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Just tell all these riders that fancy Poland “off you go” and build our leagues without them ,we need to start at the bottom again anyway, it was all getting out of hand before the Pandemic.7 points
The M5 on a Friday night from Whitsun to August Bank Holiday.??. That'll go down like a lead balloon with some home Supporters I'd imagine and certainly from Away Fans like me who found Wednesday the quietest weeknight on M5. I wonder what Rob "there's too many Friday Clubs" Godfrey will have to say too? 4 Friday Clubs already - shades of 2018 when Lakeside were bankrupted by the Friday night issue.4 points
So sports that take place in winter get money? (We will gloss over Rugby League and Lawn Tennis, and the fact that some of the sports are indoor so could take place at anytime, and horse racing is all year round).. And the sports that got the money can now bring fans in over the winter and make, err money? Whilst the 'summer sports' who couldnt bring fans in, didn't get any money (apart from Rugby and Horse racing and Lawn Tennis obviously).. OK Bojo, makes sense.. Like so much you do...3 points
Would think in these circumstances, the speedway operators would run a shuttle service. It's heartening to read that there seems to be a genuine possibility of Oxford being revived, but it's a pity that so many people seem to want to be negative in their comments. I wish the people behind the plans every success and look forward to one day being able to visit Oxford again - my last and only visit being on Good Friday of 1958 - the night that Jack Young made his comeback with Coventry!3 points
In fairness those 16 riders are a loss to the sport just think how much knowledge and experience they have and could pass on to junior riders, Wayne Carter was brilliant with the young scorpions team 2005/2008 . Similar could happen with this list. would be great having someone like David Howe in my lads corner3 points
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2 points
It didn't help Workington either and the Friday was only their alternative night to run... Regards THJ2 points
Silver played his part by selling to a bloke who had no idea about the sport and had no attachment to the sport or club. A decision which has ultimately seen the demise of the club. Warren Scott had no real interest and then left the running of the club to Steve Jenson who again had no idea about the sport and came across as completely out of his depth. Had all the personality of a wet lettuce and employed people like Peter Schroeck who was out of his depth. Also seems he overpaid with wages to Harris, Nicholls, KK etc causing issues in the second season in the top flight. The whole situation is an absolute disgrace and sums up the sport and the prats running it. A track with unlimited restrictions, history in the sport and a profitable business for nearly 20 years. Then half a season of financial issues (due to being forced to run on a weekday by the BSPA) and the track is lost and ripped out within a couple of years. Chapman and Godfrey were an abomination in charge of the sport and played a huge part in the demise as well. Two more incompetent fools would be hard to find. Bringing fixed race nights nearly ruined many clubs and cost Rye. Rye has never been a midweek club and it was never going to work. After very good crowds in 2017(racing on Fridays/Saturdays) and only just missing out on the playoffs, you can't blame BMR for giving it ago in the top league again but the rule bought in killed the club. For the BSPA to then just chuck the club out midseason and wash their hands of the club was a disgrace. I wouldn't have thought Silver very rarely ever lost money at Rye and Jenson confirmed the finances were in good shape after the first season in the top flight. Three months of problems and the decisions of the BSPA meant the bulldozers have moved in eventually. With idiots like Godfrey still in charge of the sport, there is no hope. This is the bloke who stopped clubs running on their usual nights in case he needed guests for his club... How did the bloke in there now, Ricky Musk get hold of the venue off BMR? Why were the BSPA not in touch with BMR as soon as they knew they had problems and taking on the stadium or getting another promoter in there? They sat on their backsides and let someone like Keven Jolly try and get a deal to race at a venue where speedway was the number one priority at the venue for many years The situation at Rye should make every fan who has an interest in the sport very, very angry. A club with a long history and who had very healthy crowds in 2017 are now lost forever. A sad indictment on the sport.2 points
Somerset was always Friday night racing until the last few years if you recall- I for one will be delighted if they revert back to Fridays it’s a great start to the weekend.1 point
Well I went to 4 youth meetings this year and the behaviour of fans was good. The crowds were big enough that poor social distancing could easily have been a problem but it wasn't. In fact the conduct of fans was significantly better than many people I've encountered in the local supermarket.1 point
dont get too depressed jenga,the vaccines will work and a 3month total lockdown wouldnt get thro parliament1 point
Yes it would be too far for a disabled person to walk with ease. If my memory isnt playing tricks i'm sure theyve used a shuttlebus for previous big meetings at the stadium. They always use shuttlebuses for the OUFC games. Maybe with options of online booking for meetings, a parking space can be reserved at the same time with priority given to those who need it most.1 point
I'm suprised at that. I was just thankful that grassroots football was starting up again.1 point
i've been an advocate of one league. But, ironically, don't you need more riders to fill all the teams in one league as opposed to riders doubling up in two?1 point
Thanks Steve. That would rule any chance of us visiting if hopefully speedway does reopen there.1 point
I can recall the time that the Stoke stadium had a visit from the local vandals & it was alleged that they caused £35000 worth of improvements to the place .1 point
Hopefully for those driving there will still be the option of parking at Unipart. Oxford United use it as an overflow facility for sellout matches1 point
Oooooh, I think we're all quite relieved -- on so many levels -- that you aren't the Somerset boss............1 point
Not had mine. We've had no post for 3 days now Luckily with no speedway actually taking place the Star isn't time specific so it doesn't really matter. It'll still be a good read when it does turn up1 point
An obvious opportunity that should have been taken the year it became clear Poland was THE priority for the very best riders.. Instead we have had well over a decade, of moving around fixtures and guestfests to accommodate and replace, by far, the most expensive riders, who, if they knocked on the doors of the houses on the streets adjacent to the tracks, no one would recognise.. Covid 19 has given those who run it an ideal opportunity for a 100% needed complete reset.... Fans desperate for any Speedway will turn up next year in strong numbers I would say, regardless of team strengths.. Will this opportunity be taken? We already know the answer don't we?...1 point
Is this the same Mr Ochiltree whose sold Leicester Speedway Stadium and the promoter Martin Rogers only found out about by reading the local paper1 point
if all these riders want to drop the British League, then let them without argument, if the (almost) impossible actually happens and the promoters stick together, it could be the ideal time to have speedway's very own great reset. i used to love the National League (80s version) and a league like that now without the Poland bound riders in my opinion would create a great starting point to move forward and let the BL create it's own stars.1 point
1 point
if only they had kept the ELITE league name and not stole the premier name from the grass roots of speedway . robbers never prosper1 point
Biggest mistake at Leicester (apart from the rubbish track) was the orientation of the track, with the sun setting on the third bend (it should set behind the main grandstand)1 point
Blame the poles? More like blame the UK authorities who have mismanaged the sport over the past 30 years the result being the frail sport you see in the UK today.1 point
DO you seriously think that someone who commentates for Sky, BT Sport and TalkSport has no qualifications. You have posted numerous times on here that you are not a fan. Fair enough, that's your views but continually doing so will not sway the opinion of those who recognise Nigel as a first class commentator for darts, speedway and football.1 point
To add even more weight to my previous remark about Luke Becker and Poland, it now looks like Somerset want to return to their Friday night race night as oppose to Wednesdays - that doesn’t surprise me either.0 points