Copied and Pasted off Facebook:
Newcastle Speedway Supporters Group
It's been a year to the day since Rob Grant, put pen to paper and signed on the dotted line and successfully took over the reigns at Newcastle Speedway.
Not many, if anybody, would have been able to predict the difficulties the year ahead would hold in store for Rob and his team.
Under his first year as Newcastle promoter Rob has had to deal with and rectify some pretty serious financial issues, that could have seen Newcastle Diamonds lost forever. He's also had to make sure we have a stadium to still call home next year, whilst also dealing with a global pandemic that hasn't just affected his new speedway business but also his very successful Butchers and catering business as well, and whilst all of this has been going on, Rob hasn't even managed to get a wheel turned under his new management, which very well may be the very harsh salt in to the even bigger wounds.
Now all of this may have been enough to make some people to walk away from the role, but not Rob. If anything, it has made him even more determined to make sure that when we do eventually get the green light on British Speedway again, that 2021 is going to be a season to remember!
He has assured the Supporters Group during a conversation today, that he is "raring more than ever to get going" and get the "new era at Newcastle Speedway firmly underway". That enthusiasm that he so keenly demonstrated at the beginning of his takeover is obviously still very much alive and he promises to "put all his blood, sweat and tears in to making sure Newcastle Diamonds Speedway once again shines brightly in the forefront of people's minds".
He would also like to sincerely thank everyone that has stood by him during these very testing times and he is extremely grateful for the support he has, and is continuing, to receive.
We here at the Supporters group are firmly behind Rob and we can't wait to get the 2021 season going under a new promotion who has nothing but Newcastle Speedway's best interests at the forefront of his mind.
There are some very truly exciting times ahead Diamonds Fans and we will see you all trackside very very soon!!