at length, and in intricate detail, and they could have undertaken a huge amount of market research from fans (and ex fans), via all kinds of social media, (either in house or on public forums), to help build these plans.. Was this opportunity taken? Well what do we have after 9 months of no Speedway? We have individual tracks breaking out from the umbrella organisation and issuing their own adhoc press releases questioning what the (already agreed), points limit is to be next year.. And we are still waiting for riders to decide if they want to put Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France etc etc as their priority before riding over here.. Not great really is it?
    1 point
  9. No ,he will ride for the Scorpions again.
    1 point
  10. Good job we got Graham Warren Way in while we could then, innit?
    1 point
  11. Bring it on less foreign riders more opportunities for young British riders build again from the bottom. Weaken the teams in the short term to strengthen the product in the long term. After COVID and brexit it's a free hit so go for it
    1 point
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